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Operations Manual – Clause 5

IEEE Standards Association Operations Manual

5. Standing committees of the IEEE SA [1]

All members of the standing committees of the IEEE SA, as well as the members of any ad hoc committees appointed by the BOG or the IEEE SA President, shall act in accordance with applicable IEEE Standards policies and procedures, IEEE Code of Conduct, IEEE Bylaws, IEEE Policies including, but not limited to, Section 9.9 on Conflict of Interest, and Section 7.8 on the IEEE Code of Ethics.

5.1 IEEE SA Standards Board

The BOG shall establish and appoint a Standards Board to encourage and coordinate the development and revision of IEEE standards; to approve the initiation of IEEE standards projects; and to review them for consensus, due process, openness, and balance. The IEEE SA Standards Board shall give final approval to IEEE standards prior to publication and shall process all necessary appeals.

The rules and procedures for the IEEE SA Standards Board are contained in the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual. The BOG shall approve proposed changes to the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws unless there is a conflict with its governing documents. Any conflict shall be resolved by a task force appointed by the IEEE SA President.

5.1.1 Chair of the IEEE SA Standards Board

The Chair of the IEEE SA Standards Board shall be appointed by the IEEE SA BOG, shall be an IEEE Member, Senior Member, or Fellow, and shall have previously served as a member of the IEEE SA Standards Board. This individual shall be chosen for management skills, a strong industrial background, leadership abilities, and experience with standards. The chair is responsible for moving the IEEE SA standards program forward effectively and efficiently. The chair shall ensure that the IEEE SA standards program works in the best interests of the IEEE.

5.1.2 Membership of the IEEE SA Standards Board

The IEEE SA Standards Board shall consist of no fewer than 18 nor more than 26 voting members, who shall be of Member or higher grade of the IEEE and who are members of the IEEE Standards Association. Included in the membership are the following:

  1. Chair: The Chair of the IEEE SA Standards Board shall be appointed for a term of one year by the IEEE SA BOG. Subject to IEEE Bylaw I-304.5, the Chair is eligible for re-appointment for up to two additional consecutive one-year terms.
  2. Vice Chair: The Vice Chair of the IEEE SA Standards Board shall be appointed by the IEEE SA Standards Board from among the voting members for a term of one year. Subject to IEEE Bylaw I-304.5, the Vice Chair is eligible for re-appointment for up to two additional consecutive one-year terms. This appointment shall be made by the Standards Board at the first meeting of the year.
  3. Past Chair: The most recent Past Chair of the IEEE SA Standards Board willing to serve shall serve as a member of the Standards Board.
  4. Secretary: The Managing Director of Standards, or another member of the IEEE staff as designated by the IEEE Executive Director, shall serve as the Secretary of the IEEE SA Standards Board. The Secretary shall serve ex officio without vote.

Other voting members of the IEEE SA Standards Board shall be appointed by the IEEE SA BOG. The membership shall reflect the current standards needs of societies that are developing standards, industry sectors, international interests, and selected organizations (e.g., government, consumer). The representative of the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB), who is appointed by TAB, shall be a voting member. In addition, the IEEE SA Standards Board may include nonvoting participants as described below:

  1. Liaison representatives to provide coordination and communication between the IEEE SA Standards Board and other IEEE organizational units, as well as other organizations involved in standards activities.
  2. Members emeriti elected for life by the IEEE SA BOG, based on long years of prior distinguished service on the IEEE SA Standards Board and its committees. Only those members emeriti currently named to this position as of 31 December 1997 shall serve on the IEEE SA Standards Board.
  3. Observers from invited national governments. Liaison representatives

The following persons serve as nonvoting (unless already voting members) liaison representatives to the IEEE SA Standards Board and its standing committees to assist in coordinating standardization work with their respective organizations:

  1. Representatives of IEEE Societies and Councils (and their Technical Committees), appointed by the Presidents or Chairs of these bodies. Standards Committees may also designate liaison representatives where committee standards activity indicates the need for representation.
  2. Liaison representatives designated by other major IEEE Boards.
  3. Such other liaison representatives as the IEEE SA Standards Board may authorize.

