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The effect of cost information on buyer-supplier negotiations in different power settings. (2009). Roodhooft, Filip ; Van den Abbeele, Alexandra ; Warlop, Luk.
In: Accounting, Organizations and Society.

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  1. Family member commitment, the opportunity costs of staying, and turnover intentions. (2020). Khanin, Dmitry ; McDowell, William C ; Vora, Gautam ; Mahto, Raj V.
    In: Journal of Business Research.

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  2. Supplier’s total cost of ownership evaluation: a data envelopment analysis approach. (2016). Visani, Franco ; Vigo, Daniele ; Raffoni, Anna ; Marta, F ; Barbieri, Paolo.
    In: Omega.

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  3. A study of alliance dynamics, accounting and trust-as-practice. (2016). Chua, Wai Fong ; Mahama, Habib.
    In: Accounting, Organizations and Society.

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  4. The role of innovation in the evolution of management accounting and its integration into management control. (2015). Chenhall, Robert H ; Moers, Frank .
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  5. Career growth opportunities and employee turnover intentions in public accounting firms. (2013). Parker, Robert J ; Nouri, Hossein.
    In: The British Accounting Review.

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