- 3.2 Coir yarn 6 13 17 48 221 726 1977 2100 Applied Econometrics and International Development Vol. 20-2 (2020) 180 3.3 Jute incl twist and yarn 135 190 330 298 932 2092 2080 2159 2274 3.4 Leather goods 28 80 390 2600 8914 17818 34651 34084 35934 3.5 Handicrafts 11 73 952 6167 5097 5877 22909 20969 23227 3.5. 1
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- Applied Econometrics and International Development Vol. 20-2 (2020) 185 Table 10. India’s Export profile: State-wise share 2016-17 To 2018-19 (US $ million) S No States/UT 201617 % Share 201718 ( % Share 201819 % share % Change % Change 1 Maharashtra 67434 24.45 69731.48 22.99 72814.49 22.10 3.41 4.42 2 Gujarat 54214 19.65 66818.03 22.02 67401.18 20.45 23.25 0.87 3 Tamil Nadu 26453 9.59 29754.22 9.81 30524.25 9.26 12.48 2.59 4 Unspecified 11595 4.20 8685.29 2.86 20891.68 6.34-25.10 140.54 5 Karnataka 19685 7.14 18052.34 5.95 17351.26 5.27-8.29-3.88 6 Uttar Pradesh 12529 4.54 13803.90 4.55 16291.23 4.94 10.18 18.02 7 Haryana 11940 4.33 13019.53 4.29 14082.96 4.27 24.02 6.18 8
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- Applied Econometrics and International Development Vol. 20-2 (2020) 187 2.Hypothesis Testing-2 (1) Null and Alternative Hypothesis The below 14, 15 &16 table shows that tested results of Hypothesis.
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- Applied Econometrics and International Development Vol. 20-2 (2020) 188 3.Hypothesis Testing-3 (1) Null and Alternative Hypothesis The below 17, 18 &19 table shows that tested results of Hypothesis.
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- Applied Econometrics and International Development Vol. 20-2 (2020) 190 5. Hypothesis Testing-5 (1) Null and Alternative Hypothesis The below 23, 24 & 25table shows that tested results of Hypothesis.
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- Applied Econometrics and International Development Vol. 20-2 (2020) 191 6. Hypothesis Testing-6 (1) Null and Alternative Hypothesis The below 26, 27& 28table shows that tested results of Hypothesis.
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- Cotton, yarn &fabrics 136 188 516 1170 3509 2910 8550 8908 984 3.1. 2
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- During the year 2018-19 first rank secured by the Maharashtra 72814.49 (US $ million) (22.10%), followed by Gujarat67401.18 (US $ million) (20.45%) and third position secured by Tamil Nadu30524.25 (US $ million) (9.26%) and remaining place secured by rest of the states of India.
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- Dyeing & colouring materials 2 12 26 94 191 1178 2283 2888 3222 2.6. 4
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- Fruits, vegetables and pluses 6 12 80 216 1609 6350 12043 11681 12999 1.1 3
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- H0: μ1 = μ2: There is no association with imports and trade balance (US$ Million) in India during years 1949-50 to 2018-19.
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- H0: μ1 = μ2: There is no association with the exports and imports (US$ Million) in India during years 1949-50 to 2018-19.
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- H0: μ1 = μ2: There is no associationwith India’s top 10 exports (US$ Million) and India’s top 10 imports (US$ Million) by countries 2017-18.
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- H0: μ1 = μ2: There is no associationwith India’s top 10 exports (US$ Million) and India’s top 10 imports (US$ Million) by countries 2018-19.
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- H0: μ1 = μ2: There is no associationwithIndia’s top 10 exports (US$ Million) and India’s top 10 imports (US$ Million) by countries 2016-17.
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- H0: μ1 = μ2: There is no associationwithrate of change exports (%) and rate of change imports (%) in India during years 1949-50 to 2018-19.
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- H0: μ1 = μ2:There is no association with exports and trade balance (US$ Million) in India during years 1949-50 to 2018-19.
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- H0: μ1 = μ2= μ3: There is no associationwithexports, imports and trade balance (US$ Million) in India during years 1949-50 to 2018-19.
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- H1: μ1 ≠μ2: There is associationwith India’s top 10 exports (US$ Million) and India’s top 10 imports (US$ Million) by countries 2016-17.
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- H1: μ1 ≠μ2: There is associationwith India’s top 10 exports (US$ Million) and India’s top 10 imports (US$ Million) by countries 2017-18.
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- H1: μ1 ≠μ2: There is associationwith India’s top 10 exports (US$ Million) and India’s top 10 imports (US$ Million) by countries 2018-19.
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- H1: μ1 ≠μ2: There is associationwithrate of change exports (%) and rate of change imports (%) in India during years 1949-50 to 2018-19. (2) Test statistic: The t- test results shows at : t=-0.519 (3) Significance level: 5% (4) Result: This is showed that the t = 0.519 > tc = 2.228. The P-value is 0.556 (P = 0.556 < 0.05). It is found that the null hypothesis is accepted. It is sufficient evidence to declare that the μ1 is non-different than μ2, for 0.05 level of significance. Journal published by the EAAEDS: https://www.usc.gal/economet/eaat.htm
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- H1: μ1 ≠μ2≠μ3: There is associationwithexports, imports and trade balance (US$ Million) in India during years 1949-50 to 2018-19.
