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Estimating the Production Function for Human Capital: Results from a Randomized Control Trial in Colombia. (2017). Meghir, Costas ; Rubio-Codina, Marta ; Fitzsimons, Emla ; Cattan, Sarah ; Attanasio, Orazio.
In: Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers.

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  1. .

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  2. Effects of early childhood intervention on fertility and maternal employment: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial. (2019). Sandner, Malte.
    In: Journal of Health Economics.

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  3. Maternal Depression, Women’s Empowerment, and Parental Investment: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial. (2018). Biroli, Pietro ; Bhalotra, Sonia ; Maselko, Joanna ; Baranov, Victoria.
    In: Working Papers.

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  4. Maternal Depression, Womens Empowerment, and Parental Investment: Evidence from a Large Randomized Control Trial. (2017). Biroli, Pietro ; Bhalotra, Sonia ; Baranov, Victoria ; Maselko, Joanna.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  5. Maternal Depression, Women’s Empowerment, and Parental Investment: Evidence from a Large Randomized Control Trial. (2017). Biroli, Pietro ; Bhalotra, Sonia ; Maselko, Joanna ; Baranov, Victoria.
    In: CHILD Working Papers Series.

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References cited by this document

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  28. Estimating the Production Function for Human Capital: Results from a Randomized Control Trial in Colombia. (2018). Meghir, Costas ; Rubio-Codina, Marta ; Fitzsimons, Emla ; Cattan, Sarah ; Attanasio, Orazio.
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  29. Estimating the production function for human capital: results from a randomized controlled trial in Colombia. (2017). Meghir, Costas ; Codina, Marta Rubio ; Fitzsimons, Emla ; Cattan, Sarah ; Attanasio, Orazio.
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