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Development at the border: a study of national integration in post-colonial West Africa. (2010). Spielvogel, Gilles ; Mesplé-Somps, Sandrine ; Cogneau, Denis ; Mesple-Somps, Sandrine.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. The Evolution of Property Rights: State Law or Informal Norms?. (2013). Bubb, Ryan .
    In: Journal of Law and Economics.

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  2. African polygamy: Past and present. (2012). Fenske, James.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  3. African Polygamy: Past and Present. (2012). Fenske, James.
    In: Economics Series Working Papers.

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  4. African polygamy: Past and present. (2012). Fenske, James.
    In: CSAE Working Paper Series.

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  5. Borders that Divide: Education and Religion in Ghana and Togo since Colonial Times. (2011). Moradi, Alexander ; Cogneau, Denis.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  6. Borders that Divide: Education and Religion in Ghana and Togo since Colonial Times. (2011). Moradi, Alexander ; Cogneau, Denis.
    In: Economics Papers from University Paris Dauphine.

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  7. Borders that Divide: Education and Religion in Ghana and Togo since Colonial Times. (2011). Moradi, Alexander ; Cogneau, Denis.
    In: CSAE Working Paper Series.

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References cited by this document

  1. [1] Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson and James A. Robinson. 2002. Reversal of Fortune: Geography and Institutions in the Making of the Modern World Income Distribution, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117(4):1231-1294.

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  3. [11] Herbst, Jeffrey I. 2000. States and Power in Africa: Comparative Lessons in Authority and Control, Princeton University Press.
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  4. [12] Huillery, Elise. 2009. History Matters: The Long Term Impact of Colonial Public Investments in French West Africa, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 1(2): 176-215.

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  9. [17] Pakenham, Thomas. 1991. The Scramble for Africa, 1876-1912, London: Jonathan Ball Publishers.
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  10. [18] Pande, Rohini, and Christopher Udry. 2005. Institutions and Development: A View from Below, in Blundell R., W. Newey and T. Persson, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge University Press.

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  17. [24] World Bank. 2008. African Development Indicators, Washington DC: World Bank publications.

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  20. [5] Brunschwig, Henri. 1972. Le partage de l'Afrique noire, Paris: Flammarion.
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  21. [6] Easterly, William, and Ross Levine. 1997. Africa's Growth Tragedy: Policies and Ethnic Divisions, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112(4): 120-142.
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  23. [8] Englebert, Pierre, Stacy Tarango and Matthew Carter. 2002. Dismemberment and Suffocation, A contribution to the Debate on African Boundaries, Comparative Political Studies, 35(10): 1093-1118.
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  24. [9] Hahn, Jinyong, Petra Todd and Wilbert Van der Klauuw. 2001. Identification and Estimation of Treatment Effects with a Regression-Discontinuity Design, Econometrica, 69: 201-09.

  25. A tiny eastern part was agreed after World War I (1919) when German Togoland was split between the British and the French mandates, as again a straight line running between two pillars, at the same time when the Haute Volta (Upper Volta) colony was formed. Various sources report the boundary as demarcated during the colonial era. After independence, between 1967 and 1972, some redemarcation works were launched on the basis of the original report of the British and French commissioners of 1904.
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  26. Burkina Faso and Mali16 By a decree of March 1919 the French colony of Haut-Senegal et Niger was divided and the new colony of Haute Volta (Upper Volta) was constituted as a separate entity from Soudan (French Sudan). The only existing pieces of evidence regarding the border alignment come from the maps established under the French administration (Afrique Occidentale Francaise). By the end of the 1970s, the border was very little demarcated on the ground, except through some segments of watercourses. In 1974 Mali claimed that the 160 kilometers long north-eastern part was to be moved between 10 and 30 kilometers southward for ethnic purposes, i.e. Touaregs and Bellah living across the border; the position of independent Haute Volta (soon to be renamed Burkina Faso) was to stick to the 1922 French colonial map.
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  27. Ghana and Burkina Faso15 For its main part, the alignment of this border was fixed between 1904 and 1906; it was at that time a border between British Northern Territories of the Gold Coast (making part of Gold Coast administration since 1897) and French Soudan (Sudan). The alignment was broadly a straight line following the 11th degree of north latitude. The 1904 memorandum acknowledges that the chiefs of Lan and of Kounou (Kunu) shall be compensated by respectively the British and French Madiega, in Massa, G., and Y. G. Madiega (eds), 1995. La Haute-Volta coloniale, Temoignages, Recherches, Regards, Paris: Karthala, pp. 13-38. Brownlie, op.cit., pp.371-377. Brownlie, op.cit., pp.280-295 vii governments for the loss of territories caused by the passage of the frontier-line.
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  28. In that region, the French were again confronted with the Almami Samori Toure they had already defeated in 1894 and whom they had pushed to the East (cf.
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  29. Mali and Guinea17 This border alignment is again founded on French administrative maps, here dating as early as 1911. However, in this case, a good proportion of the boundary follows rivers and stream, even if the latter can be sometimes fugitive. No dispute appears to have existed regarding this border. Brownlie, op.cit., pp.426-430 Brownlie, op.cit., pp.310-313 viii
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  30. On the Mali side, one finds the districts (cercles) of Yanfolila, Bougouni, Kolondieba and Kadiolo; lastly, on the Burkina Faso side, the districts (departements) of Curtin, P., S. Feierman, L. Thomson and J. Vansina, 1978. African History, From Earliest Times to Independence, Harlow, England: Longman, 2nd edition 1995, p.349. Brownlie, op.cit., pp.301-303. iv Comoe, Leraba, Poni and Noumbiel.
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  31. The French conquest of northern Cote d'Ivoire was achieved by the end of 1898 with the capture of Samori Toure. This conquest established a continuity between the French Soudan and the trade posts of Grand-Bassam and Assinie on the Gulf of Guinea. The territories that Samori had conquered in the Kong and Bouna kingdoms were put together in the colonial district of Kong and attached to the Cote d'Ivoire colony. For the purpose of pacification, the territories that had resisted Samori, around Sikasso (Kenedugu kingdom), Bobo-Dioulasso (Gwiriko people) and Gaoua (Lobi people), were gathered in the Second Military Territory , also named Volta. Its military status only ended in 1911, because these people also showed a lot of hostility to French rule. During the World War I, the same region was again the theater of large riots against military conscription (1914-16).
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