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CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 13th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
Related conference title(s) Accelerator Science and Technology
PAC '89
Date(s), location 20 - 23 Mar 1989, Chicago, IL, USA
Editor(s) Bennett, Floyd (ed.) ; Kopta, Joyce (ed.)
Corporate author(s) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. New York
Imprint New York, NY : IEEE, 1989 - 3 v.
Series (IEEE conference series)
Note Conference Record 89CH2669-0 (3 vol): purchase through registrants
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords beam dynamics ; control ; free electron lasers ; injectors ; instrumentation ; ion sources ; linacs ; storage rings ; superconducting ; synchrotron radiation

Contributions in Inspire: C89-03-20.1
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

CW Electron Accelerators : A Review(p. 1)
by Kowalski, S
Overview of Synchrotron Radiation Facilities (p. 7)
by Winick, Herman
The Status of R&D for the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven (p. 12)
by Forsyth, E B
IUCF Cooler Ring Status 1989 (p. 17)
by Pollock, R E
Operating Results of the Electron Ring of Saskatchewan (EROS) (p. 22)
by Dallin, L O
Status Report on the GSI Synchrotron Facility and First Beam Results (p. 27)
by Blasche, K
Results from Lanzhou K450 heavy ion cyclotron (p. 29)
by Wei, B
The MIT-Bates South Hall Ring (p. 34)
by Flanz, J B
Initial Operation of Cooler Ring, TARN II (p. 37)
by Katayama, T
The COSY-Jülich Project : Feb. 1989 Status(p. 40)
by Maier, R
Status Report on the AGOR Superconducting Cyclotron (p. 43)
by Launé, B
The Amsterdam Pulse Stretcher Project (AmPS) (p. 46)
by Luijckx, G
The Heidelberg Heavy Ion Cooler Storage Ring TSR (p. 49)
by Bisoffi, G
Orbit Stability and Feedback Control in Synchrotron Radiation Rings (p. 54)
by Yu, L H
Problems in Measuring Micron-Size Beams (p. 60)
by Field, C
Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of the Los Alamos Free Electron Laser Driver (p. 65)
by Fiorito, R B
Flying wires at Fermilab (p. 68)
by Gannon, J
Design and preliminary tests of a beam intensity monitor for LEP (p. 71)
by Unser, K B
Advanced light source control system (p. 74)
by Magyary, S
The provision of telecommunications links for the LEP collider (p. 79)
by Parker, C R C B
A unified approach to building accelerator simulation software for the SSC (p. 82)
by Paxson, V E
The Bates Pulse Stretcher Ring Control System Design (p. 85)
by Russ, T
Electric Polarizability and Magnetic Susceptibility of Small Holes in a Thin Screen (p. 88)
by Gluckstern, R L
Experiment of Cusptron Microwave Tube (p. 91)
by Choe, J Y
FCI-field charge interaction program for high power klystron simulations (p. 94)
by Shintake, T
Small-Signal Gain and Numerical Simulation of Transvertron High Power Microwave Sources (p. 97)
by Sullivan, D J
A radio-frequency transfer structure for the CERN linear collider (p. 100)
by Garvey, Terence
Structure studies for the CERN linear collider CLIC (p. 103)
by Wilson, Ian H
Installation and operation of the new rf system for lepton acceleration in the CERN SPS (p. 106)
by Faugeras, Paul E
Development of the Collective Interaction Klystron (CIK) (p. 109)
by Pasour, J A
Computer Aided Field Measurements of the SUPERHILAC Alvarez Cavities (p. 112)
by Howard, D
Optimizing the High Power Input to the LBL 400 MHz Proton RFQ (p. 115)
by Howard, D
Advanced Light Source master oscillator (p. 118)
by Lo, C C
Computer-aided studies of the ALS 500 MHz storage ring cavity (p. 121)
by Lo, C C
Advanced light source storage ring rf system (p. 124)
by Taylor, B
Transient analysis of multicavity klystrons (p. 126)
by Lavine, T L
Design of a 100 MW X-band klystron (p. 129)
by Eppley, K R
rf pulse compression experiment at SLAC (p. 132)
by Farkas, Z D
rf system for high beam intensity acceleration in the CERN PS (p. 135)
by Garoby, R
Bunch Lengthening Control Using the Fourth Harmonic Cavity in the VUV Ring (p. 138)
by Keane, J
X-Ray RF System Upgrade at the NSLS (p. 141)
by Keane, J
Planned Beam Transport and Two-Cavity Amplifier Experiments on the University of Maryland Gyroklystron (p. 144)
by Welsh, D
A High Power X-Band Relativistic Klystron (p. 147)
by Davis, T J
High Power Traveling Wave Amplifier Experiments (p. 150)
by Nation, J A
RF System for High-Power Industrial Irradiators (p. 153)
by Labrie, J P
Damped accelerator structures for future linear e+- colliders (p. 156)
by Deruyter, H
Anomalous electron loading in SLAC 5045 klystron and relativistic klystron input cavities (p. 159)
by Koontz, R F
60 KW UHF, Solid State RF Power Supply (p. 162)
by Davis, C D
Studies of Ferrite Materials for the AGS Booster Synchrotron (p. 165)
by Goldman, M A
Time Domain Beam Loading Studies of the Booster and AGS (p. 168)
by Meth, M
Perpendicular biased ferrite tuned rf cavity for the TRIUMF KAON factory booster ring (p. 171)
by Poirier, R L
The interaction between the third harmonic resonance and parasitic modes inside the TRIUMF cavity (p. 174)
by Pacak, V
Progress on a Prototype Main Ring RF Cavity (p. 177)
by Swain, G R
RF System for the STA SR Ring (p. 180)
by Kusaka, T
High Power RF Tests of 433 MHz Single-Cell Accelerator Cavities and Associated Feed System (p. 183)
by Vetter, A M
SUPERFISH Accuracy Dependence on Mesh Size (p. 186)
by Merson, J L
Computer aided design of three-dimensional waveguide loaded cavities (p. 189)
by Goren, Y
Prototype RF Cavity for the HISTRAP Accelerator (p. 193)
by Mosko, S W
Higher order mode damping in KAON factory rf cavities (p. 196)
by Enegren, T A
Depressed Collectors for Gyrotrons (p. 199)
by Read, M E
Dynamics of an electron in an rf gap (p. 202)
by Farkas, Z D
Modification of MEA Modulator-Kystron Units Enabling Short Pulse Injection into a Pulse-Stretcher Ring (p. 205)
by Kroes, F B
Wiggler Tune Shift Compensation on the Daresbury SRS (p. 208)
by Poole, M W
Higher Order Modes in the SRS 500 MHz Accelerating Cavities (p. 211)
by Corlett, J N
Determination of Failure Mechanisms of RF Cavity Aperture Windows (p. 214)
by Rimmer, R A
Status Report on the Radio Frequency Accelerating Systems of the APS at Argonne (p. 217)
by Nicholls, G
The Design of the R.F. Cavities for Elettra (p. 220)
by Fernandes, P
CARM Driver for High Frequency RF Accelerators (p. 223)
by Danly, B G
RF Cavity Design for High Current Operation of the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (p. 226)
by Greenwald, S
Boeing Travelling Wave Structure Electrical Performance (p. 229)
by Buller, T
Design of High Average Power Linear Electron Accelerator Sections (p. 231)
by Buller, T
Ferrite loaded untuned rf cavity for synchrotron (p. 234)
by Muto, K
An Improved 1.26 MHz System for the Fermilab Antiproton Accummulator (p. 237)
by Peterson, D W
125 MHz Cavity for NAR (p. 240)
by Shibayama, A
Design and Construction of a Chopper Driven 11.4 GHz Traveling Wave RF Generator (p. 243)
by Haimson, J
Engineering Design of the Interaction Waveguide for High-Power Accelerator-Driven Microwave Free-Electron Lasers (p. 246)
by Hopkins, D B
Technique of Race-Track Microtron Injection into Linac (p. 251)
by Tumanian, A R
Calculation of Losses and Protection Against Irradiation During Beam Abort and Loss Localization in the UNK (p. 255)
