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Antecedents of franchise strategy and performance. (2015). Wu, Chih-Wen .
In: Journal of Business Research.

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  1. Impact of socioeconomic values collaboration on performance in franchising. (2023). Saini, Amit ; Matthes, Joseph M ; Dubey, Vivek K.
    In: Journal of Business Research.

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  2. Driving Sustainable Innovation in New Ventures: A Study Based on the fsQCA Approach. (2022). Zhang, Hao ; Liu, YU.
    In: Sustainability.

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  3. Effects of Marketing Decisions on Brand Equity and Franchise Performance. (2021). Kim, Ji-Hern ; Lee, Eunkyung ; Rhee, Chang Seop.
    In: Sustainability.

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  4. Conflict management capabilities in franchising. (2021). Basset, Guy ; Lpez-Fernndez, Begoa ; Perrigot, Rozenn.
    In: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

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  5. Family versus Non?Family Firm Franchisors: Behavioural and Performance Differences. (2021). Ireland, Duane R ; Chirico, Francesco ; Sieger, Philipp.
    In: Journal of Management Studies.

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  6. Knowledge Heterogenization of the Franchising Literature Applying Transaction Cost Economics. (2020). Lin, Julia L ; Kuo, Chin-Chiung ; Tsai, Fu-Sheng.
    In: Economies.

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  7. “Conflict-performance assumption†or “performance-conflict assumption†: Insights from franchising. (2020). Basset, Guy ; Lpez-Fernndez, Begoa ; Perrigot, Rozenn.
    In: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

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  8. Franchise management capabilities and franchisor performance under alternative franchise ownership strategies. (2020). Gillis, William E ; Yin, Xiaoli ; Combs, James G.
    In: Journal of Business Venturing.

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  9. Multi-unit franchising from franchisor and franchisee perspectives: Antecedents, performance outcomes, and the optimal mini-chain size. (2020). Caemmerer, Barbara ; Boulay, Jacques ; Duniach, Krista ; Evanschitzky, Heiner.
    In: Journal of Business Research.

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  10. An Examination of the Persistent Effects of Franchising Strategy on Large Chains. (2019). Garg, Vinay Kumar.
    In: Business and Economic Research.

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  11. Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) in entrepreneurship and innovation research – the rise of a method. (2018). Schussler, Miriam ; Ribeiro-Soriano, Domingo ; Kraus, Sascha.
    In: International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal.

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  12. International franchising: A literature review and research agenda. (2018). Rosado-Serrano, Alexander ; Dikova, Desislava ; Paul, Justin.
    In: Journal of Business Research.

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  13. A Review of Franchising Research in Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI) Database. (2017). Kuo, Chin-Chiung ; Liu, Chi-Fang.
    In: Journal of Economics Library.

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  14. Insights into Vodka consumer attitude and purchasing behaviors. (2016). Prentice, Catherine ; Handsjuk, Nikolai.
    In: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

