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The role of networks and sustainable intrapreneurship as interactive drivers catalyzing the adoption of sustainable innovation. (2019). Frey, Marco ; Rizzi, Francesco ; Annunziata, Eleonora ; Pellegrini, Chiara.
In: Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.

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  1. Big Data capability and sustainability oriented innovation: The mediating role of intellectual capital. (2023). Xie, Wenxuan ; Wang, Nan ; Ma, Zhenzhong ; Huang, Yalan.
    In: Business Strategy and the Environment.

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  2. Market transformations as collaborative change: Institutional co?evolution through small business entrepreneurship. (2023). Burch, Sarah Lynn ; Mercado, Alexander Julian ; Kundurpi, Aravind ; Luederitz, Christopher ; Westman, Linda.
    In: Business Strategy and the Environment.

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  3. The psychological distance and construal level perspectives of sustainable value creation in SMEs. (2021). Mzembe, Andrew.
    In: Sustainable Development.

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  4. External stakeholder engagement: Complementary and substitutive effects on firms eco?innovation. (2021). Nieto, Mariano ; Migueldavila, Joseangel ; Acebo, Enrique.
    In: Business Strategy and the Environment.

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  5. Sustainability – A key to Australian finance directors improving their organisations CSR culture. (2020). Jane, Clare ; Stewart, Heather ; Houghton, Luke.
    In: Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.

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  6. Influence of Inter-Firm Network Relationships on Circular Economy Eco-Innovation Adoption. (2020). Ramkumar, Shyaam.
    In: Sustainability.

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  7. Identifying Endogenous and Exogenous Indicators to Measure Eco-Innovation within Clusters. (2020). Ovallos-Gazabon, David ; Segarra-Oa, Marival ; Mercado-Caruso, Nohora ; Peiro-Signes, Angel.
    In: Sustainability.

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  8. Sustainable innovation: Processes, strategies, and outcomes. (2019). Ardito, Lorenzo ; Pontrandolfo, Pierpaolo ; del Rio, Pablo ; Carrillohermosilla, Javier.
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References cited by this document

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