by Drozhdin, A I
Second Slow Extraction of Relativistic Nuclear Beams from the Synchrophasotron (p. 258)
by Issinsky, I B
Design of the Injection System by Half Resonance into a Superconducting Electron Storage Ring (p. 260)
by Nakata, S
Mechanical Design of SXLS Radio-Frequency Cavity (p. 263)
by Mortazavi, P
Active Interlock for Storage Ring Insertion Devices (p. 266)
by Rothman, J L
A Modular Instrumentation Panel for Monitoring the Status of Accelerator Cooling Systems at Los Alamos (p. 268)
by Tomei, T L
The Beam Slow Extraction from a Magnetic Ring of Moscow Meson Facility (p. 270)
by Malítsky, N D
Operational Status of the Brookhaven National Laboratory Accelerator Test Facility (p. 273)
by Batchelor, K
A 4-Megavolt, 5-Kiloampere Pulsed-Power High-Brightness Electron Beam Source (p. 276)
by Carlson, R L
The Experiment of Applying Plasma Chemical Reaction and Non-Plasma Chemical Reaction in R.F. Ion Source (p. 279)
by Gui Bin, B
Study of a positron source generated by photons from ultrarelativistic channeled particles (p. 283)
by Chehab, R
High Current Metal Ion Beam Injection Experiments (p. 286)
by Brown, I G
Broad-beam multi-ampere metal ion source (p. 289)
by Brown, I G
Bevatron Local Injector Duoplasmatron Ion Source Performance (p. 292)
by Zajec, E
NPBTS-Overview and Capabilities (p. 295)
by Fink, C L
Single electron beams from the LEP pre-injector (p. 298)
by Frammery, Bertrand
Performance Improvement of the KEK PS-Booster Synchrotron (p. 301)
by Yamane, I
Gabor lens focusing of a negative ion beam (p. 304)
by Palkovic, J A
The Brookhaven Accelerator Test Facility Injection System (p. 307)
by Wang, X J
Status of the Sandia EBIS Program (p. 310)
by Schmieder, R W
Photoelectric Injector Design Code (p. 313)
by Carlsten, B E
A formalism and computer program for coupled lattices (p. 313)
by Raubenheimer, T O
The Pseudospark as an Electron Beam Source (p. 316)
by Boggasch, E
The ECR Heavy-Ion Source for ATLAS (p. 319)
by Pardo, R C
Pulsed 4-MeV Electron Injector with an Excimer Laser Driven Photocathode (p. 322)
by Kauppila, T J
Conceptual design of a gyrotron-driven superconducting ECR ion source (p. 325)
by Countryman, P J
Conceptual Design of a High Current Injector for the NIST-NRL Free-Electron Laser (p. 328)
by Cutler, R I
An Optimized H (p. 331)
by Tompkins, P A
Simulations of High-Brightness RF Photocathode Guns for LLNL-SLAC-LBL 1 GeV Test Experiment (p. 334)
by Chen, Y J
Generation and Amplification of Temporally "Square" Optical Pulses for the FEL Photoelectric Injector (p. 337)
by Remelius, D K
A Volume H (p. 340)
by Prelec, K
Timing jitter measurements at the SLC electron source (p. 343)
by Sodja, J
Intense Negative Heavy Ion Source with Cusp Magnetic Field (p. 345)
by Mori, Y
Successful DC Recirculation of a 2 MeV Electron Beam at Currents More than 0.1 Ampere (p. 348)
by Adney, J R
Design calculations and measurements of a dipole magnet with Permendur pole pieces (p. 351)
by Early, R A
Variable Gradient Permanent-Magnet Quadrupole Lenses (p. 354)
by O'Shea, P G
Hall Effect Magnetic Field Regulation Systems for the CESR Injector (p. 357)
by Dunnam, C R
Conceptual design of a 5 T/mm quadrupole for linear collider final focus (p. 360)
by Egawa, K
DC Septum Magnet for Beam Extraction (p. 363)
by Noda, A
A Radiation Hard Dipole Magnet Coils Using Aluminum Clad Copper Conductors (p. 366)
by Leonhardt, W J
Magnets for high energy colliders (p. 369)
by Spencer, J
Design of a pulsed switching magnet for the Bevalac (p. 372)
by Abbott, S
Laced permanent magnet quadrupole drift tube magnets (p. 375)
by Feinberg, B
Magnetic Measurements at LNLS (p. 378)
by Ortiz, W A
Static and Dynamic Magnetic End Effects and Correction Magnets for the AGS Booster (p. 381)
by Danby, G E
Description of New Vacuum Chamber Correction Concept (p. 384)
by Danby, G T
Magnetic Measurements of Permanent Magnet Insertion Devices at the BNL-NSLS (p. 387)
by Solomon, L
Prototype magnet designs and loss measurements for the dual frequency booster synchrotron for TRIUMF's KAON factory (p. 390)
by Otter, Alan J
Design, Construction, and Field Mapping of the HISTRAP Prototype Dipole (p. 393)
by Tatum, B A
Quadrupole Magnet for the APS Storage Ring (p. 396)
by Thompson, K M
Beam transport magnets for CEBAF (p. 399)
by Harwood, L H
A magnetically switched kicker for proton extraction (p. 402)
by Dinkel, J
Kicker Magnets for the Advanced Light Source (p. 405)
by Gabor, G
Kickers used for Bunched $e^{+}/e^{-}$ Beam Transfer in the CERN PS Complex (p. 408)
by Fowler, T
Design, analysis and measurement of very fast kicker magnets at SLAC (p. 411)
by Weaver, J N
Laser stripping of the TRIUMF H- beam (p. 414)
by Lee, R T
Stripping Injection of H (p. 417)
by Rogge, M
Design of MCTD Photoinjector Cavities (p. 420)
by Warren, J L
H- Injection into the Low Energy Booster of the SSC (p. 423)
by Colton, E P
Tevatron collider : status and prospects(p. 426)
by Dugan, G F
HERA status (p. 431)
by Wiik, Bjørn Haavard
The Fermilab Upgrade (p. 436)
by Holmes, S D
Operational Experience with Using Collimators to Remove Halo in the Tevatron Collider (p. 439)
by Pruss, S M
Proposals for B- and Phi-Meson Factories in Novosibirsk (p. 441)
by Tumaikin, G M
High Luminosity Operation of the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (p. 444)
by Rice, D
Injection and Transport of Beams of Positrons into and through an Octant of LEP (p. 447)
Injection and transport of beams of positrons into and through an octant of LEP (p. 447)
by Hofmann, A
TRIUMF KAON factory pre-construction study (p. 450)
by Craddock, M K
The CERN collider after ACOL (p. 453)
by Jones, E
PEP as a synchrotron radiation source : status and review(p. 456)
by Paterson, J M
Record Capture and Acceleration Efficiency in the SURF-II 300 MeV Circular Storage Ring (p. 461)
by Hughey, L R
Status of ELETTRA (p. 464)
by Wrulich, A F
SRS-2: Performance and Achievements (p. 467)
by Suller, V P
Experience with Phase II Insertion Devices in the X-Ray Ring (p. 470)
by Decker, G
Operation of CESR as a Low Emittance X-Ray Source (p. 473)
by Blum, E B
Storage Ring Design for STA SR Project (p. 476)
by Hara, M
Higher Order Mode RF Power Extraction From Polarized Cavities with a Single Output Coupler (p. 479)
by Kirchgessner, J
Field Emmission Processing of Superconducting RF Cavities with High Peak Power (p. 482)
by Kirchgessner, J
Fully hydroformed rf cavities (p. 485)
by Hauviller, Claude
Temperature and Field Dependence of the RF Surface Resistance of High T (p. 488)
by Moffatt, D
R & D in Progress to Overcome Field Emission in Superconducting Accelerator Cavities (p. 491)
by Shu, Q S
Optimization of Coil Configuration in a Superconducting Dipole Magnet for Compact Synchrotron Light Source (p. 494)
by Kitamura, M
Test of Two 1.8 M SSC Model Magnets with Iterated Design (p. 497)
by Wanderer, P
Collarless, Close-in, Shaped Iron Aperture Designs for the SSC Dipole (p. 500)
by Gupta, R C
Status of the Quadrupoles for RHIC (p. 503)
by Thompson, P A
Minimum Energy to Start a Quench and Optimum Copper-to-NbTi Ratio (p. 506)
by Ng, K Y
Lifetime of Passive Quench Protection Diodes in the SSC (p. 509)
by Ziegler, J
A new high-gradient correction quadrupole for the Fermilab luminosity upgrade (p. 512)
by Mantsch, P M