The responsibilities of the liaison representatives are given in the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual. Tenure

Members of the IEEE SA Standards Board may serve up to three consecutive one-year terms, except that chairs of standing committees or members of the Administrative Committee may be appointed to additional terms to provide experience and continuity.

5.1.3 IEEE Standards meetings

Policies concerning IEEE standards development meetings shall be specified in subclause 5.3 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual. This subclause contains special considerations for annual financial reporting and quarterly entry of financial transactions; expenses for the IEEE of more than US $25,000; and for income or expenses for the IEEE that cumulatively exceed US $250,000 per year. No change in these monetary figures may be made in the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual without the prior approval of the IEEE SA BOG.

All Standards Committees shall ensure the annual certification of detailed financial activity via the IEEE SA online financial reporting tool. This financial information shall include the operation of the Standards Committee and all of its standards development subgroups (e.g., working groups, task groups) and is due by 15 February of each year for the previous fiscal year’s activity. In addition, quarterly entry of financial transactions shall be completed in the online financial reporting tool within 45 days of the end of each fiscal quarter (March, June, September, and December) and shall be considered delinquent if not submitted by that time.

All Standards Committees with actual income or expenses for the IEEE of US $250,000 or more per year shall be audited by a fully qualified, independent professional auditor. The Standards Committee may select an outside accounting firm, another fully qualified resource, or the IEEE Internal Audit Department to arrange for and perform the audit. The selection of such auditors should avoid any conflict of interest with members of the relevant Standards Committees. Audit fees, as determined by the outside accounting firm or the IEEE Internal Audit Department shall be budgeted by all Standards Committees requiring an audit. If the IEEE Internal Audit Department is selected to provide the auditing service, all required documentation is due no later than 15 March. If prepared by an independent auditor, the contract/MOU for their services is due to the IEEE Internal Audit Department by 15 March; the final and complete audit report shall be submitted to the IEEE Internal Audit Department by 30 April.

5.2 Awards and Recognition Committee (ArCom)

This committee is responsible for administering the IEEE SA awards program. Awards in this program include: IEEE SA level awards, IEEE SA Standards Board level awards, and other standards-related awards. It shall act on behalf of the IEEE SA BOG to receive nominations and recommend candidates for IEEE SA BOG approval, as appropriate, for IEEE standards awards. It shall submit nominations for standards awards sponsored by other organizations.

The nomination period for IEEE SA awards (exclusive of the Working Group awards and the IEEE Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award) shall be 1 February to 31 July of each calendar year. If necessary, an extension (no later than 31 August) may be granted at the discretion of ArCom.

This committee shall be comprised of five members, including a chair. Two of the committee members shall be voting members of the IEEE SA Standards Board, two of the members shall be members of the IEEE SA BOG, and one member shall be a member of IEEE SA. The chair and the other members shall be appointed for a term of one year by the IEEE SA President. The chair shall serve as the IEEE SA representative on the IEEE Awards Board.

5.2.1 IEEE SA sponsored awards5.2.1.1 IEEE SA Corporate Award

This award may be presented annually to an IEEE SA member organization for providing outstanding leadership and contributions to the IEEE SA. Consideration shall be given to those nominees who have worked to achieve the IEEE Standards Association vision and mission.

Further information on the award, including eligibility and the nominations process, is provided at the IEEE Standards website. IEEE SA International Award

This award may be presented annually to an IEEE SA individual member (who is also an IEEE member) who has made an extraordinary contribution to establishing the IEEE SA as a world-class leader in standardization.

Achieving acceptance of an IEEE SA standard for worldwide implementation, harmonizing an IEEE SA standard with international market requirements, and interacting with national and international bodies to enhance their understanding of the breadth and strength of the IEEE SA standards program are examples of promoting the goals of this award.

Further information on the award, including eligibility and the nominations process, is provided at the IEEE Standards website. IEEE SA Emerging Technology Award

This award may be presented annually to an individual, working group, or company that has initiated or advanced a new technology within the IEEE SA standards development process and has produced a balloted standards document (e.g., standard, recommended practice, or guide) that has market relevance. It is not necessary for the final document to be approved, but substantial progress beyond the PAR is necessary.

