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Investment climate, outward orientation and manufacturing firm productivity: New empirical evidence. (2017). Véganzonès, Marie-Ange ; Nguyen, Hoang Thanh Mai ; Veganzones-Varoudakis, Marie-Ange ; Veganzones -Varoudakis, Marie-Ange ; Mai, Hoang Thanh.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. Business environment reforms, innovation and firm productivity in transition economies. (2021). Berulava, George ; Gogokhia, Teimuraz.
    In: Eurasian Business Review.

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  2. The Impact of Business Environment Reforms on Firms’ Performance in Transition Economies. (2021). Berulava, George ; Gogokhia, Teimuraz.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  3. Innovation, productivity, exports and the investment climate: A study based on Indian manufacturing firm-level data. (2019). Véganzonès, Marie-Ange ; Veganzones-Varoudakis, Marie-Ange ; Veganzones -Varoudakis, Marie-Ange ; Plane, Patrick.
    In: Working Papers.

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  4. Innovation, productivity, exports and the investment climate: A study based on Indian manufacturing firm-level data. (2019). Véganzonès, Marie-Ange ; Veganzones-Varoudakis, Marie-Ange ; Veganzones -Varoudakis, Marie-Ange ; Plane, Patrick.
    In: Post-Print.

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References cited by this document

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