- Abbott, Thomas A. and Stephen H. Andrews (1990) . The class ifica tion of manuf actur ing indus tries an inpu tbased dust ering of activ ity, Proce eding 5, Censu Burea U Annua Confe rence Amemiya, T. (1973) . Regression analysis when the dependent variable is truncated normal, Econometrica, 42, 999-1012.
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Andrews, 8/90. Proceedings, Census Bureau Annual Research Conference, pp. 26-45, (1990). (47 pages, $11.75) 90-8 The Extent and Nature of Establishment Level Diversification in Sixteen U.S. Manufacturing Industries, by Mary L. Streitwieser, 8/90. Journal of Law and Economics, Part 2, pp. 503-534 (1991). (39 pages, $9.75) 90-9 Self-Employment Trends Among Mexican Americans, by Timothy Bates, 8/90. quarterly Review of Economics and Business, (1990). (26 pages, $6.50) 90-10 Gross Job Creation and Destruction: Microeconomic Evidence and Macroeconomic Implications, by Steven J. Davis and John Haltiwanger, 9/90. NBER Macroeconomics Annual, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, (1990). (51 pages, $12.75) 90-11 Returns to Scale in Small and Large U.S. Manufacturing Establishments, by Sang V. Nguyen and Arnold P. Reznek, 9/90.
- Bureau of Economic Analysis (1991) . Benchmark input-output accounts for the U.S. Economy, 1982 Survey of Current Business, July.
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CENTER FOR ECONOMIC STUDIES DISCUSSION PAPERS 88-1 Long-Run Expectations and Capacity, by Robert H. McGuckin & Peter A. Zadrozny, 4/88. Forthcoming in Proceedings, Conference on Capacity Utilization, (1988). (29 pages, $7.25) 88-2 The Longitudinal Research Database (LRD) : Status and Research Possibilities, by Robert H. McGuckin & George A. Pascoe, Jr., 7/88.
Coase, R.H. (1992) . The Institutional Structure of Production American Economic Review, September, 713-719.
Erickson, 1/90. Economic Geography, Volume 65, Number 4, pp. 280-292, (October 1989). (31 pages, $7.75) 90-4 Gross Job Creation, Gross Job Destruction, and Employment Reallocation, by Steven J. Davis and John Haltiwanger, 2/90. Forthcoming, quarterly Journal of Economics. (52 pages, $13.00) 90-5 Estimating a Multivariate Arma Model with Mixed-Frequency Data: An Application to Forecasting U.S. GNP at Monthly Intervals, by Peter A. Zadrozny, 6/90. (58 pages, $14.50) 90-6 Wages and the Risk of Plant Closings, by Timothy Dunne and Mark J.
Forthcoming in Economica. (36 pages, $9.00) 92-16 Decomposing Learning by Doing in New Plants, by Byong-Hyong Bahk and Michael Gort, 12/92. Journal of Political Economy, Volume 101, Number 4, August 1993. (33 pages, $8.25) 93-1 Academic Science, Industrial R&D, and the Growth of Inputs, by James D. Adams and Leo Sveikauskas, 1/93. (48 pages, $12.00) 93-2 Science, R&D, and Invention Potential Recharge: U.S. Evidence, by James D. Adams, 1/93. Forthcoming in American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings. (13 pages, $3.25) 93-3 LBOs, Debt and R&D Intensity, by William F. Long and David J.
Gollop, Frank M. and James L. Monahan (1991) . A Generalized Index of Diversification: Trends in U.S. Manufacturing, Review of Economic and Statistics, Volume LXXIII, No. 2, May, 318-30.
Hausman, J. (1978) . Specification tests in econometrics, Econometrica, 46, 1251-72.
Journal of Productivity Analysis, Volume 3, pp. 119-133, June 1992. (27 pages, $6.75) 91-7 Technology Usage in U.S. Manufacturing Industries: New Evidence from the Survey of Manufacturing Technology, by Timothy Dunne, 11/91. RAND Journal of Economics. (31 pages, $7.75) 91-8 Multiple Classification Systems for Economic Data: Can a Thousand Flowers Bloom? And Should They? by Robert H. McGuckin, 12/91.
