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Flint's Weapons[edit | edit source]

Name Buy Sell Offense Location Other Effects
ライタのカクザイ (Two By Four) 100 +6
あたらしいカクザイ (Four By Four) 300 +16
ぼうっきれ (Tattered Pole) 20 +2
ましなぼう (Better Pole) 500 +20
にぎりやすいぼう (Easy Grip Pole) 200 +15
いいぼう (Aluminum Rod) 1500 +27
とてもいいぼう (Steel Rod) 2000 +34
おもしろいぼう (Whimsical Wand) 2400 +40
きはくのぼう (Prickly Pole) 3600 +50
たくみのぼう (Clever Rod) 100 +62
めいじんのぼう (Master Pole) 4860 +75
まぼろしのぼう (Mystical Scepter) 20 +90

Lucas's Weapons[edit | edit source]

Name Buy Sell Offense Location Other Effects
ぼうっきれ (Tattered Pole) 20 +2
ましなぼう (Better Pole) 500 +20
にぎりやすいぼう (Easy Grip Pole) 200 +15
いいぼう (Aluminum Rod) 1500 +27
とてもいいぼう (Steel Rod) 2000 +34
おもしろいぼう (Whimsical Wand) 2400 +40
きはくのぼう (Prickly Pole) 3600 +50
たくみのぼう (Clever Rod) 100 +62
めいじんのぼう (Master Pole) 4860 +75
まぼろしのぼう (Mystical Scepter) 20 +90
ニセバット (Bogus Bat) 20000 +30
ホンモノのバット (Genuine Bat) 0 +100

Duster's Weapons[edit | edit source]

Name Buy Sell Offense Location Other Effects
いつものくつ (Ordinary Shoes) 30 +6
じょうぶなくつ (Sturdy Shoes) 170 +12
するどいくつ (Pointed Shoes) 480 +17
さいこうのくつ (Ultimate Boots) 2000 +82
まぼろしのくつ (Mystical Footwear) 20 +40
いいくつ (Ankle Boots) 3520 +70
ゴムなが (Rubber Boots) 1360 +25
はだしのくつ (Bare Feet) 1520 +38
すべらないくつ (Automatic Kicks) 3660 +39

Kumatora's Weapons[edit | edit source]

Name Buy Sell Offense Location Other Effects
てぶくろ (Mittens) 130 +9
じょうぶなてぶくろ (Work Gloves) 300 +16
シャープなてぶくろ (Chic Gloves) 600 +23
つよいてぶくろ (Iron Fist) 2690 +50
マホーのてぶくろ (Magical Mittens) 800 +30 PP +10
ろくぶて (?) 1200 +35
こうかなてぶくろ (Designer Gloves) 2360 +58
てんしのてぶくろ (Angel Mittens) 1720 +67
まぼろしのてぶくろ (Mystical Gloves) 20 +55
ニセフライパン (Faux Frypan) 18000 +26

Boney's Weapons[edit | edit source]

Name Buy Sell Offense Location Other Effects
イヌのぶき (Canine Club) 1800 +15

Shared Weapons[edit | edit source]

Name Buy Sell Offense Location Other Effects
てごろなヨーヨー (Handy Yo-Yo) 350 +20
DCMCパンフ (DCMC Fan Book) 100 +8
ともだちのヨーヨー (Friend's Yo-Yo) 2000 +30 Speed +5
チクチクするぶき (Spiny Mace) 3240 +47