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Labor market frictions and spillover effects from publicly announced sectoral minimum wages. (2022). Demir, Gokay.
In: Ruhr Economic Papers.

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  2. Collective bargaining and spillovers in local labor markets. (2022). Bassier, Ihsaan.
    In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  3. Collective bargaining and spillovers in local labor markets. (2022). Bassier, Ihsaan.
    In: CEP Discussion Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  34. Technology and the Demand for Skill: An Analysis of Within and Between Firm Differences. (2007). Sandusky, Kristin ; McKinney, Kevin ; Lane, Julia ; Haltiwanger, John ; Abowd, John.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  35. The Structure of Worker Compensation in Brazil, With a Comparison to France and the United States. (2007). Menezes-Filho, Naercio ; Menezes Filho, N. A., .
    In: Insper Working Papers.

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  36. What Do Independent Directors Know? Evidence from Their Trading. (2006). Sapienza, Paola ; Ravina, Enrichetta .
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  37. Firm Specific Wage Spread in Germany - Decomposition of regional differences in inter firm wage dispersion. (2006). Werwatz, Axel ; Görzig, Bernd ; Gornig, Martin ; Gorzig, Bernd .
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  38. Identification of search models with initial condition problems. (2006). Barlevy, Gadi ; Nagaraja, H. N..
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  40. Firms, Industries, and Unemployment Insurance: An Analysis Using Employer-employee Data from Canada. (2005). Corak, Miles ; Chen, Wen-Hao.
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  41. Foreign Takeovers and Wages: Theory and Evidence from Hungary. (2005). Csengődi, Sándor ; Urban, Dieter ; Jungnickel, Rolf ; Csengodi, Sandor .
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  42. Cities, matching and the productivity gains of agglomeration. (2004). Andersson, Fredrick ; Burgess, Simon ; Lane, Julia I..
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    In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin.

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  44. Francs or Ranks? Earnings Mobility in France, 1967-1999. (2003). Kramarz, Francis ; FOUGERE, DENIS ; Fields, Gary ; Buchinsky, Mosche.
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