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Monday, October 3, 2016

Goodnight. Jom ahh tido. Ngantuk mata dah ni.

3 October 2016. 1.28am.

Belum tidur lagi?
Yes. Belum.
Sepatutnya aku dah tidur dah. Mungkin sebab aku baru lepas makan nasi tadi, sebab lapar pulak malam-malam macamni, nak tak nak, aku kena laa tunggu sekejap. Biar nasi tu hadam sikit kat perut tu.

Aku nak menulis sesuatu.
Lately aku agak busy.
Busy dengan macam-macam.
Nak fikir itu, nak fikir ini.

Aku nak aim sesuatu.
Aku kena dapatkan juga.
Takpe, sikit-sikit, lama lama dapat laa.
Allah kan ada.
Dia yang akan bantu aku.
Tak kan ada orang lain.

Hopefully, by the end of the year,
Apa yang aku angankan, cita cita kan,

Allahh. Bantu lah aku. Berikan lah kejayaan dunia dan akhirat buat kami semua.


Friday, June 24, 2016

Throw. Edit. Add on. Whatever.

Setelah sekian lama nya aku tak buka blog ni..

Ada beberapa perkara yang aku dah tukar. Dah buang. Dan dah tambah sikit-sikit.
Takde masa sangat nak tukar semua benda.

Bila aku baca balik ape mende ntah yang ditulis. Rasa macam kelakar sebab rasa macam budak-budak sangat waktu tu. Haha!


Nice to meet new Siti.. Takde dah poyo macam dulu.

Goodnyte. Tak tau laa kot kot ade orang nampak tak apa yg aku post ni, Kalau ada tu drop laa komen ye.. Nak tau gak, masih ada org ke kat sini. Maklum lahhh. Dah berzaman tak menulis di sini...

Okbai !


Last week aku belajar photoshop. Tak sangka pulak boleh apply kat sini. Nampak macam cun la jugak. Kah3

Okbai. Jom ahhh tido. Zzzzzzz !

Thursday, April 28, 2016


Rasanya macam nak buka balik blog ni.. Maybe ada benda yang boleh aku kongsikan kat sini...
Untuk kite kongsikan bersama. Betul x.. :)

Life is not going to be like that easy..
Bile kite mengharapkan sesuatu pada manusia tanpa sedar, kite sebenarnya salah.. Tersalah sebab Termengharapkan sesuatu yg tak mungkin sebenarnya terjadi.. Dan bukan milik kita.
Hanya pada Dia sahajalah tempat kebergantungan sebenar2 nya..

Dalam beberapa tahun ni,
Dengan apa yg dah dilalui,
Banyak sangat perkara yg aku lihat, rasa dan fikir.
Semuanya banyak beri pengalaman berharga.

Sebelum kite semua pergi ke tempat yg akan kekal selama2 nya,
Pastikah kite, dengan apa yg kite dah lakukan sebelum ni?

Semuanya terlalu sementara....

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

2 December 2015

Assalamualaikum wrb.

Finally, dah boleh pun dibuka blog ni.

Are you ready ? Haha

Friday, March 29, 2013

First time


Done with one interview! Ehehh. Baru satu.. Yang lain ntah berape interview diorang pegi, and I only done with one interview? Okay lah tu! At least I done with it! I went to this marketing company yesterday. So, this is my second time I went to KL with all this public transport. I took Union bus go to Pekeliling. Then I took Monorel go to Raja Chulan.

This is my day. When I arrived there, all that I can see is only the high buildings! Oh mann. I'm alone to find that company in between of those big buildings! I tried to call my friend and guess what, she not picked up my phone..! Ohh no. How can I find the Plaza See Hoy Chan..? So, I just walking, walking and walking and keep calling my friend. Okay. She's not pick up the phone. I decided to ask people there. I asked one girl, where is Plaza See Hoy Chan? She gave me a direction.

Me : Excuse me me. Can I know, where is Plaza See Hoy Chan?
Her : Oh.. You go straight until you see the traffic light. Then , you turn left and just go straightttttt until you find the Ambank building.
Me : Okay2. Just go straight la? So, where is the PSHC ?
Her :  Then, when you see that Ambank building, you will see a bigggg camel at the building. That Ambank trademark. Haaa. PSHC is in behind of Ambank. 
Me : Alright. I got it. Thank you miss aaa! *Smile*
Her : You are welcome. *Smile* 

Ahhh. I followed the direction given by that girl. And I saw a big camel at the building. Oh god. I still cant see the PSHC! Suddenly my friend called me back. Fuh. Alhamdulillah. Syukrann. She gave a direction to go to PSHC. haaa. JUMPE pun! Then, the company is at level 10. I meet my friend and she gave me a referral form. Then, she asked me to go to next building and go to level 8 for interview session. Wow. Interview? So scaryyy.. haha

So, I go to level 8 and asked the receptionist that I have an interview today. She gave me forms that need to be filled. It's just all about my family and my information. I also need to answer a several comprehension questions. I just got 7 correct answers out of 11 questions. hahahahaa okayy whatt.

Then, interview session begin. 4 candidates in one session. Normal questions.
  • Briefly explain about yourself. 
  • What do you know about this company?
  • Why you want to work at this company?
  • She asked a several questions about transport, where we are stay and bla bla.
  • She gave us 2 situations. What if.. What if.. Which one you want to choose? Why?
  • What is your experiences that can make you work at here?
  • If you cant make your work, your boss will scold you in front of your colleagues. Can you face it? 
  • Any questions you wanna ask me? ( I asked a several questions, bla bla bla )
  • She start explain what actually this company do, salary, annual leave, EL, bla bla bla
  • So, if let say you are accepted to join to this company, I'll call you in this week one or two. If you not receive any call from me, I'm sorry.
  • Thank you. DONE! fuhhh. 
After all is done, I just going back to Bentong. 

That was my first experience in the interview session. It's quite okay laa. If I have rezeki from Allah, I will get this job. If I dont have rezeki on this job, I'll try to another place. It's okay. At least I've try right? :)

P/S : I miss my cats. Mioww. :) 
P/S : As usual, I need to go to Pandan Jaya Ampang every Saturday. Urgh..