The D0 Low beta Power and Quench Protection System (p. 515)
by Koepke, K P
Time-Varying Sextupole Corrections during the Tevatron Ramp (p. 518)
by Herrup, D A
Compensation of Time Varying Fields in the Tevatron Superconducting Magnets (p. 521)
by Johnson, D E
In-Situ Non-Destructive Testing of Superconducting Dipoles in the Tevatron (p. 524)
by Hanna, B
Design Considerations for a Large Aperture High Field Superconducting Dipole (p. 527)
by Harfoush, F A
Full Length SSC R&D Dipole Magnet Test Results (p. 530)
by Strait, J
Formulae for the calculation of energy deposition densities in the graphite dumps of the LHC (p. 533)
by Ijspeert, Albert
Charge state distributions for heavy ions in carbon stripper foils (p. 536)
by McMahan, M A
Emittance at the SuperHILAC and the Bevalac transfer line (p. 539)
by Krebs, G F
Jitter in H (p. 542)
by Novick, A H
The Beam Bunching and Transport System of the Argonne Positive Ion Injector (p. 545)
by Den Hartog, P K
Spectrometer Chopper for AHF and SSC Low-Energy Transports (p. 548)
by Hurd, J W
Beam dumps, stoppers and Faraday cups at the SLC (p. 551)
by Walz, D R
Momentum slits, collimators and masks in the SLC (p. 553)
by Walz, D R
Optical design of the CEBAF beam transport system (p. 557)
by Douglas, D R
Vacuum system for the LBL Advanced Light Source (ALS) (p. 560)
by Kennedy, K
Differences in synchrotron radiation induced gas desorption from stainless steel and aluminium alloy (p. 563)
by Andritschky, M
Fabrication and test of prototype ring magnets for the ALS (p. 566)
by Tanabe, J
X-Ray Lithography Source (SXLS) Vacuum System (p. 569)
by Schuchman, J C
The Liqud Helium System of ATLAS (p. 571)
by Nixon, J M
The Ultra High Vacuum System of the AGS Booster (p. 574)
by Hseuh, H C
Vacuum System for the 8 GeV Storage Ring (p. 577)
by Be, S H
Bargain Basement Bakeout (p. 580)
by Manwaring, W
Vacuum System Development Status for the APS Storage Ring (p. 583)
by Wehrle, R
Vacuum Chamber Thermal Protection for the APS (p. 586)
by Kramer, S L
Cryogenic Optimization for Cavity Systems (p. 589)
by Rode, C H
The CEBAF Croygenic Systems (p. 592)
by Chronis, W C
A Synchronous Beam Sweeper for Heavy Ions (p. 595)
by Bogaty, J M
Generating Catalogs of Transverse Matching Solutions (p. 598)
by Swain, G
Half Wave Helix Loaded Superconducting Resonator for the Saclay Heavy on Linac (p. 601)
by Cauvin, B
Half wave helix loaded superconducting resonator for heavy ion linac (p. 601)
by Cauvin, B
Thermal Analysis of Cryogenically Cooled Linear Accelerators (p. 604)
by Fixler, S
A Rotary Tuner for UHF Drift-Tube Linacs (p. 607)
by Liska, D J
Numerical and Experimental Studies of Particle Accelerators Powered by Modulated Intense Relativistic Electron Beams (p. 609)
by Krall, J
Advanced accelerator test facility (AATF) upgrade plan (p. 612)
by Gai, W
Determination of the Beam Width in a Stellatron Accelerator (p. 615)
by Ishizuka, H
Plasma Wakefield Accelerator Experiments in KEK (p. 618)
by Ogata, A
Applications of a Plasma Lens with Bootstrap Disruption (p. 621)
by Rajagopalan, S
Measurements and Simulation of Controlled Beamfront Motion in the Laser Controlled Collective Accelerator (p. 624)
by Yao, R L
The development of plasma lenses for linear colliders (p. 627)
by Norem, J
Applicaton of Novel Material in Crystal Accelerator Concepts (p. 630)
by Newberger, B
Status and Performance of the IUCF 270 KeV Electron Cooling System (p. 633)
by Ellison, T J P
Novel Stochastic Cooling Pickups/Kickers (p. 636)
by Petter, J
Frequency Response of 4-8 GHz Stochatic Cooling Electrodes (p. 639)
by McGinnis, D
Coping with Power-Limited Transverse Stochastic Cooling Systems (p. 642)
by Goldberg, D A
Stochastic cooling and storage tests with oxygen ions in LEAR (p. 645)
by Baird, S A
New 4-8 GHz Core Cooling Pickups and Kickers for the Fermilab Accumulator (p. 648)
by Petter, J
Electron Cooler at INS (p. 651)
by Tanabé, T
Coulomb scattering cross sections for accelerator design (p. 654)
by Butler, M N
Boeing 120 MeV RF Linac Injector Design and Accelerator Performance Comparison with PARMELA (p. 657)
by Yeremian, A D
Elementary Analysis of Phase Space Painting (p. 660)
by Kamiya, Yu
The Heavy Ion Injection Scheme for RHIC (p. 663)
by Rhoades-Brown, M J
Longitudinal Phase Space Computer Simulation of IUCF Cooler Ring Multiturn Stacking Injection (p. 666)
by Pei, X
Relocation of the Helium Ion Radiotherapy Program from the 184" Synchrocyclotron to the Bevalac (p. 669)
by Alonso, J R
Preliminary Results of a Raster Scanning Beam Delivery System (p. 672)
by Renner, T R
A New Design of Truly Selfshielding Baby-Cyclotrons for Positron Emitter Production (p. 675)
by Abs, M
Conceptual Design of an RFQ Accelerator-Based Neutron Source for Boron Neutron-Capture Therapy (p. 678)
by Wangler, T P
Feedback Linear Induction Accelerator Using Fusion Reactor Exhaust Plasma (p. 681)
by Denno, K
High-Performance Deuterium-Lithium Neutron Source for Fusion Materials and Technology Testing (p. 684)
by Lawrence, G P
Extraction and Transport of the High Current Ion Beam (p. 688)
by Chung, K H
Optimal Wakefield Excitation and Particle Acceleration in a Relativistic Counterstreaming Electron Beam (p. 691)
by Yan, Y T
Optical Correlator Notch Filters for Fermilab Debuncher Betatron Stochastic Cooling (p. 694)
by Pasquinelli, R J
The optics of the fast ejections of the CERN PS (p. 697)
by Risselada, Thys
Design of a synchrotron for proton therapy (p. 700)
by Fukumoto, S
Cross-Field Acceleration by Electromagnetic Wave (p. 703)
by Kawata, S
Development of Two-Dimensional Implosion Code for LIB ICF (p. 706)
by Kawata, S
Report on the Lake Arrowhead Workshop on Advanced Acceleration Concepts (p. 712)
by Pellegrini, C
Report on the International Workshop of Next Generation Linear Colliders (p. 716)
by Ruth, Ronald D
Report on the international workshop on next generation linear colliders (p. 716)
by Ruth, Ronald D
Superconducting RF Linear Collider (p. 721)
by Rubin, D L
Beatwave Accelerator Experiments at UCLA (p. 726)
by Joshi, C
Experimental measurement of nonlinear plasma wake-fields (p. 731)
by Rosenzweig, J B
Upper Hybrid Wave Collective Acceleration Studies (p. 734)
by Chojnacki, E
Loma Linda Medical Accelerator Project (p. 737)
by Cole, F T
Medical Accelerator Projects at Michigan State University (p. 742)
by Blosser, H
Report on the Symposium on Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion, Darmstadt, Germany, June 1988 (p. 747)
by Keefe, D
Report on the symposium on heavy ion inertial fusion, Darmstadt, Germany, Jun 1988 (p. 747)
by Keefe, D
Status of the PBFA-II Light Ion Beam Fusion Program (p. 752)
by Quintenz, J P
X-Ray Lithography Sources: A Review (p. 757)
by Murphy, J B
Accelerator for the Production of Tritium (APT) (p. 761)
by Wilson, M T
High Intensity H- Cyclotrons for Radioisotope Production (p. 764)
by Bol, J L
Advances of the feasibility study of the European light ion medical accelerator (p. 767)
by Mandrillon, P
High-Average Power Millimeter-Wave FEL for Plasma Heating Using the ETA-II Accelerator (p. 770)
by Throop, A L
The NIST-NRL Free-Electron Laser Facility (p. 775)
by Debenham, P H
DELTA, a Low-Emittance Storage Ring as Free-Electron-Laser Radiation Source (p. 780)
by Marquardt, N
Developement of a 10-m Wedged-Pole Undulator (p. 783)
by Robinson, K E
