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Thursday, April 12, 2018

1. Malaysians have been expecting Parliament to be dissolved so that election can be held. There were rumours about the dissolution of Parliament since 2015. But each time the Government failed to do so. If the Government was confident it would win, early election would give it a longer life. It must be because it was not fully confident that it kept on postponing the election.

2. The Government of Najib believed that cash is king. With cash i.e. with bribery it could win easily. But very quickly it dawned upon the leaders of the BN that money could not buy everything.

3. That was when Najib resorted to other ways to weaken the opposition. It decided to tamper with the electoral role in the 13th Election. It failed. The opposition garnered more popular votes than the Government.

4. Then it decided to change electoral boundaries so that rural constituencies have a lesser number of votes. The Government party needs only a few votes in the rural areas in order to win.

5. This time, it was convinced that the small rural constituencies populated largely by Malays would, as in the 13th Election, give the BN enough seats to form the Government. Such was its confidence that the rural Malays would always support UMNO that it saw no threat in registering Parti Pribumi Bersatu, set-up by ex-UMNO members. Najib did not think the new indigenous party would be big enough to challenge UMNO. Certainly, it would not be able to work together with the other opposition parties. It was unthinkable for the opposition to accept it as a coalition partner.

6. In this Najib was completely wrong. The new party was not only welcome to join a new opposition coalition but the parties actually accepted the PPBM Chairman as Chairman of the coalition and subsequently as its candidate for Prime Ministership.

7. This turn of events sent tremors to the BN and UMNO leaders. They felt a need to deregister PPBM, even to stop it from contesting in the 14th elections.

8. They saw an opportunity to do this when the new coalition applied for registration and the use of a new common symbol or logo.

9. And so, when the application for registration of the coalition was made to the Registrar of Societies, a new approach was adopted by the Registrar.

10. By simply not acknowledging or replying to the applications, the new coalition was left uncertain as to its fate. It could not conclude that it would not be registered but it could also not assume that it would be registered. Preparation for working together during the election could not be made. Registered, it could use a single symbol, a single flag and a single manifesto. If it is not registered, the four parties would have to retain their four flags and make separate preparations for the elections.

11. All enquiries directed at ROS were not acknowledged and no replies received. The coalition members were left in a limbo, uncertain whether eventually the coalition would be registered or not.

12. Attempts to get a reply failed. No acknowledgement or replies were received.

13. Then there came vague suggestion that registration would not be possible because DAP and PPBM had breached certain rules. But no written explanation was given by ROS as to these breaches. DAP which long ago was told that it had failed to carry out proper elections, resolved this problem by holding a new election. ROS then approved it.

14. But PPBM was not officially informed as to the breaches it had made. It could not be corrected to the satisfaction of ROS.

15. Election was approaching and time for preparing for election was getting shorter. Then, one day before the PM announced that parliament was to be dissolved, PPBM received notice that it had been temporarily dissolved for 30 days as from 5th of April the day the letter was sent by ROS.

16. Clearly there is collusion between ROS and Najib. It could not be coincidental. It must have been planned early as the 30 days PPBM is suspended or “bubar” coincides with the period of election.

17. Not only is PPBM not allowed to contest in the elections but during that period the party cannot display its identity through flags, posters or shirts. It cannot even display my pictures as its chairman. Only the pictures of the contestant can be displayed in each constituency.

18. The withdrawal of the registration of PPBM means no registration of Pakatan Harapan. So Pakatan Harapan, the proposed coalition of four opposition parties, would also be illegal.

19. This means that Najib’s Government is depriving the opposition and majority of the citizens of Malaysia from participating in the 14th General Election. BN will win all seats uncontested. This is a gross abuse of the principles of democracy. Any election in which opposition candidates are not allowed to contest cannot be regarded as valid. The winning party cannot be allowed to set up a Government.

