• Sprint 57 (Oct 2019)
    • 0.5

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Open Host configuration
      2. Switch to tab Macros
      3. Open additional tab in the same browser and open Template configuration page
      4. Open Template Macros tab
      5. Switch from Template macros to Inherited and template macros
      6. Return to first browser tab where Hosts Macros are opened
      7. Try to switch from Host macros to Inherited and host macros
        Result: Inherited macros are not opened, page unexpectedly has been switched to Tags.
      1. Return to Hosts Macros tab, switch between Host macros and Inherited and host macros
      2. Then go to browser tab with Template Macros and try to switch from Inherited and template macros to Template macros
        Result: Template macros are not opened, page unexpectedly has been switched to Template.

            talbergs Mārtiņš Tālbergs (Inactive)
            lgrigorjeva Larisa Grigorjeva (Inactive)
            Team B
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