A Novel Small Period Electromagnetic Undulator for Free Electron Lasers (p. 786)
by Zhou, W
Bunch lengthening calculations for the SLC damping rings (p. 789)
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag
Transverse and longitudinal coupled bunch instabilities in trains of closely spaced bunches (p. 792)
by Thompson, K A
Multibunch beam breakup in high energy linear colliders (p. 795)
by Thompson, K A
Longitudinal impedance of a smooth toroidal chamber at low and intermediate frequencies (p. 798)
by Ng, K Y
On the Theory of Coherent Instabilities Due to Coupling between a Dense Cooled Beam and Charged Particles from the Residual Gas (p. 800)
by AlvesPires, R
On the theory of coherent instabilities due to coupling between a dense cooled beam and charged particles from the residual gas (p. 800)
by Alves-Pires, R
Observation of transverse quadrupole mode instabilities in intense cooled antiproton beams in the AA (p. 803)
by Carron, G
A New Tevatron Collider Working Point near the Integer (p. 806)
by Johnson, R P
Influence of the synchrotron radiation on particle dynamics in a rectangular undulator (p. 809)
by Chin, Y H
Single Bunch Cumulative Beam Breakup (p. 812)
by Neri, F
Understanding and improving the high field orbit in the Fermilab booster (p. 815)
by Chao, Y
Intrinsic and Resonance Space Charge Limits (p. 818)
by Parzen, G
Lattice Design for the Pohang Synchrotron Light Source (p. 821)
by Nam, K
Measurement and Simulation of Beam-Beam Effects in the Weak/Strong Regime (p. 824)
by Milton, S V
Scaling Relations for a Beam Deflecting TM (p. 827)
by Takeda, H
Comparison of Energy Spreads Induced by a Longitudinal Wakefield in a Cavity (p. 830)
by Takeda, H
Simulation of an RFQ Funnel for Heavy-Ion Beams (p. 833)
by Guy, F W
Simulation of Round Beams (p. 836)
by Krishnagopal, S
Differential algebras without differentials : an easy C++ implementation(p. 839)
by Michelotti, Leo
Methods for Detailed Modeling of the Longitudinal Phasespace Dynamics for Beams in Cyclic Accelerators (p. 842)
by Stahl, S
The Improvement Program for Higher Intensity and Better Quality in the Princeton University Cyclotron (p. 845)
by Huang, Y
Comparison between smooth and AG focusing for the CLIC main linac (p. 848)
by Henke, H
Beam Impedance of Ferrite Kicker Magnets (p. 851)
by Völker, F V
Beam impedance of ferrite kicker magnets (p. 851)
by Völker, F V
Beam Dynamics Calculations for the LAMPF Optically Pumped Ion Source (p. 854)
by Hayden, R J
Linear Beam-Beam Tune Shift Estimates for the Tevatron Collider (p. 857)
by Johnson, D E
Tune spectra in the Tevatron collider (p. 860)
by Jackson, G
Stimulated longitudinal emittance growth in the main ring (p. 863)
by Jackson, G
Finite difference time domain modelling of particle accelerators (p. 866)
by Jurgens, T G
Compensation of Magnetic Imperfections in the SSC (p. 869)
by Talman, R
Electron Transport in Stellarator Fields (p. 872)
by Tiefenback, M G
Correction of Transverse Coupling in a Storage Ring (p. 874)
by Bagley, P P
Application of the ARGUS Code to Accelerator Design Calculations (p. 877)
by Mondelli, Alfred A
Higher order correlations in computed particle distributions (p. 880)
by Hanerfeld, H
Measurement of Chromaticity-Energy Spread Product by Transversely Kicking the Beam (p. 883)
by Hsu, I
The optical design of the spin manipulation system for the SLAC Linear Collider (p. 885)
by Fieguth, T H
Sheet Electron Beam Gun Design Using ARGUS (p. 888)
by Petillo, J J
Computer Simulations of Disruption (p. 891)
by Mori, W B
Plasma Lenses (p. 894)
by Su, J J
Comparison of Analytical and Computational Estimates of Reduction in Linear Aperture in the Presence of Sextupole Field (p. 897)
by Li, Maozhen
Disassociation of Electrons from Partially Stripped Ion Beams Due to Strong Magnetic Fields (p. 900)
by Tepikian, S
Capture and Containment of the Positron Beam in the APS Injector Linac (p. 903)
by Yoon, M
Emittance Growth in a Storage Ring Due to Ground Motion (p. 906)
by Chou, W
Impedance Calculations for 2-D and 3-D Structures and the Impedance Budget of 7-GeV APS Storage Ring (p. 909)
by Chou, W
A Five-Picosecond, Electron Pulse from the ANL L-Band Linac (p. 912)
by Cox, G L
A lattice with no transition and large dynamic aperture (p. 915)
by Guignard, Gilbert
Suppression of Longitudinal Coupled-Bunch Instability in UVSOR (p. 918)
by Kasuga, T
Double RF System for Landau Damping and Robinson Instability (p. 921)
by Miyahara, Y
Beam Quality in Single Bunch Mode of UVSOR Ring (p. 924)
by Yonehara, H
Observation and simulation of nonlinear behavior of betatron oscillations during the beam-beam collision (p. 926)
by Ieiri, T
Emittance Growth, Tune Shift, and the Bunched-Beam, Bunched-Beam Interaction (p. 929)
by Rhoades-Brown, M J
Dynamics in an Adiabatic Free Electron Laser (p. 932)
by Bruhwiler, D L
The 100 MeV Preinjector for the Trieste Synchrotron (p. 935)
by Bourat, C
Acceleration performance of a 50-MHz split coaxial RFQ and the design of a 25.5-MHz prototype (p. 938)
by Tokuda, N
High Current RF Accelerator for FEL Applications (p. 941)
by Price, D
Development of a New IHQ Linac (Construction and Acceleration of a 2 MeV Prototype Linac) (p. 944)
by Hattori, T
Development of the 1 GeV Proton Linac for the Japanese Hadron Facility (p. 947)
by Yamazaki, Y
400 MeV upgrade for the Fermilab linac (p. 950)
by MacLachlan, J A
Design of an integrally formed RFQ (p. 953)
by Abbott, S
Advanced Light Source linac subharmonic buncher cavities (p. 956)
by Lo, C C
The Berkeley 2MV Heavy Ion Fusion Injector (p. 959)
by Rutkowski, H L
The Berkeley 2 MV heavy ion fusion injector (p. 959)
by Rutkowski, H L
Engineering study of a 10 MeV heavy ion linear accelerator (p. 962)
by Fong, C G
Acceleration units for the induction linac systems experiment (ILSE) (p. 965)
by Faltens, A
Concepts, features, and design of a sixteen-to-four beam combiner for ILSE (p. 968)
by Judd, D L
Conceptual design of bend, compression, and final focus components of ILSE (p. 971)
by Lee, E P
Superconducting Low-Velocity Linac for the Argonne Positive-Ion Injector (p. 974)
by Shepard, K W
Beam-based alignment technique for the SLC linac (p. 977)
by Adolphsen, C E
Exploring the Beam Parameter Space of a CW RFQ Proton Accelerator (p. 980)
by McMichael, G E
The SLAC linac as used in the SLC collider (p. 983)
by Seeman, J T
Compact Linacs for Positron Emission Tomography (p. 987)
by Raparia, D
Study of the Four-Rod RFQ Structure at 470 MHz (p. 990)
by Kazimi, R
The Injection System for the LNLS Synchrotron Light Source: The Linear Accelerator (p. 993)
by Liu, L
Status of the ETA-II Linear Induction Accelerator: High Brightness Results (p. 996)
by Turner, W C
Performance of the New AGS RFQ Preinjector (p. 999)
by Alessi, J G
Low Emittance Immersed and Non-Immersed Foilless Diodes for High Current Electron Linacs (p. 1002)
by Mazarakis, M G
RADLAC-II Upgrade Experiments (p. 1005)
by Shope, S L
Optimization of Pulse Quality for a Linear Induction Accelerator (p. 1008)
by Eckhouse, S
Phase Space Acceptance of LMF Transport Schemes (p. 1011)
by Olson, C L
PIC Simulations of an Aschromatic Solenoidal Focusing System for LMF (p. 1014)
by Mehlhorn, T A
A Conceptual Design for an LMF Accelerator Module (p. 1017)
by Johnson, D L