20. The result would be a stalemate.

21. The only solution is to hold a new election immediately in which everyone wishing to contest would be allowed to contest.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


1. Najib berada dalam keadaan cemas. Sentimen rakyat 90% menolak Najib. Mereka tidak akan undi BN dalam PRU 14.

2. Oleh itu sudah ternampak penipuan yang dilakukan dan akan dilakukan oleh Najib.

3. Demikianlah dunia percaya Najib akan tipu sehingga “The Economist” U.K. telah siar berita bertajuk Najib akan curi PRU 14 di Malaysia.

4. Apakah jenis penipuan yang sedang dilakukan oleh Najib. Saya senarai dibawah penipuannya.

i. Senarai pengundi sudah diubah sehingga 4 juta tidak ada alamat yang penuh.

ii. Beratus pengundi mempunyai nama yang sama, umur sama tetapi tinggal di negeri-negeri berlainan.

iii. Hingga 70 pengundi memiliki alamat yang sama – iaitu tinggal di satu rumah – walaupun berlainan kaum. Apabila diselidik terdapat hanya 2 orang di rumah itu.

iiii. Pengundi pos dan pengundi awal bertambah hingga 1 juta. Cara mengundi pos tidak jelas dan terbuka untuk penipuan. Peti undi boleh disembunyi dari pemerhati parti lawan. Besar kemungkinan kertas undi ditambah.

v. Sempadan kawasan pilihanraya diubah supaya kaum-kaum diasingkan. Kononnya Melayu mudah disogok supaya mengundi BN. Mengikut Najib orang Cina sukar disogok. Ini dilihat dalam PRU 13.

vi. Pengundi terutama kakitangan Kerajaan ditakutkan dengan dakwaan kononnya Najib tahu siapa undi siapa. Pegawai dan kakitangan Kerajaan diberi amaran oleh Najib sendiri bahawa mereka mesti undi BN atau tindakan akan diambil terhadap mereka. Sebenarnya tiada siapa yang akan tahu siapa undi siapa apabila perkiraan dibuat.

vii. Bantuan wang kepada parti lawan disekat dengan tindakan oleh LHDN dan MACC menambah cukai atau membeku wang di bank supaya perniagaan tidak dapat diteruskan.

viii. Semua kawan-kawan pemimpin parti lawan ditegah berdekat dengan pimpinan parti lawan. Maka pemimpin parti lawan kehilangan semua kawan. Sudah tentu mereka tidak boleh bantu P.H. Kontrak mereka, perniagaan mereka, hutang bank mereka akan dihentikan jika masih berjumpa pemimpin parti lawan. Tindakan-tindakan ini menentukan parti lawan tidak ada kewangan yang diperlukan untuk biayai pilihanraya. Sebaliknya Najib memiliki banyak duit yang diselewengkan dari 1MDB dan lain-lain dana Kerajaan.

ix. Sogokan wang dan barangan kepada bakal pengundi dibuat secara terbuka oleh Najib dan UMNO sebab polis atau MACC tidak dibenar oleh Najib mengambil tindakan undang-undang.

x. Tempat mengundi ditukar tanpa diberitahu pengundi supaya apabila mereka pergi ke tempat mengundi biasa nama mereka tidak ada disitu. Tempat undi mereka dipindah jauh dari tempat tinggal pengundi. Dengan itu mereka tidak dapat mengundi. Hak mereka dicabul.

xi. Daftar pengundi baru disembunyi daripada parti lawan sehingga tidak dapat parti lawan berkempen dikalangan mereka.

xii. Pada kebiasaannya parti politik yang baru ditubuh didaftar oleh Pendaftar Pertubuhan dengan segera. Tetapi permohonan gabungan parti pembangkang yang dinamakan Pakatan Harapan tidak dijawab setelah sembilan bulan berlalu. Keadaan tidak menentu ini meletak Pakatan Harapan dalam keadaan serba salah. P.H. tidak dapat membuat persiapan sebagai sebuah parti dengan mengguna satu logo dan satu simbol baginya. Jika diketahui P.H. tidak akan didaftar maka parti-parti dalam P.H. perlu guna 4 simbol sendiri. Ini akan mengelirukan pengundi berkenaan yang manakah simbol bagi parti-parti lawan yang bergabung dalam P.H.