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  7. Conceptual system dynamics and agent-based modelling simulation of interorganisational fairness in food value chains: Research agenda and case studies. (2022). Thakur, Maitri ; Huber, Elise ; Jaghdani, Tinoush Jamali ; Kazakov, Rossen ; Uri, Ivan ; Olafsdottir, Gudrun ; Barling, David ; McGarraghy, Sean ; Aubert, Pierre-Marie ; Samoggia, Antonella ; Esposito, Gianandrea ; Echura, Luka ; Aechura, Luk ; Bogason, Sigurdur G ; Gudbrandsdottir, Ingunn Y ; Saviolidis, Nina M ; Loveluck, William.
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  8. Fairness-Enabling Practices in Agro-Food Chain. (2022). Beyhan, Zeynep ; Samoggia, Antonella.
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  9. Conceptual System Dynamics and Agent-Based Modelling Simulation of Interorganisational Fairness in Food Value Chains: Research Agenda and Case Studies. (2022). Jaghdani, Tinoush J ; Kazakov, Rossen ; Uri, Ivan ; Olafsdottir, Gudrun ; Barling, David ; McGarraghy, Sean ; Aubert, Pierre-Marie ; Samoggia, Antonella ; Esposito, Gianandrea ; Echura, Luka ; Aechura, Luk ; Bogason, Sigurdur G ; Gudbrandsdottir, Ingunn Y ; Saviolidis, Nina M ; Loveluck, William ; Thakur, Maitri ; Huber, Elise.
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  10. Emotions, culture intelligence, and mutual trust in technology business relationships. (2022). Musarra, Giuseppe ; Kadile, Vita ; Zaefarian, Ghasem ; Oghazi, Pejvak ; Najafi-Tavani, Zhaleh.
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  12. Managing a Mission-driven Franchise Organization: An Empirical Investigation of Organizational Practice and Individual Outcomes. (2021). Tsai, David ; Deshpande, Anant.
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  13. Operationalization of Interorganizational Fairness in Food Systems: From a Social Construct to Quantitative Indicators. (2021). Oddsson, Gudmundur Valur ; Olafsdottir, Gudrun ; Gudbrandsdottir, Ingunn Y ; Bogason, Sigurdur G ; Stefansson, Hlynur.
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  14. Determinants of customer brand loyalty in the retail industry: A comparison between national and private brands in South Korea. (2021). del Pobil, Angel P ; Park, Eunil ; Lee, Minyoung ; Hwang, Syjung.
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  15. Service Failure and Recovery in B2B Markets – A Morphological Analysis. (2021). Chawla, Vaibhav ; Baliga, Ashwin J ; Sivakumaran, Bharadhwaj ; Ganesh, L S ; Sunder, Vijaya.
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  16. Curbing opportunism in marketing channels: The roles of influence strategy and perceived fairness. (2021). Wei, Liyuan ; Jia, Fang ; Yang, Zhilin ; Hu, Zuohao ; Jiang, Ling.
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  17. Understanding the impact of national culture on firms’ benefit-seeking behaviors in international B2B relationships: A conceptual model and research propositions. (2021). Hao, Andy ; Xu, Shichun.
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  19. Multilevel trust in international marketing of healthcare services: A five-country comparative study. (2021). Hyder, Akmal S ; Fregidou-Malama, Maria .
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  20. Balancing the Scales of Justice: Do Perceptions of Buyers’ Justice Drive Suppliers’ Social Performance?. (2020). Rahman, Mushfiqur ; Gallear, David ; Alghababsheh, Mohammad.
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  21. Business Model, Open Innovation, and Sustainability in Car Sharing Industry—Comparing Three Economies. (2020). Wu, Jinxi ; Zhao, Xiaofei ; Yun, Jinhyo Joseph ; Jung, Wooyoung ; Park, Kyungbae ; Yi, John C.
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  23. Dimensions of behavior and proactive improvement in hotel outsourcing relationships: the role of justice. (2019). Ramirez-Fierro, Juan Carlos ; Espino-Rodriguez, Tomas F.
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  24. Theories of economic and social exchange in entrepreneurial partnerships: an agenda for future research. (2018). Madanoglu, Melih.
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  25. Procedural Justice in Value Chains Through Public–private Partnerships. (2018). Thorpe, Jodie .
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  26. International franchising: A literature review and research agenda. (2018). Rosado-Serrano, Alexander ; Dikova, Desislava ; Paul, Justin.
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  27. The Role and Impact of Fairness on Cooperation in Hungarian Metal and Machinery Supply Chains. (2017). Piricz, Noemi.
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  28. Salespeople, Fairness, and Buyer Satisfaction: What about Emotions?. (2017). Vidal, David ; Siadou-Martin, Beatrice ; Tanner, John ; Poujol, Fanny-Juliet.
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  29. Understanding and resolving major contractual breaches in buyer–seller relationships: a grounded theory approach. (2016). Sohi, Ravipreet S ; Johnson, Jeff S.
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  30. The impact of justice on collaborative and opportunistic behaviors in supply chain relationships. (2016). Huo, Baofeng ; Tian, YU ; Wang, Zhiqiang.
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  31. Conceptualizing fairness in franchisor–franchisee relationship: Dimensions, definitions and preliminary construction of scale. (2016). Shaikh, Ateeque.
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  32. Brand resonance in franchising relationships: A franchisee-based perspective. (2016). Badrinarayanan, Vishag ; Kim, Kyung-Min ; Suh, Taewon .
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  34. Antecedents of franchise strategy and performance. (2015). Wu, Chih-Wen .
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  35. Opportunism in buyer–seller relationships: Some unexplored antecedents. (2015). Kang, Bohyeon ; Jindal, Rupinder P..
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  36. Impact of culture on marketing of health services – Elekta in Brazil. (2015). Hyder, Akmal S. ; Fregidou-Malama, Maria .
    In: International Business Review.

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  37. Why the proposal of a complex contract may harm or foster a partners trust. (2014). Praxmarer-Carus, Sandra .
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  38. The impact of salespeoples relational behaviors and organizational fairness on customer loyalty: An empirical study in B-to-B relationships. (2013). Siadou-Martin, Beatrice ; Poujol, Juliet ; Pellat, Ghislaine ; Vidal, David.
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  40. The impact of salespeoples relational behaviors and organizational fairness on customer loyalty: An empirical study in B-to-B relationships. (2013). Poujol, Juliet F ; Pellat, Ghislaine ; Vidal, David ; Siadou-Martin, Batrice .
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