Electron Beam Injection, Deflection, and Transport in the UNM Betatron (p. 1020)
by Schamiloglu, E
Beam-Breakup and Image-Displacement Instability Coupling Impedances in High-Current Electron-Beam Induction Accelerators (p. 1023)
by Godfrey, B B
Recent Laser Guided Transport Calculations (p. 1026)
by Boyd, J K
Theory of the Wakefield Effects of Relativistic Electron Beams (p. 1029)
by Uhm, H S
Pondeormotive Effects on Charged Particle Beam Limiting Current (p. 1032)
by Grebogi, C
Intense Electron Beam Propagation across a Magnetic Field (p. 1035)
by Zhang, X
Stability of Compact Recirculating Accelerators (p. 1038)
by Hughes, T P
Analytic models for the broad band impedance (p. 1041)
by Hofmann, A
Transport and Stability of Long-Pulse, High-Current Electron Beams in Ion Focused Regime Plasma Channels for Advanced Accelerators (p. 1044)
by Miller, J D
Octopole Correction of Geometric Aberrations for High-Current Heavy-Ion Beams (p. 1047)
by Ho, D D M
The University of Maryland Electron Pulse Compression Experiment (p. 1049)
by Shea, T
Current Measurements in a Gas Filled Drift Tube (p. 1052)
by Fine, T A
Beam Dynamics in the Spiral-Line Induction Accelerator (p. 1055)
by Petillo, J J
A Simple Estimate of Bunch Rotation (p. 1058)
by Kamiya, Yu
The Beam Tracking during the First Few Milliseconds of a Low Energy Booster (p. 1061)
by Machida, S
High Average Beam Power Linac Waveguides (p. 1064)
by Gallagher, W J
Beam Mismatch and Emittance Oscillations in Magnetic Transport Lines (p. 1067)
by Noble, R J
Neutralization of Long and Short Pulse Ion Beams (p. 1070)
by Agafonov, A V
Drift Tubes for a Focusing Channel of Ion Linear Accelerator (p. 1073)
by Kapchinskii, I M
A POS Hall Model (p. 1076)
by Ivanenkov, G V
Experimental Investigation of POS (p. 1079)
by Krastelev, E G
Commissioning of the 200 MeV Injector Linac for the Oxford Instr.-IBM Synchrotron Light Source (p. 1082)
by Letellier, P
Application of Linear Electron Accelerators to Industry and Medicine (p. 1085)
by Vakhrushin, Yu P
ECR Source Scaling Concepts (p. 1088)
by Geller, R
4 Rod RFQ Injector for GSI Linac (p. 1093)
by Schempp, A
High-Brightness Electron Injectors: A Review (p. 1098)
by Sheffield, R L
Brief Review of the Development of Electrostatic Accelerators and Continuing Work at Strasburg (p. 1103)
by Letournel, M
High-yield positron systems for linear colliders (p. 1107)
by Clendenin, J E
Recent Advancements in Sputter-Type Heavy Negative Ion Sources (p. 1112)
by Alton, G D
The CCVV High-Current Megavolt-Range DC Accelerator (p. 1117)
by Anderson, O A
First Operational Tests of the Positive-Ion Injector for ATLAS (p. 1120)
by Bollinger, L M
Relativistic klystrons (p. 1123)
by Allen, M A
Status of the LEP accelerating structure (p. 1128)
by Brown, P
The LEP Main Ring High Power RF System (p. 1131)
by Frischholz, Hans
The LEP main ring high power rf system (p. 1131)
by Frischholz, Hans
Development of the Resonant-Cavity Virtual-Cathode and Large-Orbit Gyrotron High-Power Microwave Sources (p. 1134)
by Fazio, M V
rf breakdown studies in copper electron linac structures (p. 1137)
by Wang, J W
Klystrode (p. 1140)
by Shrader, M
High-Speed, High-Accuracy Magnet Power Supply Using FET Chopper for Synchrotron Facility (p. 1145)
by Kitayama, T
Magnetic performance of the LEP bending magnets (p. 1148)
by Billan, J
Switch mode power converters : present and future(p. 1151)
by Isch, Hans W
A Faster Chopper for Programmed Population of the Longitudinal Phase Space of the AGS (p. 1154)
by Brennan, J M
High Frequency Dependence of the Coupling Impedance for a Large Number of Obstacles (p. 1157)
by Gluckstern, R L
Robinson Instability and Longitudinal Mode Coupling (p. 1160)
by Wang, T S F
Interaction of CESR vacuum pumps with stored beam (p. 1163)
by Billing, M G
Effect of Energy Spread on the Dipole Beam Break-Up Instability (p. 1166)
by Chernin, D
Effect of the Induced Voltage on the Bunch Motion at the Transition Energy (p. 1169)
by Lee, S Y
Coherent Beatron Instability Driven by Electrostatic Separators - Stability Analysis of the Tevatron (p. 1172)
by Harfoush, F A
Coherent betatron instability driven by electrostatic separators : stability analysis of the Tevatron(p. 1172)
by Harfoush, F A
Simulation of coupled bunch mode growth driven by a high-Q resonator : a transient response approach(p. 1175)
by Stahl, S
Relativistic Klystron Wakefields (p. 1178)
by Yu, D U L
The AMOS (Azimuthal Mode Simulator) Code (p. 1181)
by De Ford, J F
Modeling Ferrite Electromagnetic Response in the Time-Domain (p. 1184)
by Johnson, J
BBU in Microtrons with Subharmonic Injection (p. 1187)
by Penner, S
Beam break-up in the two beam accelerator (p. 1190)
by Whittum, D H
Effects of Frequency Spreads on Beam Breakup Instabilities in Linear Accelerators (p. 1193)
by Colombant, D G
Stability of beams hollow in longitudinal phase space (p. 1196)
by Baartman, R A
Observation of the Tune Dependence of the Stability Threshold Current in the PSR (p. 1199)
by Wang, T F
Transverse Collective Instability in the PSR (p. 1202)
by Colton, E P
Beam dynamics effects in the CERN SPS used as a lepton injector (p. 1205)
by Brandt, D
Study of Collective Effects in a Low-Emittance PEP Lattice (p. 1208)
by Kramer, S L
The Backward Mode in an Electromagnetically Pumped Free Electron Laser (p. 1211)
by Kong, G Y
The 2 GeV Pohang Light Source (p. 1214)
by Oh, S
A 5 GeV Injector for PEP (p. 1217)
by Nuhn, H D
Z-Pinch Wiggler (p. 1220)
by Lampel, M C
Insertion devices for the advanced light source at LBL (p. 1222)
by Hassenzahl, W V
An Ultra-Low Emittance Damping Ring Lattice and Its Dynamic Aperture (p. 1225)
by Emery, L
Calculating Emittance from Images of Undulator Radiation (p. 1228)
by Borland, M
Experimental Characterization of PEP Low-Emittance Lattice (p. 1231)
by Borland, M
Effect of Tapering on Optical Guiding and Sideband Growth in a Finite-Pulse Free-Electron Laser (p. 1234)
by Hafizi, B
FEL Projects at DELTA (p. 1237)
by Nölle, D
Computer simulation of FEL sidebands in a strongly dispersive waveguide (p. 1239)
by Sternbach, E J
A Compact X-Ray Lithography Lattice Using Superferric Magnets (p. 1242)
by Chen, L K
Injection System for the 8 GeV Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Japan (p. 1245)
by Yokomizo, H
LNLS : The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory(p. 1248)
by Gonçalves da Silva, C E T
A Second Superconducting Wiggler Magnet for the Daresbury SRS (p. 1250)
by Poole, M W
Measurement of a FEL Undulator and Particle Tracking (p. 1253)
by Tsukishima, C
On using a superconducting linac to drive a short wavelength FEL (p. 1256)
by Krafft, G A
The Effect of Magnetic Field Errors on the Radiation Spectrum of Elettra Undulators (p. 1259)
by Diviacco, B
Status of LBL/LLNL FEL research for two beam accelerator applications (p. 1262)
by Hopkins, D B
Lattice Comparison for the Synchrotron Light Source Bessy II (p. 1265)
by Wüstefeld, G
Recent Experiments with the Free-Electron Laser at Los Alamos (p. 1268)
by Feldman, D W
Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Small Obstacle (p. 1271)
by Gluckstern, R L
Exploratory orbit analysis (p. 1274)
by Michelotti, Leo
Modeling Nonlinear Behavior in the Fermilab Main Ring (p. 1277)
by Gerig, R E
Generalized Emittance Invariants (p. 1280)
by Rangarajan, G
Release of Marylie 3.0 (p. 1283)