xiii. Kononnya P.H. tidak dilulus pendaftarannya ialah kerana Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) telah tidak mengikut perlembagaannya. Ini disebut dalam ucapan ROS tetapi tidak disampaikan secara bertulis kepada PPBM. PPBM tidak dapat perbetulkan kesalahannya untuk mendapat kelulusan ROS. Arahan mahkamah kepada ROS untuk jawab surat PPBM hanya menghasil surat dari ROS meminta tambahan maklumat yang sudahpun lama diberi oleh PPBM. Di antara sebab-sebab yang banyak ialah kerana mesyuarat agung PPBM tidak mengikut perlembagaan. PPBM mesti adakan mesyuarat cawangan dahulu. PPBM parti baru dan belum ada cawangan jauh sekali mengadakan cawangan yang disahkan oleh ROS. PPBM hanya dapat tubuh bahagian dan tidak semua diluluskan oleh ROS. Sebab itu PPBM terpaksa mengadakan mesyuarat agung PPBM dengan dihadiri oleh wakil bahagian yang dilulus sahaja. Ternampak jelas ROS hendak cari salah supaya P.H. tidak didaftar. Sekarang ROS telah bubar sementara Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia supaya tidak boleh bertanding dalam pilihanraya. Bermacam syarat dikenakan termasuk ditegah pamer gambar pengerusinya. Pembubaran selama 30 hari didapati sama dengan pilihanraya. Niat jahat Kerajaan dan ROS amat jelas.

Undi Pos.

5. Peraturan mengundi pos tidak jelas. Pengundi boleh undi di rumah dan hantar undinya kepada SPR. Tidak ada polling agen parti pembangkang mengawasi pengundi atau sesiapa lain semasa mengundi. Parti lawan tidak dapat mengetahui siapa yang mengundi, ke mana undi itu dihantar, siapa yang menyimpannya, di mana peti undi (jika ada) disimpan.

6. Pengundi pos juga disenarai dalam senarai pengundi biasa dan boleh mengundi secara biasa. Besar kemungkinan pengundi undi dua kali. Juga undi mungkin tidak dapat dirahsiakan; yang mana ini mendedahkan kepada ugutan tindakan tertentu oleh Kerajaan.

7. Amatlah jelas proses PRU 14 akan dipenuhi dengan aneka jenis penipuan oleh Najib. Ia tidak akan bersih. Benarlah Najib akan mencuri PRU ke -14.

8. Namun penipuan ini boleh dibantut oleh rakyat dengan keluar mengundi lebih dari 85% pengundi dalam tiap-tiap kawasan pilihanraya.

9. Dan sekarang hari mengundi ditetapkan pada hari Rabu, hari bekerja. Ini satu lagi cara Najib untuk sekat rakyat dari mengundi. Ya, semasa saya PM pernah hari mengundi ditentukan pada hari Isnin. Tetap diberi cuti pada hari itu.

10. Jangan takut.

11. Undi biasa di tempat mengundi adalah rahsia. Jika kelebihan mengatasi 10,000 bagi P.H., undi pos tidak akan mencukupi untuk disumbat ke dalam peti undi.

12. Jika disogok – ambil sahaja wang dan hadiah. Wang dan hadiah ini datang dari wang pengundi sebagai rakyat yang dicuri oleh Najib.

13. Pengundi tidak perlu terima kasih kepada Najib atau mengundi BN.

14. Jika disuruh bersumpah, bersumpahlah. Tetapi buat niat lain – niat untuk menolong P.H. Niat lebih diterima dari sumpah paksa yang dilafaz.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Kami bergabung menubuh Pakatan Harapan.