Further information on the award, including eligibility and the nominations process, is provided at the IEEE Standards website. IEEE SA Lifetime Achievement Award

This award may be presented annually to an individual whose achievements include:

  1. Significant technical contributions to, and an extraordinary career in, their field of interest;
  2. Outstanding service to the IEEE SA, enabling achievement of its objectives; and
  3. Demonstrated commitment to standards development of at least 15 years.

Further information on the award, including eligibility and the nominations process, is provided at the IEEE Standards website. IEEE SA Standards Medallion

This is an award for major contributions to the development of standards. Recipients need not be members of the IEEE, and their contributions may be to standards of other national and international standardizing bodies, provided such standards are in the IEEE fields of interest and constitute a significant contribution to the profession.

Further information on the award, including eligibility and the nominations process, is provided at the IEEE Standards website. IEEE SA Standards Committee Award for Outstanding Contributions to Entity Standards Development

This award may be presented annually to Standards Committees that have shown exceptional support of the entity standards development process. Candidates for this award are determined by ArCom and approved by the IEEE SA BOG.

Further information on the award, including eligibility and the nominations process, is provided at the IEEE Standards website. IEEE SA Conformity Assessment Award

This award may be presented annually to an individual or entity to recognize major contributions to the development and promotion of IEEE standards products through conformity assessment activities.

Further information on the award, including eligibility and the nominations process, is provided at the IEEE Standards website.

5.2.2 IEEE SA Standards Board sponsored awards5.2.2.1 Distinguished Service Award

This award is given to present and past members of the IEEE SA Standards Board for meritorious and distinguished service to the IEEE SA Standards Board and its programs. ArCom develops a list of nominees and conducts a ballot within the committee to determine the recipient(s).

Further information on the award, including eligibility and the nominations process, is provided at the IEEE Standards website. IEEE SA Standards Board Working Group Chair Award

This award may be presented, at the discretion of the Working Group Chair, to the officers of the working group and to technical editors, in recognition of a significant contribution to the development of the approved IEEE standard. For standards developed jointly with other organizations, this award may also be presented to the Working Group Chair, to the officers of the working group, and to the technical editors of the standard.

Processing of a request for awards shall occur after IEEE SA Standards Board approval of the standard has been received.

Further information on the award is provided at the IEEE Standards website. IEEE SA Standards Board Working Group Certificate of Appreciation

This certificate may be presented, at the discretion of the Working Group Chair, to working group participants, in recognition of an important contribution to the development of the approved IEEE standard.

Processing of a request for certificates shall occur after IEEE SA Standards Board approval of the standard has been received.

Further information is provided at the IEEE Standards website.

5.2.3 Other standards-related awards5.2.3.1 IEEE Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award

This award was established by the IEEE Board of Directors in 1979. As discussed in IEEE Policy 4.8, it is administered by the IEEE Awards Board through its Technical Field Awards Council. It may be presented annually to an individual only “for exceptional contributions to the development and/or advancement of standards in electrical and electronics engineering.”

Further information on the nominations process is given at the IEEE Standards website.

Nomination forms may be obtained from the Staff Secretary, IEEE Awards Board, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA.

5.3 Entity Collaborative Activities Governance Board (CAG)

The IEEE SA CAG is a standing committee of the IEEE Standards Association reporting to the IEEE SA BOG. The CAG shall be responsible for managing and coordinating all aspects of entity engagement in IEEE SA activities, including but not limited to, entity strategy, managing the IEEE SA Industry Connections Committee as well as managing or interfacing with other entity-related programs within IEEE SA, guiding market development activities related to entity members, and sustaining, retaining and growing IEEE SA entity membership and their engagement.

The CAG shall also be responsible for procuring entity input concerning the IEEE standards process and strategic direction and for recommending appropriate action to the IEEE SA BOG. The CAG may also serve as an IEEE SA Standards Committee (as defined in clause 5.2.2 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws). If the CAG chooses to serve in this capacity, any of its activities as a Standards Committee shall be under the jurisdiction of the IEEE SA Standards Board and subject to its rules of standards development. The CAG Chair shall report to the IEEE SA BOG at least annually on the activities of the group.