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- In the year 2017-18 first rank secured by the Maharashtra 69731.48 (US $ million) (22.99%), followed by Gujarat66818.03 (US $ million) (22.02%) and third position secured by Tamil Nadu29754.22 (US $ million) (9.81%).
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- Minerals fuels and lubricants 15 17 35 528 1931 42280 324415 38438 47874 Total Exports 1346 2031 8486 1814 3 4407 6 25113 6 275851 2 30352 6 33007 0
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- Miscellaneo us processed foods 1 4 36 213 1094 3669 5687 5992 6537 2
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- Ores and minerals (Excl. coal) 109 217 523 834 906 8581 4924 5644 Applied Econometrics and International Development Vol. 20-2 (2020) 181 2.1 Mica 21 22 19 14 42 56 81 71 2.2 Iron ore (million tone) 36 155 384 585 358 4715 1534 1471 1318 3
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- Plastic materials 9 8 121 1095 2551 31304 80227 93384 109629 2.7 Pulp & waste paper 7 12 18 458 1290 5208 6537 7442 9186 2.8 Paper& paper board 12 25 187 456 2005 9614 17456 21285 24886 2.9 Non-metallic minerals 6 33 555 - 797 - - - -Applied Econometrics and International Development Vol. 20-2 (2020) 183 Table 7 Principal Imports (Rs. in Crore) 1960 -61 1970 -71 1980 -81 1990 -91 2000 -01 201011 201617 201718 201819 1
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- Raw jute 17 0 1 11 18 67 105 45 34 2.4 Petroleum, oil& lubricants 145 180 6656 6028 1565 0 10596 4 86964 10865 9 14091 8 2.5 Animal vegetable oils & fats 10 51 896 - - - - - -2.5. 1
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- Raw materials & intermediate 1105 1176 1234 1 - - - - - -2.1 cashew nuts(unprocesse d) - 39 11 75 211 578 1347 1419 1608 2.2 Cure rubber 23 5 40 126 152 1771 1496 1867 2002 2.3 Fribres 212 168 208 - - - - - -2.3. 1 Synthetic & regenerated fibres - 12 122 31 60 210 366 369 467 2.3. 2 Raw wool 2 20 55 102 100 315 282 292 310 2.3. 3 Raw cotton 172 131 - 0 259 137 947 979 633 2.3. 4
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- Raw materials & intermediate 527 889 9760 - - - - - -2.1 cashew nuts(unprocess ed) - 29 9 134 962 2650 9027 9134 11162 2.2 Cure rubber 11 4 32 226 695 8074 10030 12034 14207 2.3 Fribres 101 127 164 - - - - - -2.3. 1
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- Readymade garments 2 39 696 2236 5577 11614 17368 16707 16138 3.2 Coir yarn 13 17 22 27 48 159 295 326 327 3.3 Jute incl twist and yarn 283 252 417 166 204 459 310 335 325 3.4 Leather goods 59 106 493 1449 1951 3909 5166 5289 5141 3.5 Handicrafts 23 96 1204 3437 1116 1293 3417 3253 3320 3.5. 1
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- Source: (DGCI&S), Kolkata www.indiabudegt.gov.in/economicsurvey/, Economic Survey 2018-19, Statistical Appendix *Provisional 2.8 India’s Export profile: State-wise share 2016-17 to 2018-19 Table 12 shows that the India’s export profile of state-wise share 2016-17 first rank secured by the Maharashtra 67433.77(US $ million) (24.45%), followed by Gujarat54213.62(US $ million) (19.65%) and third position secured by Tamil Nadu26452.98(US $ million) (9.59%).
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- Source:DGCI&S, Kolkata, www.indiabudegt.gov.in/economicsurvey/, Economic Survey 201819, Statistical Appendix *Provisional. Note: 1.13: Miscellaneous processed foods Applied Econometrics and International Development Vol. 20-2 (2020) 182 Table 6. Principal Imports (Rs. in Crore) 1960 -61 1970 -71 1980 -81 1990 -91 200001 201011 201617 201718 201819 1
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- Table 20Results of Paired t test (Pair –IV) N Mean SD Standard Err Mean VAR4 11 25077.4955 38534.46786 11618.57922 VAR7 11 34941.5482 53202.93530 16041.28856 Source: SPSS Output VAR4 - India’s top 10 exports (US$ Million) 2016-17 and VAR7- India’s top 10 imports (US$ Million) 2016-17 (2) Significance level: 5% Table 21 Paired t test correlations Pair IV N Correlation Sig.
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- Table 23 Results of Paired t test (Pair –V) N Mean SD Standard Err Mean VAR5 11 27593.2855 42256.50230 12740.81483 VAR9 11 42325.5455 65322.83756 19695.57658 Source: SPSS Output VAR5- India’s top 10 exports (US$ Million) 2017-18 and VAR9India ’s top 10 imports (US$ Million) 2017-18 (2) Significance level: 5% Table 24 Paired t test correlations Pair-V N Correlation Sig.