Bukan untuk kami, bukan untuk jawatan

Kami bergabung untuk bangsa dan negara

Hanyalah ini yang mempunyai makna

Di Negara kami demokrasi tidak lagi bernyawa

Segala asasnya sudah dimusnah sehingga kekerangka

Perlembagaan, Undang-undang tidak lagi melindung sesiapa

Sebaliknya semua ini menekan rakyat jelata

Rakyat mengeluh kerana hidup merana

Parti-parti bersendirian tidak dapat buat apa-apa

Tetapi gabungan mereka lain cerita

Yang lemah tiba-tiba menjadi juara

Harapan rakyat sekarang sudah muncul

Sokongan rakyat menjamin kejayaan

Ketengahkan semangat hapuskan yang bacul

Yakinlah gabungan yang disokong tetap berkesan

Oleh itu tolonglah kami untuk menolong kamu

Kerana akhirnya nikmat usaha ini adalah untuk semua

Kamu untuk kami, kami untuk kamu

Untuk bangsa, agama dan negara.

Monday, April 2, 2018

1. The country is facing a serious crisis. Democracy has been replaced with kleptocracy. Laws intended to protect the people are now used to threaten and oppress people. The GST now burdens the people. And the price of ikan kembung is now RM20 per kilo.

2. Yes the people are suffering. Almost all of them. But there are some who feel nothing. So what is so bad about the RM20 ikan kembung. Its only a few Ringgit more. A few Ringgit is nothing. Just a drop in the ocean. Rising cost is normal. You just have to put up with it.

3. Then there are those who believe they actually benefit from the crisis. The crumbs are still worth scrambling for. If you are not critical it’s okay. You can enjoy the crumbs.

4. What kind of Government we have is irrelevant. All Governments are the same. If they steal some money that is normal. For those who know how, there will be opportunities to grab from the very misrule, even from the stolen money.

5. Let those stupid people stretch their necks out. If they get chopped, that is their problem. If they succeed that too is okay. We know how to benefit from their efforts.

6. It is sad that we should have such people. They don’t care for the sufferings of others. They don’t care for what happens to the country. Democracy or kleptocracy are the same to them. If you behave yourself the absence of the rule of law will not harm you.

7. If indeed they are made to suffer, then just leave the country. Go to Australia or Britain or Canada. Take up foreign citizenship. Visit the country once in a while.

8. These people are among us. There are not many of them. But their attitude may spread within their circle. They may not vote. Some may even spoil their votes. They vote but they don’t vote. And they will tell others not to vote.

9. Their effect on the election may not be great. But Najib is resorting to fraudulent ways. Tampering with voters lists, cheating and changing boundaries of constituencies, corruption of the voters, deregistration of opposition parties and blocking their coalition, changes in the procedures of voting, arresting and detention of opposition leaders and candidates, threats, buying over opposition leaders etc and claiming that Najib will know who votes for whom.

10. These are how Najib cheats so as to win. There are people who say there is nothing Pakatan Harapan (PH) can do. BN will win by hook or by crook.

11. But PH can still win. It can win if there is massive support for the PH by those who care.

12. The voter turnout must be the biggest ever. Nothing less than 85%. This is achievable as shown in the 13th General Election. A Malay tsunami is what is needed. It can happen.

13. Support for PH must be massive. The aim is for the PH to have big majorities when they win.

14. Small majorities will lead to vote stuffing by the BN which has the control over all the Government employees working in the election.

15. There will be recounts and again the Government party can manipulate the counting.

16. Postal votes are especially proven to fraudulent changes.

17. Big majorities for the PH will be less susceptible to manipulation.

18. That is why we regret the attitude of some who do not care. They may not vote or they may spoil the votes.

19. Believe me; those who do this will live to regret the fate of their children and grandchildren. They will bear the brunt of the huge debt payment etc. Massive though the destruction of Malaysia by Najib now, the destruction if Najib is returned will be even worse than presently.

20. The people who will suffer most will be the poor, especially the rural Malays and the races in Sabah and Sarawak. The people and the country will be racked with racial conflicts, the absence of the rule of law and the kleptocracy.

21. Stay in your comfort zone and you will, one way or another, pay a very high price. 
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