by Dragt, A
Analytical expressions for the smear due to nonlinear multipoles (p. 1286)
by Merminga, N
Third Order Combined Function Bending Magnets (p. 1289)
by Carey, D C
The MAD program (p. 1292)
by Grote, H
One dimensional motion in a thick sextupole : a comparison of tracking methods with the exact solution(p. 1295)
by Hagel, J
Consequences of the discontinuous replacement of radiated energy on the performance of LEP 200 (p. 1298)
by Ruggiero, F
Precise determination of the amplitude functions in collider insertions with an application to LEP (p. 1301)
by Bovet, Claude
Vertically integrated simulation tools for self-consistent tracking and analysis (p. 1304)
by Forest, E
Beam Dynamics in Wigglers: Tracking in PEP with Damping Wigglers and Measurements at Spear (p. 1307)
by Safranek, J
Beam dynamics with the Hamilton-Jacobi equation (p. 1310)
by Gabella, W E
A Formalism and Computer Program for Couple Lattices (p. 1313)
by Raubenheimer, T O
A damping ring design for future linear colliders (p. 1316)
by Raubenheimer, T O
Design of optics for the final focus test beam at SLAC (p. 1319)
by Oide, K
Construction of symplectic full-turn maps by application of an arbitrary tracking code (p. 1322)
by Warnock, R L
Construction and Fourier analysis of invariant surfaces from tracking data (p. 1325)
by Warnock, R L
Dynamic aperture of the ALS booster synchrotron (p. 1328)
by Kim, C H
A New Design of the SSC Boosters (p. 1331)
by Furman, M A
Controlling the crossing angle in the SSC (p. 1334)
by Garren, A A
XMAP: A Differential Algebra Tool Generating Accelerator Maps (p. 1337)
by Peggs, S
Prediction of Long-Term Beam Stability Using High Order Torroidal Invariants (p. 1340)
by Irwin, J
The Driven Pendulum, and E778 Tune Modulation (p. 1343)
by Chen, T
Correction of Horizontal-Vertical Coupling in the SSC (p. 1346)
by Peterson, J
Symmetry Corrected Second Order Achromat (p. 1349)
by Flanz, J B
PHASEFIX - correcting the tunes of the SLC arcs (p. 1352)
by Haïssinski, J
Racetrack lattices for the TRIUMF KAON factory (p. 1355)
by Servranckx, R V
Lattice Comparison for the 8 GeV Synchrotron Radiation Source (p. 1358)
by Tsumaki, K
Effect of Insertion Devices on Beam Dynamics of the 8 GeV Light Source Storage Ring (p. 1361)
by Nagaoka, R
1.8 TeV Tevatron Upgrade Lattices (p. 1364)
by Garren, A A
AGS-Booster Orbit and Resonance Correction (p. 1367)
by Milutinovic, J
Closed Orbit Analysis for the RHIC (p. 1370)
by Milutinovic, J
Comparison of Accelerator Codes for a RHIC Lattice (p. 1373)
by Milutinovic, J
Dynamic aperture and long-term particle stability in the presence of strong sextupoles in the CERN SPS (p. 1376)
by Gareyte, Jacques
Optical Flexibility of the (p. 1379)
by Bongardt, K
Application of Collins' Distortion Functions (p. 1382)
by Meads, P F
Dipole Fringe Field Optics in TRANSPORT (p. 1385)
by Sagalovsky, L
Studies on Magnet Shuffling for RHIC (p. 1388)
by Dell, G F
Orbital dynamics in the Tevatron double helix (p. 1391)
by Michelotti, Leo
Amplitude growth due to random, correlated kicks (p. 1394)
by Michelotti, Leo
Multiple Equilibrium States of Electron Flow in a Magetron Gun (p. 1397)
by Agafonov, A V
Longitudinal Instability of Azimuthally-Nonsymmetric Beam in a Synchrotron (p. 1400)
by Balbekov, V I
Beam-beam effects in the strong-strong régime at the CERN SPS (p. 1403)
by Evans, Lyndon R
High Current Beam Dynamics Simulation in the Proton Storage Ring (p. 1406)
by Moiseev, V A
Precise Energy Measurement of the Continuous Proton Beam (p. 1409)
by Feschenko, A V
Initial Operation of the First 20 MeV Tank of the INR Linac (p. 1411)
by Bylinsky, Yu V
Review of Beam Dynamics Experiments and Issues in Large Colliders (p. 1414)
by Edwards, D A
Differential Algebra, A New Tool (p. 1419)
by Berz, M
Modeling the SSC (p. 1424)
by Schachinger, L C
Measurements of beta in the TEVATRON and Comparisons with Calculations (p. 1427)
by Gelfand, N M
Nonlinear dynamics experiment in the Tevatron (p. 1429)
by Merminga, N
Multipole Correction in Synchrotrons (p. 1432)
by Neuffer, David V
Analytic estimates of coupling in damping rings (p. 1435)
by Raubenheimer, T O
Electron energy spectrum and maximum disruption angle under multi-photon beamstrahlung (p. 1438)
by Yokoya, K
High Average-Power Induction Linacs (p. 1441)
by Prono, D
Very High Pulse-Energy Accelerators (p. 1446)
by Ramirez, J J
Heavy-Ion Superconducting Linacs (p. 1451)
by Delayen, J R
High Brightness Immersed Source Injector Characterization (p. 1456)
by Frost, C A
Injector Linac for Super-ALIS (p. 1459)
by Hosokawa, T
The Bear Accelerator (p. 1462)
by O'Shea, P G
High Precision Real Time Beam Position Measurement System (p. 1465)
by Kleman, K J
Beam Position Monitors for the CESR Linac (p. 1468)
by Meller, R E
Results of Measurements on the HERA Proton Beam Position Monitors (p. 1471)
by Schütte, W
A Beam Scraper Using a Linear Motor (p. 1474)
by Beadle, E R
The Upgraded Ring Loss Radiation Monitoring System at the AGS (p. 1477)
by Bennett, G W
Electrostatic beam separation system of TRISTAN main ring (p. 1480)
by Shintake, T
A Schottky receiver for non-perturbative tune monitoring in the Tevatron (p. 1483)
by Martin, D
A resonant beam detector for Tevatron tune monitoring (p. 1486)
by Martin, D
Time-dependent Degradation of an Ion-Focused ATA Beam (p. 1489)
by Fawley, W M
The LEP injection monitors : design and first results with beam(p. 1492)
by Burtin, G
Optical Cerenkov Measurements of Emittance Growth in the Advanced Test Accelerator Beam under Laser Ion-Guiding (p. 1495)
by Chong, Y P
Phase Space Profile Measurement Using an X-Ray Pinhole Camera (p. 1498)
by Ogata, A
Impedance measurements on button electrodes (p. 1501)
by Jacob, A
A Beam Characterization of H (p. 1504)
by Hassan, A A
Advanced Light Source (ALS) beam position monitor (p. 1507)
by Hinkson, J
A Beam-Profile Monitor for the BNL Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) (p. 1510)
by McDonald, K T
Single Bunch Intensity Monitoring System Using an Improved Wall Current Monitor (p. 1513)
by Moore, C D
Switched Detector for Beam Position Monitor (p. 1516)
by Biscardi, R
A Noniterative Method for Calculating Beam Position From Induced Electric Signals (p. 1519)
by Bozoki, E S
The Beam Profile Measuring System at the Bates Linac (p. 1523)
by Jacobs, K D
Emittance Measurements at the Bates Linac (p. 1526)
by Jacobs, K D
Energy measurements from betatron oscillations (p. 1529)
by Himel, Thomas M
Long ion chamber systems for the SLC (p. 1531)
by Rolfe, J
Observations of the Transverse and Longitudinal Nature of the Fermilab Linac Beam (p. 1534)
by McCrory, E
Design of the AGS booster beam position monitor system (p. 1536)
by Beadle, E R
Beam-loss monitors in the SLC final focus (p. 1539)
by Jacobsen, R G
Beamstrahlung as an optics tuning tool at the SLC IP (p. 1542)
by Gero, E
Precision synchrotron radiation detectors (p. 1544)
by Levi, M
Precision measurements of the SLC reference magnets (p. 1547)
by Watson, S
Precision measurements of the SLC beam energy (p. 1550)
by Kent, J
Compact Emittance Scanners for MeV Particle Beams (p. 1553)
by O'Shea, P G
Fail-Safe Ion Chamber Errant Beam Detector Tailored for Personnel Protection (p. 1556)
by Plum, M A
Pulse-Power-Induced Oscillations on the REX Electron Beam (p. 1559)
