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Levels of Employee Share Ownership and the Performance of Listed Companies in Europe. (2017). Schrader, Susanne ; Richter, Ansgar.
In: British Journal of Industrial Relations.

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  1. Dynamic value sharing based on employee contribution as a competitiveness-enhancing device. (2023). Palferman, Alistair ; Zhu, Jinjing ; Yuan, Shiqi ; Xie, Zuomiao.
    In: Palgrave Communications.

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  2. Board Level Employee Representation and Tax Avoidance in Europe. (2023). Sigurt, Vitols.
    In: Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium.

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  3. Mutual interests management with a purposive approach: Evidence from the Turkish shipyards for an amorphous impact model between (subjective) well?being and performance. (2023). Palaz, Serap ; Cam, Surhan.
    In: Industrial Relations Journal.

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  4. .

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  5. Non-executive employee ownership and financial reporting quality: evidence from Europe. (2022). Jelic, Ranko ; Adwan, Sami ; Alhaj-Ismail, Alaa.
    In: Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting.

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  6. Board Level Employee Representation and Tax Avoidance in Europe. (2021). Vitols, Sigurt.
    In: EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters.

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  7. A Multilevel Contingency Model of Employee Ownership and Firm Productivity: The Moderating Roles of Industry Growth and Instability. (2021). Patel, Pankaj C ; Kim, Kyoung Yong.
    In: Organization Science.

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  8. Cooperative Entrepreneurship Model for Sustainable Development. (2020). Sarria-Pedroza, Jesus ; Lopez-Millan, Manuel ; Fernandez-Guadao, Josefina.
    In: Sustainability.

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  9. The impact of labor unionization on monitoring costs. (2020). Leventis, Stergios ; Dedoulis, Emmanouil ; Chantziaras, Antonios.
    In: European Management Journal.

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  10. Expatriates as influencers in global work arrangements: Their impact on foreign-subsidiary employees’ ESOP participation. (2018). Ahrens, Carolin ; Wolff, Michael ; Oehmichen, Jana.
    In: Journal of World Business.

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