McGuckin & Sang V. Nguyen, 9/88. Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, Volume 16, Number 1, pp. 19-40, (1990) (29 pages, $7.25) 88-4 Modelling Technical Progress and Total Factor Productivity: A Plant-Level Example, by Edward C. Kokkelenberg & Sang V. Nguyen, 10/88. Journal of Productivity Analysis, Volume 1, Number 1, pp. 69-90, (1989). (37 pages, $9.25) 88-5 Analytic Derivatives For Estimation of Linear Dynamic Models, by Peter A. Zadrozny, 11/88. Journal of Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Volume 18, pp. 539-553, (1989) (41 pages, $10.25) 89-1 Measuring the Trade Balance in Advanced Technology Products, by Thomas A. Abbott, III, Robert H. McGuckin, Paul Herrick, and Leroy Norfolk, 1/89. Proceedings, 1989 American Statistical Association. (33 pages, $8.25) 89-2 Using Linked Census R&D-LRD Data to Analyze the Effect of R&D Investment on Total Factor Productivity Growth, by Frank R.
McGuckin, Robert H. and SuZanne Peck (1992) . Manufacturing Establishments Reclassified into New into New Industries: the Effect of Survey Design Rules, Center for Economic Studies Discussion Paper 92-14, Bureau of the Census.
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Newey, W.K. (1987) . Specification tests for distributional assumptions in the tobit model, ` Journal of Econometrics, 34, 125-145.
Powell, J.L. (1984) Least absolute deviations estimation for the censored regression model, Journal of Econometrics, 25, 303-325.
Powell, J.L. (1986) Censored Regression Quantiles. Journal of Econometrics, 32, 143-55.
- Rainer, Norbert and Josef Richter (1992) . Some aspects of the analytical use of descriptive make and absorption tables, Economic Systems Research, 4(2), 159-72.
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- Roberts, 7/90. American Statistical Association Proceedings of the Business and Economics Statistics Section, pp. 275-280, (1989) (31 pages, $7.75) 90-7 The Classification of Manufacturing Industries: An Input-Based Clustering of Activity, by Thomas A. Abbott, III and Stephen H.
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Small Business Economics, Number 3, pp. 197-214, (1991) (35 pages, $8.75) 90-12 The Relationships Among Acquiring and Acquired Firms' Product Lines, by Robert H. McGuckin, Sang V. Nguyen and Stephen H.
- Streitwieser, Mary L. (1991) . The extent and nature of estab lishm ent level diver sific ation in sixte en U.S. manuf actur ing indus tries Journ al of Law and Econo mics, Fall, 496551.
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- Survey of Current Business, Volume 68, Number 11, pp. 30-37 (1988) (29 pages, $7.25) 88-3 Public Use Microdata: Disclosure and Usefulness, by Robert H.
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Taylor, and Charles A. Waite, 10/89. Presented at the winter meetings of the American Statistical Association, 1/90. ~ Industrial Census of China, Xu Gang, ed., Beijing, People's Republic of China: The Secretariat of the International Seminar of Analysis on China's 1985 Industrial Census Results, pp. 113-138, (1990). (35 pages, $8.75) 89-9 The Characteristics of Business Owners (CBO) Database, by Alfred Nucci, 10/89. (28 pages, $7.00) 90-1 Longitudinal Economic Data at the Census Bureau: A New Database Yields Fresh Insights on Some Old Issues, by Robert H. McGuckin, 1/90. Proceedings of the Statistics Canada Symposium on Analysis of Data in Time, pp. 243-253, (1990). (33 pages, $8.25) 90-2 An Analysis of Small Business Size and Rate of Discontinuance, by Timothy Bates and Alfred Nucci, 1/90. Journal of Small Business Management, pp. 1-7, (1990). (14 pages, $3.50) 90-3 Export Performance and State Industrial Growth, by Rodney A.
- ten Raa, T. (1988) . An alternative treatment of secondary produ cts in inpu toutpu t analy sis: frust ratio n , Revie w of Econo mics and Stati stics 70(3) 53538.
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- Triplett, Jack E. (1992) . Perspectives on the SIC: Conceptual Issues in Economic Classification, manuscript, Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce.
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