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The Calvin Awakens

Brian Kesinger, a story artist at Walt Disney and an artist for Marvel Comics, captures the bratty, imaginative Calvin at his best. (But makes Kylo just a bit too sympathetic.)  Awesome tip, Shane!

A photo posted by briankesinger (@briankesinger) on

A photo posted by briankesinger (@briankesinger) on

A photo posted by briankesinger (@briankesinger) on

Previously on Popped Culture...
Spaceman Spiff
Cal Solo and Hobbesbacca
Winter Is Coming, Hobbes

Wizard Of Tarantino

Nothing like an old-school Dave Macdowell painting to pull me out of my pop culture slumber. Love this one, especially Dorothy as Beatrix Kiddo. Badass.

Previously on Popped Culture...
Stuck In The Burger (With You)
Wizard Of The Hellmouth
Oompa LoomPacino

Orange You Glad To See Us?

There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie and Dim…

Justin Harder (Claus) for Gallery 1988’s Crazy 4 Cult 9.

Previously on Popped Culture…
Reservoir Droogs
Wockawocka Orange
Alex & The Droogs Of Riverdale

And Stop Calling Me 'Nip'!

Seinfeld references meets Red Hot Chili Pepper's album Mother's Milk in Augie Pagan’s "Elaine's elusive red hot nips.” See more at Gallery 1988’s Art Show About Nothing.

Previously on Popped Culture…
These References Are Making Me Thirsty
That Orange Bastard
Muppets Milk

The Last Robot Apocalypse Supper

“But woe to that robot who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been built.”

Robot Rescue, by Mark Bryan for Gallery 1988's show Robot Carnival.

Previously on Popped Culture...
Suddenly Last Supper
All of the Pop Culture Last Suppers
Here I Am, Brain The Size Of A Planet...

All Men Must Fry

Ever wondered what the cast of Game of Thrones would look like drawn in the style of Bob's Burgers? Of course you have! Wonder no more, thanks to the work of artist CarlosDanger101. (Via Mashable)

Previously on Popped Culture... 
Disney's Game of Thrones
Winter Is Coming, Charlie Snow
Mr. Men & Little Miss Game Of Thrones

I Shall Never Cross Its Threshold Again In My Lifetime

M. Gustave: Why do you want to be a lobby boy?
Zero: Well, who wouldn't - at the Grand Budapest, sir. It's an institution.

Max Dalton for Spoke Art’s upcoming Bad Dads VI, their sixth annual
Wes Anderson art show.

Previously on Popped Culture...
The Life Aquatic With Captain Kirk
Luke, I Am Your Never-ending Nostalgia
If Bill Murray Played Everyone In Wes Anderson's Films

Unreal Estate IV: The Movie

I want you to do me one favour.
What's that?
I want you to hit me as hard as you can.

We scared each other pretty good, didn't we?
We sure did.

What a piece of junk.

Tim Doyle returns to pop culture locales,  this time taking on the big screen's cult classics in Unreal Estate IV: The Movie, his solo show at Spoke Art.

Previously on Popped Culture...
Unreal Estate
Shit! Orange Got Tagged
We'll Go To Very Distant Lands

Game & Watch: For Hours And Hours

Game & Watch was my first introduction to Nintendo and video games (I don’t think Merlin counts). Illustrator Mark Borgions made posters of three classics for the iam8bit 10th anniversary show: Parachute, Octopus and more.

Previously on Popped Culture…
Who Wants To Play Video Games?
NES Zappers At 10 Paces
The Creation of Mario

Nest Forrest, Nest!

Forrest Gump nesting dolls (Matryoshka dolls) featuring Forrest, Bubba, Jenny, Mamma, Lieutenant Dan, and Forrest Jr.

By Andy Stattmiller for Gallery 1988’s Tom Hanks show, No Sad Stuff.

Previously on Popped Culture…
Back To The Forest Gump
Very Useful Celebrities
