Joined on March 20th, 2022, this user has been a member for 1,056 days and is the 95,692nd person to register an account.
Has 1 submission, the first one uploaded on November 1st, 2024 and the most recent on November 1st, 2024.
Of those, 0 have been featured and 0 have won Users' Choice.
On average, each submission earns 825 downloads.
In total, they have been download 825 times.
Counting every individual stickfigure, including the contents of all packs, this user has technically made and submitted 1 stickfigure.
On average, when this user rates stickfigures, they are 86% positive.
Also, they are typically 100% positive when rating animation spotlights.
Has made 11 comments on non-activity pages of the site. Alternatively, this user has made 268 comments on actual activity pages of the site.
This member is not a Users' Choice voter.
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I\’m horrified
Dear god that was pain tryna do the 3d one this one I\’ve made right now still uses connectors but it\’s alot more nodes to move since it\’s not like the 3d illusion one so enjoy some weird hands they should br able to be put in all sizes and shapes normal hands ir weird hands and I kight make one with jusy the fingers because making the palm is kinda wierd and I wanna change it
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This ideal is. Alot harder than a thought
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Plastic lots of Plastic
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The legs on most mg unicorns break be careful it kight be coming
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