Joined on November 10th, 2022, this user has been a member for 846 days and is the 225,648th person to register an account.
Has 4 submissions, the first one uploaded on July 16th, 2023 and the most recent on September 26th, 2024.
Of those, 2 have been featured and 1 has won Users' Choice.
On average, each submission earns 3,899 downloads.
In total, they have been download 15,599 times.
Counting every individual stickfigure, including the contents of all packs, this user has technically made and submitted 12 stickfigures.
On average, when this user rates stickfigures, they are 66% positive.
Has made 10 comments on non-activity pages of the site. Alternatively, this user has made 211 comments on actual activity pages of the site.
This member is not a Users' Choice voter.
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That has to be racially motivated
I have a theory Ralph is secretly Kanye plotting to have another Twitter crashout
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kanye why
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greatest ad
be me
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โ Now I am become Site Log, logger of nodes โ
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greatest ad
be me in an alternative universe
still explode nooo ๐
be me
fucking explode
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I havenโt showered since last year
happy new year idgaf if Iโm late
merry stickmas guys
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