This page is about different approaches to prayer. I intend to collect ideas and techniques
here which will help organize or balence our prayer lives.

This is a prayer form that I use sometimes to make sure I remember all the areas of prayer I need to focus on.
As you can see, this is based on the best example of how to pray ever given.
(This form is based on the Lord's Prayer as found in the Bible.)

In biblical times there were not very many people who could read and write, so ideas were passed on through stories or short recitations. The Lord's Prayer is one such example. I have taken that prayer here and expanded it out as I believe Jesus intended. I have heard many people speak or preach on this and it makes perfect sense. Jesus did not say "Simply repeat this exact phrase and everything will be wonderful." He was asked by his disciples how we should pray and this was his response. Today we would explain each area which needs prayer and what attitude we should hav when approaching our Father according to our needs and his will. Notice that there is a place in each section to include God's own promises as a way of tying our minds into His Word and further awakening us to what has been promised and to the character of God.

Prayer Form

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--Our Father, which art in heaven,
--Verse: Enter a verse about God choosig us as his children and about his divinity here.
Use this area for proclaiming yourself his child and for declaring His holiness and
how He is beyond our understanding.

--hallowed be thy name,
--Verse: enter verse about God's goodness
This area is for continued praise of the Father for all his wondrous traits.

--Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
--Verse: enter verse about creation's obediance and about God's plans for us.
This is where you ask for God's will to be fulfilled. That means you ask for his kingdom, or rule, to
have first place here on earth. His kingdom coming does not just mean Christ coming again, but God
ruling our hearts and minds. We can let his kingdom come into our own lives by putting to practice
things which we know are his plan, but are too scared, stubborn, or prideful to admit or allow. It's
all about trusting the plans to someone who knows all the factors and outcomes, then lets you know
what the best action is. Yes, even when you don't understand why.

--Give us this day our daily bread,
--Verse: enter verse about God blessings to you.
This area is for intersession on behalf of others and asking for things for ourselves. A good idea is
to start with the things farthest from you and work your way in. Creation first, then world, then country,
then state, then local area, then town/city, then church (including pastor as well as congregation),
then friends and family. Finally ask for things for yourself. Remember that God is faithful to provide
for things which he would approve, which is not always what we want at the time. The important thing is
to be honest and really tell God what you want and think you need. He'll take care of the rest. Just
make sure and leave Him room to work. (ie: don't rule out things just because they make you unconfortable.)
Ask with the attitude of seeking what you think He would want. Don't forget to "remind" his of His promises
in scripture.

--and forgive us our sins
--Verse: enter verse about forgiveness and confession.
Rule #1, the only rule, is that you remain honest and completely open to God. He is bg enough to
forgive what you make think is impossible, but it starts when you admit that did it and it was wrong.
(Two hints: 1-If you are unsure about it, ask. God will make it clear. If hedoesn't answer or if you
are still unsure ask again. Sometimes it takes a while to get through. 2-If you have to rationalize,
it is probably wrong. (Rationalizing is justifying things in your mind like "Well I needed this." or
"It wasn't so bad.")

--as we forgive those who sin against us.
--Verse: enter verses on forgiving others
This is the part where you forgive others. Ouch! That can be tricky and hard to do. Hey, why not ask
for God's help! He can always help you with anything. After all, he made you, so who would know
better how to help you?

By: J. Elliott Davenport


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