by Builta, L A
Beam Position Monitor Upgrade for the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring (p. 1562)
by Thiessen, H A
General Analysis of Beam Position Monitors (p. 1565)
by Di Massa, G
Beam Characterization with Video Imaging Systems at the ANL 50-MeV H (p. 1571)
by Yule, T J
Beam Diagnostic for COSY-Jülich (p. 1574)
by Maier, R
Timing and rf synchronization for filling PEP/SPEAR with the SLC damping rings (p. 1577)
by Ronan, Michael T
Wire Scanner News in the CERN-SPS (p. 1580)
by Camas, J
Wire scanner news from the CERN-SPS (p. 1580)
by Burns, A
A dedicated multi-process controller for a LEP rf unit (p. 1583)
by Ciapala, Edmond
The Measurement of the Twiss Parameters by Using Segmented Faraday Cups (p. 1586)
by Hummer, C
HESYRL 200 MeV Linac Single Bunch Energy Spectrum Measurement (p. 1589)
by Yin, Y
RF Phase Measurement at Phermex Using Time-To-Digital Converters (p. 1591)
by Watson, S A
Fitting Measured Emittance Data (p. 1593)
by Meads, P F
A Technique for Improving the Accuracy and Dynamic Range of Beam Position-Detection Equipment (p. 1595)
by Wells, F D
Monitoring the Conditions of Beam Injection into the IHEP Accelerator from the Booster (p. 1597)
by Brook, V L
Online monitoring of dispersion functions and transfer matrices at the SLC (p. 1599)
by Emma, P
A beam position monitor for low current dc beams (p. 1602)
by Adderley, P
184-inch synchrocyclotron decommissioning (p. 1605)
by Reimers, D
Progress in Commissioning the IUCF Cooler (p. 1608)
by Ellison, T J
Reverse Bending Magnets in Combined-Function Lattice for the CLIC Damping Ring (p. 1611)
by Delayahe, J P
Reverse bending magnets in a combined-function lattice for the CLIC damping ring (p. 1611)
by Delahaye, J P
Upgrading the CERN PS Booster to 1 GeV for improved antiproton production (p. 1614)
by Cappi, R
H0 Injection for the JHP Compressor/Stretcher Ring (p. 1617)
by Yamane, I
A Two-Cyclotron Concept for the Production of Radioactive Ion Beams (p. 1620)
by Jongen, Y
A 30 MeV H- cyclotron for isotope production (p. 1623)
by Baartman, R A
Applications of Modern Filtering to the Accelerators (p. 1626)
by Zhang, S Y
Data Acquisition, Control and Analysis for the Argonne Advance Accelerator Test Facility (AATF) (p. 1629)
by Schoessow, P
Data acquisition, control, and analysis for the Argonne advanced accelerator test facility (AATF) (p. 1629)
by Schoessow, P
Objected-Oriented Communications (p. 1631)
by Chapman, L J
The Shot Summary System for the Tevatron Collider (p. 1633)
by Gelfand, N
Digital control of the LEP rf system (p. 1636)
by Hansen, S
Phase and voltage control in the LEP radio-frequency system (p. 1639)
by Juillard, J C
Accelerator diagnosis and control by neural nets (p. 1642)
by Spencer, J E
Progress on a New Control System for the Bevalac (p. 1645)
by Lewis, S A
Networking Remote Instrumentation for the Advanced Light Source (p. 1648)
by Chin, M
LNLS Control System Conceptual Design (p. 1651)
by Franco, J
VME Bus Performance in Multiprocessor Systems (p. 1654)
by Mayer, G
The Colliding Beams Sequencer (p. 1657)
by Johnson, D E
Control system for the neutron therapy facility at Fermilab (p. 1660)
by Shea, M F
Automatic steering corrections to minimize injection oscillations in the Fermilab antiproton source rings (p. 1663)
by Harding, D J
Relational Databases for SSC Design and Control (p. 1666)
by Barr, E
A Local Area Computer for Data Acquisition and Control (p. 1669)
by Russ, T
A Digital Control System for Accelerator Operator-Host Computer Interface (p. 1672)
by Tilbrook, I
Operational experience with model-based steering in the SLC linac (p. 1675)
by Thompson, K A
The RTC : a software support system for the control of the CERN SPS(p. 1678)
by Herr, Werner
A new closed orbit correction procedure for the CERN SPS (CERN-SPS-89-10-AMS) (p. 1681)
by Herr, Werner
Interactive beam tuning simulator for the SLC final focus (p. 1684)
by Ford, W T
Architecture and Performance of the New CESR Control System (p. 1687)
by Strohman, C R
Vax Q-Bus to CAMAC Systems Crate Interface for Long Camac Branches (p. 1690)
by Sarkar, S
The Ground Test Accelerator Control System Database: Configuration, Run-Time Operation and Access (p. 1693)
by Dalesio, L R
Design and Implementation of a VMEbus System Services Card (p. 1695)
by Beechy, D
Optics of the Amsterdam Pulse Stretcher (AmPS) (p. 1698)
by Maas, R
Design for a Second-Generation Proton Storage Ring at LAMPF (p. 1701)
by Colton, E P
An Energy Spectrum Compressor System (ESC) for the Amsterdam Pulse Stretcher (AmPS) (p. 1704)
by Noomen, J G
The Positron Accumulator Ring for the APS (p. 1707)
by Crosbie, E A
VME-computer network (MAP) for the KEK proton synchrotron (p. 1710)
by Katoh, T
MOPS : a data structure management system for the LEP/SPS control system(p. 1713)
by Herr, Werner
Stanford Linear Collider history data facility (p. 1716)
by Johnson, R
Performance and Modification of the MEA R.F. Drive System (p. 1719)
by Kroes, F B
High Luminosity Performance of the SPS Protron-Antiproton Collider (p. 1722)
by Bailey, R
High luminosity performance of the SPS proton-antiproton collider (p. 1722)
by Bailey, R
Integral Split Ring RFQ Structure for Heavy Ion Acceleration (p. 1725)
by Fang, J X
ITEP Proton Synchrotron Reconstruction (p. 1728)
by Alexeev, N N
Beam-beam effects in electron and proton colliders [presented in Chicago] (p. 1731)
by Keil, Eberhard
Beam dynamics issues in linear colliders (p. 1736)
by Seeman, J T
Experiments on Intense Electron Beam Transport in Mesh Focusing Arrays (p. 1741)
by Humphries, S
Comparison of Gabor Lens, Gas Focusing, and Electrostatic Quadrople Focusing for Low-Energy Ion Beams (p. 1744)
by Reiser, M
Longitudinal Emittance in High-Current Linear Ion Accelerators (p. 1748)
by Wangler, T P
The effects of insertion devices on beam dynamics in the ALS (p. 1752)
by Jackson, A
Analysis of RF Modes in the ANL APS Vacuum Chamber Using Computer Simulation, Electron Beam Excitation and Perturbation Techniques (p. 1755)
by Kustom, R
Polarized Proton Acceleration at the KEK PS (p. 1758)
by Sato, H
Asymptotic Growth of Cumulative and Regenerative Beam Break-up Instabilities in Linear Accelerators (p. 1761)
by Lau, Y Y
Status of Superconducting RF Cavity Development (p. 1764)
by Shepard, K W
Status: Large-Scale Subatmospheric Cryogenic Systems (p. 1769)
by Peterson, T
Measurement of the Magnetic Field Coefficients of Particle Accelerator Magnets (p. 1774)
by Herrera, J
Magnet Design Studies for the European Light Ion Medical Accelerator (p. 1777)
by Mandrillon, P
Training of LBL-SSC Model Dipole Magnets at 1.8K (p. 1780)
by Althaus, R F
Training of LBL-SSC model dipole magnets at 1.8 K (p. 1780)
by Gilbert, W S
Long-term test of a LEP prototype superconducting cavity in the CERN SPS (p. 1783)
by Boussard, Daniel
The CERN antiproton accumulator clearing system with ion current measurements as a residual neutralization diagnostic (p. 1786)
by Pedersen, F
Upgrading of TRISTAN by Superconducting RF System (p. 1789)
by Kojima, Y
Real Time Closed Orbit Correction System (p. 1792)
by Yu, L H
Mini- beta Insertion and Luminosity for the RHIC Lattice (p. 1795)
by Lee, S Y
Radiative polarization in high-energy storage rings (p. 1798)
by Mane, S R
Studies and calculations of transverse emittance growth in high-energy proton storage rings (p. 1801)
