• Sprint 58 (Nov 2019), Sprint 59 (Dec 2019)
    • 0.25

      Problem description: In Configuration => Discovery view, if the length of the OID of a SNMP agent check exceeds 104 symbols, its value goes beyond the boarders of "Host name" and "Visible name" fields.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Navigate to Configuration => Discovery view.
      2. Press "New" button in field "Checks".
      3. Set "Check type" to any of the SNMP agent checks, and specify all mandatory parameters - make sure the SNMP OID is longer than 104 symbols.
      4. Add the created SNMP agent check to the discovery rule

      Result: the SNMP OID value goes beyond the boarders of "Host name" and "Visible name" fields.
      Expected: The OID should be broken into multiple lines, same as it is done in "Checks" and "Device uniqueness criteria" fields.


            rlataria Roberts Lataria (Inactive)
            solonkins Sergejs Olonkins
            Team D
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