This group shall be comprised of a minimum of 11 up to a maximum of 15 voting members. This total includes the CAG Chair, elected members, appointed members, and the Strategic Outreach position member. All members shall serve two-year terms with the exception of the Strategic Outreach position. The chair of the CAG shall be a member of the IEEE SA BOG, shall represent an entity in the IEEE Standards Association (see 6.1), shall be appointed by the IEEE SA BOG, shall be an IEEE SA Member, an IEEE Member, Senior Member, or Fellow, and shall have previously served as a member of the CAG. The chair of the CAG may serve an unlimited number of terms but not more than three terms consecutively. The Nominations and Appointments Committee shall propose nominee(s) for the chair of the CAG. The IEEE SA President may appoint up to two members, serving in alternating two-year terms, who should be either present or past members of the IEEE SA BOG and shall represent entities in the IEEE Standards Association. The IEEE SA Standards Board Chair may appoint one member of the IEEE SA Standards Board or its committees, who shall represent an entity in the IEEE Standards Association, to be a member of this group. There may be two members on the CAG, serving in alternating two-year terms, who are appointed by the chair of the CAG and shall represent entities in the IEEE Standards Association.

There may be one member of the CAG whose position represents broadening strategic global participation (“Strategic Outreach position”). The member in this position shall be a current employee of an entity member in the IEEE Standards Association. The member in this position shall be appointed to a one-year term by the BOG, which shall receive recommendations from the CAG.

The eligible entities in the IEEE Standards Association shall elect up to eight members-at-large of this group, up to four each year. These members-at-large should represent a breadth of key industry interests of the IEEE Standards Association. The Nominations and Appointments Committee shall propose nominees for each vacancy in an eligible member-at-large position. Those positions shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast by the eligible entities of the IEEE Standards Association.

The CAG shall appoint a Vice-Chair from among its voting members for a term of one year. This appointment shall be made by the CAG at its first meeting of the year. If the Vice-Chair is unable to complete the one-year term, the chair of the CAG shall appoint an alternate voting member of the CAG to complete the unfinished term. The chair of the CAG may appoint a nonvoting individual to the group to serve as secretary.

Members serving in any CAG positions are eligible for re-election or reappointment. Members serving in the Strategic Outreach position may be appointed up to two consecutive terms. If the member serving in this position is interested in continued CAG participation, he or she can be recommended for any position other than the Strategic Outreach position.

5.3.1 CAG agenda

A preliminary agenda for each CAG meeting shall be prepared by the Secretary of the CAG or a designated person and distributed to CAG members at least two weeks prior to a scheduled meeting of the CAG. At the same time the agenda, without supporting documentation, shall be sent to all members of the IEEE SA BOG.

5.3.2 Vacancies

If the CAG chair is unable to complete his or her term of office, the IEEE SA President shall have the discretion of deciding whether to hold a special appointment process of the IEEE SA BOG or to appoint a person to serve out the term. If a person in an appointed position on the CAG is unable to complete his or her term of office, the appointer shall fill the position. If a CAG member-at-large is unable to complete his or her term of office, the CAG chair shall have the discretion of deciding whether to hold a special election of the eligible entities in the IEEE Standards Association or to appoint a person to serve out the term.

Any replacement appointment shall be ratified by the IEEE SA Board of Governors.

5.3.3 Change in entity affiliation

If a CAG member’s entity affiliation changes, he or she shall be subject to re-election or re-appointment. If the position is an appointed position, the appointer shall determine if the re-appointment is acceptable. If the position is an elected position, the CAG chair shall have the discretion of deciding whether to hold a special election of the entity members in the IEEE Standards Association or to appoint a person to serve out the term.

If the CAG chair’s entity affiliation changes, the IEEE SA President shall have the discretion of deciding whether to hold a special appointment process of the IEEE SA BOG or to re-appoint the CAG chair to serve out the term.

If a CAG member’s affiliation changes to that of an IEEE SA entity member not already represented on the CAG, eligibility to remain on the CAG for the remainder of the CAG member’s term is automatic.

If a CAG member’s affiliation changes to an entity that is not a current IEEE SA entity member, that entity is expected to become an IEEE SA entity member. If such IEEE SA entity membership is not attained within three months after the CAG member’s change of affiliation, the CAG member is subject to removal from the CAG at the discretion of the CAG Chair.

