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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Day 2

Well, thing seem to be going quite quickly. The two workers seem to be able to tolerate very hot temperatures for long periods of time. I helped my dad put dirt around the back of the building today but then forgot to get a pick of our work so I will show that tomorrow.
I spent the rest of the day working at that dumb rental but I did run the add so we are very close to having it completed also. Tomorrow we are having another load of stone delivered to put in my garden building so that we can begin to level it preperation for cement.
I am taking my Mother to see her heart doctor tomorrow so please pray that nothing has gone wrong...and I want to double check her medications too.
I am really exhaused so I am going to rest before I head to blessed.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

End of day one progress

This is what our building looked like at the end of day one. They have started to put on a little of the green trim and you can see the opening for the door in the back. I am hoping that tomorrow we will see the front door and windows appear. It was so hot here today as they tryed to finish the roof. It must have been miseralbe on that green roof and although we have a lot of trees there are not shade trees in this area so they got no relief from the sun. It seems like things are going quickly on this building. There is a chance for rain this afternoon so we will see what happens.
Since the building seems to be handled I have continued to work on our rental properties but toay the add comes out for them. Will still have to carry out our tools and sweep the kitchen but I think that is pretty much it well I do have to touch up a little paint. This apartment is very large so I am thrilled to be done with it. Until tomorrow be blessed.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The buildings have arrived

Well, the buildings are here! I was so excited that I was up at 4am....happy as a lark. You can see that the sun wasn't up yet when the semi arrived. The drivers were cheerful and polite and happy to be unloading the buildings. They brought them to us from Wisconsin. When they were half unloaded the building crew showed up and they helped unload. This made the job go quickly. We had a beautiful day, no rain and not too the building has arrived and the crew went over the plans with me so I think we are good to go.
I will try to post daily so you can follow all the daily happenings. So I will see you tomorrow and until then be blessed.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The next thing...

Well, yesterday was a hectic day...very tiring and stressful...but we did get much accomplished. We had a man here who started to dig out the old foundation of that old building that we have been cleaning up. I never dreamed there would be so much cement to deal with. When you have the right equipment it makes things go so much more smoothly. I wanted to share a few snaps of our site as he dug everything out. a And then one of thre site cleaned up/actually I think I posted the backwards.
It was hot...maybe high 80's but the humidity was high too so I ended up with a su burn on my face even though I was outside after 4pm so I didn't think I needed sun screen. We did have more trouble with our neighbor while we were working but I will not even give that situation the time of day on my blog since he seems to be
only interested in causing problems for us. I am praying that the Lord will change his heart or that he removes him as a problem for us.
Anyways, after 6 hours of sweat and labor most of the rubble has been dad used the cement for one of his waterways so it went to good use and we were happy to be done with it.
Our new buildings should be arriving very soon and I am so excited. I will take lots of pics during the construction but I promise I won't share all of them. LOL
I am having a restful Sunday because I know this week will be wild but in a good way I hope. Take care and until the next time be blessed.

Friday, July 25, 2008

15th b-day party

Our yougest turned 15 this month so I decided to have a small group of girls come over for a time of fun. They spent much of the day in the pool. That blow-up dino is one of the best pool toys I have ever purchased. As you can see all 5 of the girls could get on it at once. It is so much fun. I must admit I love it too. When we're in the pool it's okay to be a kid no matter your age. My mother brought the cake and it was so yummy. We grilled the food and had some salads and fresh fuit...I think it was a success as they all seemed to eat and laugh and talk all through the afternoon. It is so much fun having least most days anyways.
We have contiued to work on our rental I spent the entire day there cleaning and sweeping and I so wish it was done. I wanted to run and ad on this one by next week so we will see if I make that deadline. This apartment is so large...and today I had a new thought...there are three beautiful fireplaces in this apartment...I wonder if they can be dismantled and brought to my own home. I will take a few snaps of them so you can see what you think about them.
We had to make a trip into town tonight to get a few items for the new electric box for our new buildings....the time is drawing so near for the buildings to arrive...I am so excitied. I will share more about that next week.
I have started a new prayer routine many changes lately. Anyways, If it works out I will share more about that too.
T guess I am doing a lot of talking but not saying too much so for now I guess I will close but I am thinking of all of you my dear friends and Kim...I know you can't post because you don't have a blog but I think of you often and I know you are there....dear friend be blessed.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Jamestown Settlement

One of the many in costume doing a days work.

