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- Notes: High-theta survey is 1 if ðœƒ!# is lower than the median of ðœƒ!# . Labor supplies are calculated with simulations: 6 labor market decisions (first and second wage request) of high-theta survey (or, low-theta survey) types are randomly drawn (without replacement) from our sample. We then calculate the labor supply for this group of people. We repeat this 1000 times (with replacement) and take the average of these 1000 individual labor supplies. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Wage (in CHF) Quantity High-theta survey Induced costs Low-theta survey Table A1: Perceived immorality of industries and summary of main variables from the Swiss Labor Force Survey Industries N
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- We examine a single labor market for a job, 𑗠∈ ð½, which might involve doing immoral work. Firms decide whether to hire a worker to do ð‘— at the market wage, w, and workers decide whether to accept work ð‘— for the market wage. Workers differ in their concerns for morality. We investigate how the equilibrium wage and selection in this labor market change with the immorality of ð‘—. Our framework is a simplification of the theoretical literature on compensating wage differentials (see, e.g., Rosen, 1986).43 We do not seek to expand this literature, but rather to apply it to a context in which the relevant job dimension is immorality. The immorality of ð‘— is measured by a function ð¼: ð½ → [0, ∞), where ð¼(ð‘—! ) > ð¼(ð‘—) means that job ð‘—′ is more immoral than job ð‘—, and ð¼(ð‘—) = 0 means that ð‘— involves no immoral acts. The set of immoral jobs is ð½! = {𑗠∈ ð½: ð¼(ð‘—) > 0}.
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