If a CAG member’s affiliation changes to self, eligibility to remain on the CAG is at the discretion of the CAG Chair. Such a member shall be an IEEE SA individual member in order to maintain their position on the CAG.

In instances where it is impractical for the CAG Chair to render a decision, the CAG Vice-Chair shall make a ruling.

Any removal from the CAG and the resulting replacement appointment shall be ratified by the IEEE SA Board of Governors.

If a nominee for a CAG elected position has his or her entity affiliation change during the election process, or if public disclosure of an intention to change affiliation of an entity is made, the entity members of the IEEE Standards Association shall be informed of the change in affiliation.

CAG members and nominees for CAG positions have a duty to disclose a change of affiliation to the IEEE SA as soon as it can be made public.

The IEEE SA does not allow multiple CAG members with the same entity affiliation to serve concurrently.

5.4 Nominations and Appointments Committee

This committee shall submit lists of candidates to the IEEE SA BOG for

  • The office of IEEE SA President-Elect as stated in IEEE Bylaw I-303.6
  • The eligible member-at-large positions on the IEEE SA BOG
  • The IEEE SA Standards Board Chair
  • The members of the IEEE SA Standards Board
  • The IEEE SA CAG Chair
  • The eligible member-at-large positions on the IEEE SA CAG
  • With the advice of the IEEE SA President and the IEEE SA Standards Board Chair, the members of the Nominations and Appointments Committee for the following year

Members of the IEEE SA BOG Nominations and Appointments Committee shall not be eligible for positions for which the IEEE SA BOG Nominations and Appointments Committee is responsible for making nominations. This committee shall be comprised of five voting members and additional nonvoting experts selected by the Nominations and Appointments Committee Chair, who shall be

  • The chair, who shall be the past President of the IEEE SA, the past past President of the IEEE SA, or the President Elect of the IEEE SA. In the event of the unavailability or conflict of interest of the past President, the past past President shall be the chair of the Nominations and Appointments Committee. In the event of the unavailability or conflict of interest of the past past President, the President Elect shall be the chair of the Nominations and Appointments Committee. As stated in IEEE Bylaw I-307, the chair of the Nominations and Appointments Committee shall not be eligible to be elected to the IEEE Board of Directors during his or her term of service.
  • One current or past member of the IEEE SA Standards Board, appointed by the BOG
  • Two current or past members of the IEEE SA BOG, appointed by the BOG
  • One current IEEE SA entity member representative, appointed by the BOG

Vacancies on the IEEE SA Nominations and Appointments Committee may, at the discretion of the IEEE SA President, be filled either by appointment by the IEEE SA President or by nomination by the IEEE SA Nominations and Appointments Committee and appointment by the IEEE SA BOG.

5.4.1 Nominations and appointments guidelines

Consistent with IEEE Policy 9.8, the Nominations and Appointments Committee will solicit nominations from IEEE Societies and councils, government, industry, and academia to determine candidates for IEEE SA President-Elect and to develop slates of members-at-large candidates for the IEEE SA BOG. General qualifications for these positions are given in 4.2.1.

Any candidate for election or appointment to any position under the purview of the Nominations and Appointments Committee shall disclose to the Nominations and Appointments Committee

  • Any other offices he/she holds within the IEEE
  • Any role he/she has outside the IEEE that places him/her in a position of doing business with the IEEE
  • Any other possible source of conflict of interest
5.4.2 Appointment process for the IEEE SA Standards Board

The Nominations and Appointments Committee shall develop a slate of candidates for Chair of the IEEE SA Standards Board and for the members of the IEEE SA Standards Board. In selecting nominees, due consideration shall be given to the degree of interest and standards activities within the various IEEE Societies, interests of government regulatory bodies and industry, and requirements for balance.

The IEEE SA BOG Nominations and Appointments Committee shall formally solicit candidates for both members of the IEEE SA Standards Board and for the IEEE SA Standards Board Chair from 1 March to 1 June of the appointment year. The IEEE SA BOG Nominations and Appointments Committee shall finalize the proposed slate for action by the IEEE SA BOG at the scheduled final IEEE SA BOG meeting of the year.