This is at Jamestown Settlement where they have replicas of the three ships that the settlers broght from England. There is no way I would want to cross the ocean in any of the three. You are able to board each of them and walk around to get the feel of what it would have been like.
When we first started visiting Jamestown it was a really wonderful place. It has so many buildings and you could feel the old world flavor. The people there were dressed in costume and still tending to some of the trades of the day....but this visit you could see that commercialism has started to rob it of its genuine feel. Now there is a very large museaum and places to eat or buy drinks and now they don't want you to take pics of taking a pic of the original foundation is going to destroy the bricks...get real.
They have almost outpriced it. It used to be about $6 to get in the gate now...$11.50...almost more than you can pay for a family of 5. I think they need to remember that this settlement belongs to the is our history.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Our Vacation home

This is our vacation had 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. We had 2 kitchens and lvongrooms. We enjoyed a hot tub right off the bedroom. There was plenty enough room for all 6 of us. We had shopping on the brain most days...LOL our place was just around the corner from the plantaion home.

This is the old original plantation. It is called Powhatan Plantation. This land was purchased from the indians and named after the chief who had owned it. This was Pocahantas father....just a but of history for everyone!!!lol It is so fun to know that you are walking in the same footsteps of so many people who were important to the founding of our country.

This is the kitchen for the old plantation. This building is a short distance from the plantation but the dining room in the mansion is on the second floor. All the food was prepared in the kitchen house but then was carried that distance for the owners to eat each meal. I find that so interesting. Now that it is a resort the kitchen is actually a resturant. We didn't eat there this trip but we did once before. There is a garden that surrounds the kitchen and they use them for the meals.
I will share more tomorrow and try to visit to....until then be blessed.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Willliamsburg here we come!!!

Well, we are leaving for Williamsburg on vacation tomorrow morning so this will be it until we return. I still have to mow the front lawn, go to my daughters piano recital and time for blogging...yet here I am!!!lol
We plan on spending the first night out before we reach our resort...wish us well.
I hope you all have a wonderful week! Be back blessed.

Friday, July 11, 2008

A recipe gone wrong

I found this apple recipe and just couldn't resist trying was easy to make and looked wonderful really didn't taste that good. I baked it then topped it with carmal. It was okay but it needed maybe crisp on top or marshmellows or whipped topping. Something was missing so I guess this recipe will not be repeated.
Thanks to all of you for your kind suggestions. I will check out more colors then let you know when I do a test strip.
I spent most of the day in the flower gardens. We are headed to Williamsburg, VA on Sunday for 6 days of rest.The girls are packed but I will do that tomorrow. DH has to work so this time we will be leaving him behind...I will miss him. He works so hard it seems he probably needed a vacation worse than any of us.
It is suppose to be very hot here tomorrow so I am hoping to spend much of the day inside...after I mow the front yard.
Well, not much more going on than that so until next time be blessed.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Painting our home again

You have seen the front of my home many times so today I thought I would show you the back with hopes that you may have an idea for a color change.
We are putting up two new buildings and they are going to be cream and a dark green so the house will remain cream but if I go with green it will have to be a darker shade than I have right now. I could remove the green altogether...I could change the rust to a burgundy ....and ideas????

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A garden crock

So how has your weekend been? We have been busy...yesterday we went to a picnic with some HS friends and met some new friends too. We had great weather and great food and she had a wonderful home......and I forgot my camera!!!! Well, trust me, it was a really nice home. On my next visit I will take the camera for sure.
We are getting ready to go to the fireworks. Our town always has them on Saturday every year. We take a blankent and some chairs and snacks and drinks...we just sit and have a nice time. This year dh has to work so it won't be as much fun for me but the kids will have fun either way. We packed extra snacks because usually other kids find us and join us for the fun.
I wanted to share a picture of my new find....I found this crock in the bottom of the shed that we tore down. The bottom is broken out but I knew right away it would fit perfectly in my garden. Yesterday I let my youngest pick out some flowers to put in the top and...there you go....instant color. I think it is so cute.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th of July

I posted a picture of our porsh waving the US flag a few days ago so for today...Happy 4th and I'm sharing a few pics from my garden. Enjoy the holiday.