by Mane, S R
Space-charge effects in the Fermilab main ring at 8 GeV (p. 1804)
by Mane, S R
More bunches in LEP (p. 1806)
by Jowett, John M
Stratonovich expansion and beam-beam interaction (p. 1809)
by Hirata, K
Plasma compensation effects with relativistic electron beams (p. 1812)
by Autin, Bruno
Progress report on the LEP pre-injector (p. 1815)
by Battisti, S
Helical Orbit Studies in the Tevatron (p. 1818)
by Goderre, G P
A >_ TeV Superconducting Synchrotron Design for the Fermilab Tunnel (p. 1821)
by Syphers, M J
Luminosity Lifetime in the Tevatron Collider (p. 1824)
by Herrup, D A
Improvements in bunch coalescing in the Fermilab main ring (p. 1827)
by Martin, P S
Performance of the Fermilab main ring during the 1988-89 Tevatron collider operation (p. 1827)
by Martin, P S
Design and Commissioning of the D0 Vertical Nondispersive Overpass in the Fermilab Main Ring (p. 1831)
by Trbojevic, D
Calculation of Integrated Luminosity for Beams Stored in the Tevatron Collider (p. 1834)
by Finley, D A
CESR Plus (p. 1837)
by Rubin, D L
Test Accelerator Facility for Linear Collider (p. 1841)
by Takeda, S
Recent commissioning experience on the SLC arcs (p. 1844)
by Toge, N
An asymmetric B-meson factory at PEP (p. 1847)
by Garren, A A
Operational Experience with Heavy Ions at BNL: An Update (p. 1850)
by Gardner, C
The performance of the SPS as LEP injector (p. 1853)
by Cornelis, Karel
Automatic Steering of X-Ray Beams from NSLS Insertion Devices Using Closed Orbit Feedback (p. 1856)
by Nawrocky, R J
Detuning of the NSLS UV RF Cavity to Compensate for 1 Ampere of Stored Beam (p. 1859)
by Thomas, M
Microprocessor control for the CEBAF rf control module (p. 1861)
by Ashkenazi, J
Fast Energy Spectrum and Transverse Beam Profile Monitoring and Feedback Systems for the SLC Linac (p. 1864)
by Söderström, E
Fast energy spectrum and transverse beam profile monitoring and feedback systems for the SLC linac (p. 1864)
by Svderstrvm, E J
Operational Results of the BEAR Flight RF System (p. 1867)
by Lynch, M T
Beam Loading and Cavity Compensation for the Ground Test Accelerator (p. 1870)
by Jachim, S P
Amplitude and Phase Regulationn of the RF Separator (p. 1874)
by Burge, R
Amplitude and phase regulation of the rf separator (p. 1874)
by Burge, R S
Feedback Control of the Upgraded Linac at Fermilab (p. 1876)
by Owens, T L
An active feedback system to control synchrotron oscillations in the SLC damping rings (p. 1879)
by Corredoura, P L
Longitudinal damping in the Tevatron collider (p. 1882)
by Kerns, Q A
RF Control System Development at CEFAB (p. 1885)
by Simrock, S
Numerically Controlled Oscillator for the Fermilab Booster (p. 1888)
by Crisp, J L
Operational results for the raster scanning power supply system constructed at the Bevalac biomedical facility (p. 1890)
by Stover, G D
A Proposal to Pulse the Bevatron/Bevalac Main Guide Field Magnet with SCR Power Supplies (p. 1893)
by Frias, B
Control of the Bevatron/Bevalac Main Guide Field Power Supply for Fast Ion Switching Operation (p. 1896)
by Frias, B
Advance Technology on Megawatt Modulator for the Ground Test Accelerator (p. 1899)
by Yasotornrat, H
Upgrade of Beam Steering System Components and Controls for the NSLS Storage Rings (p. 1902)
by Singh, O V
Modular magnet current regulator (p. 1905)
by Dobeck, N
The generation of a reference design for TRIUMF KAON factory booster magnet excitation (p. 1908)
by Reiniger, K W
Magnet power supplies for the advanced light source (p. 1910)
by Jackson, L T
Tuning Magnet Power Supply (p. 1913)
by Karady, G G
Optimization of Resonant Power Supply Circuit (p. 1916)
by Karady, G G
New Energy Replacement Method for Resonant Power Supplies (p. 1919)
by Karady, G G
Power Supplies for the LNLS Magnets (p. 1922)
by Pomilio, J A
Status of Magnet Power Supply Development for the APS Storage Ring (p. 1925)
by McGhee, D
Distributed supervisory protection interlock system (p. 1928)
by Walz, H V
The Daresbury Personnel Safety System (p. 1931)
by Poole, D
Operational Experience and Techniques for Controlled Longitudinal Phase Space Dilution in the AGS Using a High Harmonic Cavity (p. 1934)
by Reece, R K
Bevalac Versatility: Operations Achievements in the Multitasking Mode (p. 1937)
by Lothrop, F
Bevalac versatility : operations achievements in the multi-tasking mode(p. 1937)
by Lothrop, F
Fermilab's Automated Accelerator Start-Up Program (p. 1940)
by Emma, P
Recent Operational Experience with the Fermilab Tevatron (p. 1943)
by Crawford, J L
Reliability and lifetime predictions of SLC klystrons (p. 1946)
by Allen, M A
Indirect Measurement of HERMES III Voltage (p. 1948)
by Sanford, T W L
Improved High Voltage Coax for Antiproton Source Kicker Pulse Forming Networks and Pulse Transmission (p. 1951)
by Petter, J
Circuit Description of Pulsed Power Systems (p. 1954)
by Rhee, M J
The Vertical Alignment of the D0 Overpass in the Fermilab Main Ring (p. 1957)
by Moore, C D
Phase compensated fibre-optic links for the LEP rf reference distribution (p. 1960)
by Peschardt, E
From MAD to CAD : automatic production of accelerator layouts(p. 1963)
by Mottier, M
Magnetic properties of the ALS booster synchrotron engineering model magnets (p. 1966)
by Keller, R
AC magnetic measurements of the ALS booster dipole engineering model magnet (p. 1969)
by Green, M I
Design, fabrication, and calibration of curved integral coils for measuring transfer function, uniformity, and effective length of LBL ALS booster dipole magnets (p. 1972)
by Green, M I
A plasma lens for the CERN antiproton collector scaled from model and experiment (p. 1975)
by Autin, Bruno
An Improved Phase-Control System for Superconducting Low-Velocity Accelerating Structures (p. 1978)
by Bogaty, J M
Computerized precision control of a synchronous high voltage discharge switch for the beam separation system of the LEP e$^{+}$/e$^{-}$ collider (p. 1981)
by Dieperink, J H
Phasing Tools for the Klystrons at the SLC (p. 1984)
by Jobe, R Keith
rf phase distribution systems at the SLC (p. 1987)
by Jobe, R Keith
Microprocessor Based Power Supply Control System (p. 1990)
by Rumrill, R S
Effects of Irradiation on Hall Probe Sensitivity (p. 1993)
by Kulke, B
Air Pollution Monitor for TRISTAN (p. 1996)
by Hanaoka, K
Operational Experience with the Fermilab Antiproton Source (p. 1999)
by Harms, E
Design and Construction of Long-Pulse Modulator (p. 2002)
by Anami, S
A new system to trigger fast rise thyristors (p. 2005)
by Sakai, I
Relativistic Multipactoring (p. 2008)
by Gallagher, W J
A Method of Frequency Following of the LINAC with Power Feedback (p. 2010)
by Xi, D X
RF By-Pass on the Proton Synchrotron Vacuum Chamber Flanges (p. 2012)
by Cappi, R
RF bypass on the proton synchrotron vacuum chamber flanges (p. 2012)
by Cappi, R
Synchrotron Radiation Damage on Insulating Materials of TRISTAN Magnet (p. 2015)
by Endo, K
Long Term Ground Movement of TRISTAN Synchrotron (p. 2018)
by Endo, K
New Accelerating Sections for the 2 GeV Linac (p. 2021)
by Biller, E Z
Electron Beam Monochromatization in the Linac Used as an Injector to the Stretcher (p. 2025)
by Gladkikh, P I

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 Record created 1990-07-20, last modified 2024-02-23

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