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- Variability in employment and wages Discrimination moderated by variability in wage. Borowczyk-Martins, Bradley, and Tarasonis (2017) found that, in line with predictions of Becker’s (1971) model of taste-based discrimination, the lower employment chances and wages of black workers vis-à -vis white workers varied less when looking at jobs requiring higher skills.
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- We are aware that a similar research question has been addressed in previous studies which, in some cases, yielded comparable results (e.g. Decker, Ortiz, & Hedberg, 2015; Pager, 2003; Pager, Western, & Bonikowski, 2009). However, the results of these studies did not show that the absence of information on the applicant’s criminal history (e.g. due to ban-the-box measures) resulted in lower hiring chances for ethnic minorities but merely showed that there is an interaction effect of ethnicity and criminal record on employer call-back—when minority candidates had committed felonies, they were penalised more severely than their majority counterparts. Moreover, the findings of these studies were not interpreted in terms of taste-based or statistical discrimination and hence not included in this review, in line with our eligibility criteria. n
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