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- Table 26 Results of Paired t test (Pair –VI) N Mean SD Standard Err Mean VAR6 11 165553.1255 447669.87357 134977.54551 VAR10 11 46665.6764 66675.91344 20103.54431 Source: SPSS Output VAR6- India’s top 10 exports (US$ Million) 2018-19 and VAR10- India’s top 10 imports (US$ Million) 2018-19 (2) Significance level: 5% Table 27 Paired t test correlations (Pair – VI) N Correlation Sig.
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Tariff Liberalization and Trade Specialization in India,ADB Economics Working Paper Series No. 177,1-20 Michele Ruta and Anthony J. Venables(2012).International Trade in Natural Resources: practice and policy,Staff Working Paper ERSD-2012-07,World Trade Organization,Economic Research and Statistics Division,1-33 Murat Åžeker(2011). Trade Policies, Investment Climate and Exports,Enterprise Analysis Unit,World Bank,1-23.
- Total Exports 642 153 5 671 1 3255 3 20135 6 11369 64 18494 34 19565 15 23076 63 Source: (DGCI&S), Kolkata www.indiabudegt.gov.in/economicsurvey/, Economic Survey 2018-19, Statistical Appendix *Provisional Table 5. Principal Exports (Value in US$ Million) 1960 -61 1970 -71 1980 -81 1990 -91 2000 -01 201011 201617 201718 201819 * 1
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Updated upto 30-06-2015 Government of India Ministry of Commerce and Industry Department of Commerce,1-160 Guisan, M.C. (2004). Human Capital, Trade and Development in India, China, Japan and other Asian Countries, 1960-2002: Econometric Models and Causality Tests, Applied Econometrics and International Development Vol.4-3, pp.123-139. Abstract Guisan, M.C., Aguayo, E., Exposito, P: (2014). Econometric Model of Manufacturing, Investment and Development In 30 Countries of Asia-Pacific, Applied Econometrics and International Development, Vol. 14-1, pp.215-224, Abstract Guterres, Antonio (2018).World Economic Situation and Prospects 2018, ISBN: 978-92-1109177 -9, E-ISBN: 978-92-1-362882-9, United Nations publication1-187.
- VAR4&VAR7 11 0.990 0.000 Source: SPSS Output VAR4 - India’s top 10 exports (US$ Million) 2016-17 and VAR7- India’s top 10 imports (US$ Million) 2016-17 (3) Test statistic: The t- test statistic results shows at : t=-2.042 Table 22 Paired Samples t Test Result Pair IV mean SD Std error mean level of significance df t Sigf. lower upper VAR4VAR7 -9864.05 16019.99 4830.21 -20626.42 898.32 10-2.042 0.068 Source: SPSS Output, VAR4 - India’s top 10 exports (US$ Million) 2016-17 and VAR7- India’s top 10 imports (US$ Million) 2016-17 (4) Result: This is showed that the t = - 2.042> tc = 2.228. The P-value is 0.068 (P=0.068< 0.05). It is found that the null hypothesis is accepted. It is sufficient evidence to declare that the μ1 is non-different than μ2, for 0.05 level of significance.
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- VAR5&VAR9 11 0.996 0.000 Source: SPSS Output VAR5- India’s top 10 exports (US$ Million) 2017-18 and VAR9- India’s top 10 imports (US$ Million) 2017-18 (3) Test statistic: The t- test statistic results shows at : t=-2.072 Table 25 Paired Samples t Test Result Pair V mean SD Std error mean level of significance df t Sigf. lower upper VAR5VAR9 -14732.26 23579.20 7109.40 -30572.98 1108.46 10-2.072 0.065 Source: SPSS Output, VAR5- India’s top 10 exports (US$ Million) 2017-18 and VAR9- India’s top 10 imports (US$ Million) 2017-18 (4) Result: This is showed that the t = - 2.072> tc = 2.228. The P-value is 0.065 (P=0.065< 0.05). It is found that the null hypothesis is accepted. It is sufficient evidence to declare that the μ1 is non-different than μ2, for 0.05 level of significance.
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- VAR6&VAR10 11 0.029 0.933 Source: SPSS Output VAR6- India’s top 10 exports (US$ Million) 2018-19 and VAR10India ’s top 10 imports (US$ Million) 2018-19 (3) Test statistic: The t- test statistic results shows at : t=0.875 Table 28 Paired Samples t Test Result (Pair VI) mean SD Std error mean level of significance df t Sigf. lower upper VAR6VAR10 118887.45 450690.93 135888.43 -183890.84 421665.74 10 0.875 0.402 Source: SPSS Output, VAR6- India’s top 10 exports (US$ Million) 2018-19 and VAR10- India’s top 10 imports (US$ Million) 2018-19 (4) Result: This is showed that the t = 0.875> tc = 2.228. The P-value is 0.402 (P=0.402< 0.05). It is found that the null hypothesis is accepted. It is sufficient evidence to declare that the μ1 is non-different than μ2, for 0.05 level of significance. 7. Hypothesis Testing-7 (1) Null and Alternative Hypothesis The below 29, 30& 31table shows that tested results of Hypothesis.
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