5.4.3 Election/appointment process for the IEEE SA CAG

The IEEE SA BOG Nominations and Appointments Committee shall formally solicit candidates for both members of the IEEE SA CAG and for the IEEE SA CAG Chair from 1 February to 1 May of the election/appointment year. The IEEE SA BOG Nominations and Appointments Committee shall finalize the proposed slate for action by the IEEE SA BOG at its second scheduled meeting of the year.

At the second scheduled IEEE SA BOG meeting of the year, the IEEE SA BOG shall appoint the IEEE SA CAG Chair for the following term. The IEEE SA entity membership elects the members-at-large of the IEEE SA CAG according to the procedure in 5.3.

5.4.4 Electioneering

Electioneering activities that provide information to IEEE SA voting members on all candidates and issues in an IEEE SA election are encouraged. All IEEE SA members eligible to vote in a particular election should be informed of the views of all candidates for that election; equal opportunity to express views shall be provided to all candidates for the same elective position. Election campaign activities shall be conducted in accordance with IEEE Policy 13.3.

IEEE SA email lists, newsletters, and reflectors shall not be used to send out messages related to the support or nonsupport of candidates for election (including elections at the IEEE level and outside of the IEEE). See IEEE Policies 13.3, 13.4, and 14.1 for further information.

5.5 Standards Conduct Committee

The IEEE SA President shall appoint a Standards Conduct Committee, consisting of a chair, two members, and three alternates. If a member has a conflict of interest and is therefore recused from participating, then the chair shall appoint one of the alternates to serve. If the chair is recused, then the IEEE SA President shall appoint a chair from the committee members or alternates. Alternates do not vote unless named to replace a recused member or Chair.

This committee shall:

  • Review all notices and material as provided in subclause 6.6.1
  • Request additional information as necessary to determine whether a hearing is required
  • Conduct hearings as necessary
  • Inform the IEEE SA BOG Secretary if no disciplinary action is recommended
  • Recommend action(s) for discipline, as necessary, to the IEEE SA BOG

Upon receipt of the material from the IEEE SA BOG Secretary as described in subclause 6.6.1, the Standards Conduct Committee shall determine whether to conduct further proceedings based on material provided from the IEEE SA BOG Secretary and any additional information requested by the Standards Conduct Committee. If further proceedings will not be conducted, the IEEE SA BOG Secretary shall inform the complainant.

If the Standards Conduct Committee determines that further proceedings are warranted, then the person who is the subject of the complaint and the complainant will be informed of the hearing date and given an opportunity to attend the hearing. Neither the complainant nor the person who is the subject of the complaint may have an attorney or witnesses present at the hearing. If the person who is the subject of the complaint or complainant desires to provide a statement and/or to submit supplementary documentation to the Standards Conduct Committee prior to the hearing, they may do so through the IEEE SA BOG Secretary.

After considering the information described in the Notice (see subclause 6.6.1) and in any statements or supplementary documentation provided to the committee, as well as any information discussed during the hearing, the Standards Conduct Committee shall determine whether to recommend discipline to the IEEE SA BOG. The Standards Conduct Committee may recommend suspension or revocation of IEEE SA participation privileges upon an approval vote of two-thirds of the committee.

5.6 IEEE SA Finance Committee (SA FinCom)

This committee shall provide the financial oversight for the IEEE SA, including preparation of the annual IEEE SA budget. It shall report its information to the IEEE SA BOG.

This committee shall be comprised of six members, the IEEE SA President; the IEEE SA President-Elect or the most recent IEEE SA Past President willing to serve; the IEEE SA Treasurer, who shall be appointed by the IEEE SA President; the Managing Director, IEEE Standards Activities, who shall serve as an ex-officio member without vote; and two members-at-large appointed by the IEEE SA President and approved by the IEEE SA BOG. One of the members-at-large shall be a current IEEE SA BOG member and the other shall be a current or past member of the IEEE SA BOG, SASB, or CAG.

The IEEE SA is intended to be operated on an expense-neutral basis to the IEEE. It shall be financed by the revenue from the sale of documents, royalties from intellectual property, contracts, fundraising, and participatory fees for standards-related products and services. Fees for services shall be subject to periodic adjustment.

The IEEE SA Finance Committee shall review all proposals for programs and activities initiated with annual expense greater than $250K or greater than 1 full-time equivalent (FTE) of resources annually and make a recommendation to the IEEE SA BOG concerning each proposal reviewed. It may review proposals below these thresholds at the request of the Managing Director.

