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Endowments, Coercion, and the Historical Containment of Education. (2008). Bobonis, Gustavo.
In: Working Papers.

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  2. Do Oil Windfalls Improve Living Standards? Evidence from Brazil. (2009). Michaels, Guy ; Caselli, Francesco.
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  3. Do oil windfalls improve living standards?: evidence from Brazil. (2009). Michaels, Guy ; Caselli, Francesco.
    In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  4. Do Oil Windfalls Improve Living Standards? Evidence from Brazil. (2009). Michaels, Guy ; Caselli, Francesco.
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  5. Do Oil Windfalls Improve Living Standards? Evidence from Brazil. (2009). Michaels, Guy ; Caselli, Francesco.
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References cited by this document

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