Nothing Special   »   [go: up one dir, main page] all began with one thread....

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Craftsy Patterns

Unfortunately, Craftsy decided to kick smaller designers' patterns off their platform.  If there might be any interest in any of my designs, please e-mail me at  Thanks Michele

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Craftsy Link

Since I have been posting my updates on Facebook, I thought I would include a link for my Craftsy patterns.  The Quirky Hare and Co.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


After much consideration and thought, I have finally decided to 'give up the ghost', as it is said.  I really don't generate much traffic here on this blog, so made the decision to just post updates on Facebook for my 'Quirky Hare' projects.  If you are interested, here's the link.  QUIRKY HARE AND CO. 

Thanks to those who have visited and commented in the past.  All your thoughts and compliments were greatly appreciated. Hope to 'see' you on Facebook.


Monday, December 25, 2017

11 and 12

and here are the final two:

On the eleventh Baa! of Christmas, the shepherd gave to me:  11 Pretty Presents.

On the twelfth Baa! of Christmas,, the shepherd gave to me:  11 Peppermint Candies.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

7, 8, 9 and 10

On the seventh Baa! of Christmas, the shepherd gave to me:  7 Cups of Cocoa!On the eighth Baa! of Christmas, the shepherd gave to me:  8 Tiny Reindeer!

On the ninth Baa! of Christmas, the shepherd gave to me:  9 Candy Canes!

 On the tenth Baa! of Christmas, the shepherd gave to me:  10 Christmas Lights!
Hope you are enjoying this holiday season with family and friends!

Friday, December 15, 2017

A Few More Baas!

On the fourth Baa! of Christmas, the shepherd gave to me:  4 Christmas Stockings!!
On the fifth Baa! of Christmas, the shepherd gave to me:  5 Jingle Bells!

On the sixth Baa! of Christmas, the shepherd gave to me:  6 Pretty Scarves!

Getting close!  Hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season!

Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Twelve Baas! of Christmas

I brought these out again this year.  They do make me smile!

On the first Baa! of Christmas the shepherd brought to me:
One tall, green Christmas tree.
On the second Baa! of Christmas the shepherd brought to me,
Two woolly mittens.
On the third Baa! of Christmas, the shepherd brought to me,
Three Christmas wreaths!

See you next time for a few more!