5.7 Registration Authority Committee (RAC)

The IEEE Registration Authority Committee (RAC) shall provide oversight of all registration activities defined or referenced in IEEE standards. The RAC shall report to the IEEE SA BOG. Such registration activities include, but are not necessarily limited to, assignment of unique numbers or identifiers used by implementers of the standard, or listings of products or services defined by the standard. This committee is responsible for both the registry process and the registration-activity-related technical content of standards using a RAC administered activity.

This committee performs its registration authority function for approved (or proposed) IEEE standards or non-IEEE standards relevant to IEEE interests. The IEEE RAC also recommends new registries to the IEEE SA BOG.

Each IEEE standard that contains a registration activity shall have such registration activity presented to the IEEE RAC for consideration as a RAC administered registry. The IEEE maintains the right of first refusal to be the registration authority for all registries described in an IEEE Standard.

This committee shall be comprised of representatives of Standards Committees interested in registration. The RAC may have up to 21 members. The IEEE SA President shall appoint the chair of the RAC for a three-year term, renewable at the discretion of the IEEE SA President. The chair shall be a member of IEEE SA and of IEEE Member, Senior Member, or Fellow grade.

This committee shall have two members without vote, the RAC Secretary (IEEE Staff) and the chair of the Standards Activities Board of the IEEE Computer Society (or designee). The RAC Chair may appoint additional technical experts to serve as non-voting members of the RAC. The IEEE SA BOG shall oversee this committee through its minutes and agendas.

5.7.1 RAC agenda

A preliminary agenda for each RAC meeting shall be prepared by the IEEE Standards Department staff (the IEEE OUI Registration Authority Administrator or a designated person) and distributed to RAC members at least two weeks prior to a scheduled meeting of the RAC. At the same time, the agenda, without supporting documentation, shall be sent to all members of the IEEE SA BOG.

5.8 Strategic and Emerging Standards Committee (SESCom)

The Strategic and Emerging Standards Committee (SESCom) is established to assist the IEEE Standards Association in launching, mentoring, and managing new, strategic, or emerging standards development projects for both the entity and individual method within the IEEE fields of interest for which there is no active Standards Committee. In addition, SESCom can, subject to approval by the SASB, serve as the Standards Committee for a project in a field of interest where there is an active Standards Committee that through action or inaction has declined to progress the project. SESCom may also oversee maintenance of standards for which the Standards Committee of record no longer exists. SESCom is also intended to support standardization needs in all IEEE Regions and local communities, which may include forming Working Groups, Standards Committees, and Responsible Subcommittees for localization/adaptation of global IEEE standards, development of local standards, or adoption of IEEE standards documents as local/national standards.

SESCom can support adoption of industry specifications as IEEE standards. SESCom’s policies and procedures shall be reviewed and approved by the IEEE SA BOG prior to submittal to the SASB for consideration of acceptance by the SASB.

The Chair and the Members of SESCom shall be appointed by the IEEE SA President.

5.9 IEEE Standards Association Fellow Nominations Support Committee (FelCom)

The IEEE Standards Association Fellow Nominations Support Committee (FelCom) shall raise awareness and consideration of the technical merit of standards contributions and individual contributors for elevation to IEEE Fellow and shall advocate for consideration of a Standards Fellow evaluation committee by the IEEE Fellow Strategy and Operations Subcommittee (FSOS). FelCom shall be under the oversight and governance of the IEEE SA Board of Governors. Further details of this committee’s operations can be found in the IEEE SA FelCom Operations Manual.

5.10 NESC Main Committee

Published exclusively by IEEE and updated every five years to keep the Code up-to-date with changes in the industry and technology, the National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®) sets the ground rules and guidelines for practical safeguarding of utility workers and the public during the installation, operation, and maintenance of electric supply, communication lines, and associated equipment. The National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) Main Committee shall operate under its ANSI-accredited policies and procedures and shall receive Secretariat support from the IEEE Standards Association. The NESC Main Committee shall be under the oversight and governance of the IEEE SA Board of Governors.

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[1] Note that not all committee operations are detailed in this clause.

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