The country of Israel and the OurCrowd team look forward to welcoming you at the 2024 OurCrowd Global Investor Summit for an inspiring and exciting experience.
OurCrowd, in full cooperation with the Israeli government, its foreign embassies, and the Airport Authorities, monitors and assesses health and security issues that might affect the Summit.
The health authorities have not identified any issues of concern that would have an impact on the Summit thus far, and the full schedule of activities will proceed as planned in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and around the country.
As always, the OurCrowd Summit team continues to implement and expand its plans to protect the health of our attendees. These measures include adhering to advice from the Israel Ministry of Health and other health authorities, as well as our own MedTech Advisory Board.
Attendees to the Summit must of course follow the guidelines and restrictions put in place both by their countries of residence as well as the State of Israel.
The OurCrowd Summit team, the International Convention Center, and its production partners have implemented measures to mitigate health risks at the Summit. Measures in place include:
- Thorough cleaning and disinfection program across all high-volume touchpoints, e.g., catering areas, washrooms, etc., along with the use of appropriate cleaning/sanitizing materials and products
- Availability of masks and disinfection materials for public use
- Special instructions to all staff on standard personal preventative measures, e.g., personal hygiene, frequency of use of sanitizing/disinfection products, etc.
- Advice to exhibitors on implementing effective cleaning and disinfection of exhibition spaces along with guidance on personal hygiene measures and common preventative behavior
As we monitor the situation, we will provide further updates if necessary.
Security of Summit participants is a priority to OurCrowd. The OurCrowd Government Relations team and our event production partners are in constant contact with government security officials. Venues for all Summit Week events have strong security measures with permanent security guard presence. If you see something suspicious, please report it to any OurCrowd, security or venue personnel.
Travel Tips and General Info about the Summit can be seen here.
Looking forward to your joining us for a safe, productive, and enjoyable Summit!