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CERN Accelerating science

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Cyclotrons in radiotherapy / Mandrillon, P (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.)
CERN, 1996 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : CAS - CERN Accelerator School : Cyclotrons, Linacs and Their Applications, LaHulpe, Belgium, 28 Apr - 5 May 1994, pp.313-327 (CERN-1996-002)
Injection into cyclotrons / Mandrillon, P (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.)
CERN, 1996 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : CAS - CERN Accelerator School : Cyclotrons, Linacs and Their Applications, LaHulpe, Belgium, 28 Apr - 5 May 1994, pp.153-168 (CERN-1996-002)
A 3-stage cyclotron complex for driving the energy amplifier / Mandrillon, P (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Fiétier, N (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Rubbia, Carlo (CERN)
CERN-OPEN-95-001.- Geneva : CERN, 1996 Fulltext: PDF TIF; External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 16th Biennial Particle Accelerator Conference and International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators, Dallas, TX, USA, 1 - 5 May 1995, pp.95-97
Status Report on the MEDICYC Project / Lalanne, C M (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Susini, A (CERN) ; Mandrillon, P (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.)
1982 Published version from JACoW: PDF;
In : 9th International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications, Caen, France, 7 - 10 Sep 1981, pp.141-143
Status report on the installation of proton and neutrontherapy in centre Antoine-Lacassagne / Chauvel, P (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Mandrillon, P (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Brassart, N (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Tuyn, Jan Willem Nicolaas (CERN) ; Hérault, J (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Courdi, A (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Lagrange, J L (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Héry, M (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Demard, F (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.)
1990 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 2nd European Particle Accelerator Conference, Nice, France, 12 - 16 Jun 1990, pp.1815-1817
Commissioning and Implementation of the MEDICYC Cyclotron Programme / Mandrillon, P (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Farley, F (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Brassart, N (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Herault, J (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Susini, A (CERN) ; Ostojic, R (Boris Kidric Inst. Nucl. Sci., Belgrade) /MEDICYC team
1991 - 4 p. Published version from JACoW: PDF;
In : 12th International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications, Berlin, Germany, 8 - 12 May 1989, pp.156-159
Beam dynamics and space-charge aspects in the design of the accelerators for the energy amplifier / Fiétier, N (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr. ; CERN) ; Mandrillon, P (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr. ; CERN)
1996 Published version from JACoW: PDF;
In : 14th International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications, Cape Town, South Africa, 8 - 13 Oct 1995, pp.462-465
Advances of the feasibility study of the European light ion medical accelerator / Mandrillon, P (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Ostojic, R (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Farley, Francis J M (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Rocher, C (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Susini, A (CERN) ; Godot, J C (CERN) ; Ryckewaert, G (Louvain U.)
1989 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 13th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 20 - 23 Mar 1989, pp.767-769
The EULIMA project / Mandrillon, P (Paris, IN2P3 ; Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Ostojic, R (Boris Kidric Inst., Beograd) ; Susini, A (CERN) ; Jongen, Y (Cathol. U. Louvain (main)) ; Meulders, J P (Cathol. U. Louvain (main)) ; Ryckewaert, G (Cathol. U. Louvain (main))
Geneva : CERN, 1987 - 4 p. Fulltext: PDF; Published version from JACoW: PDF;
In : 11th International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications, Tokyo, Japan, 13 - 17 Oct 1986, pp.203-206 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Status of the Feasibility Studies of the European Light Ion Medical Accelerator / Mandrillon, P (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Ostojic, R (Boris Kidri Inst., Belgrade) ; Susini, A (CERN) ; Ryckewaert, G (Cathol. U. Louvain (main)) ; Rocher, Ch (Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.)
1991 Published version from JACoW: PDF;
In : 12th International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications, Berlin, Germany, 8 - 12 May 1989, pp.152-155

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