Shellendorf Institute/Quotes
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Off the Hook quotes
English quotes
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “I've never been to a museum at night before! The atmosphere's incredible!” |
Marina “It's normally not open at night, but they made an exception for the Splatfest!” |
NOE, NOA[note 1] |
Pearl “The acoustics in this place are amazing! My voice carries like crazy! AYO! AYO!” |
Marina “Just...try not to break any of the ancient fossils with your voice.” |
Pearl “I heard they have human bones here!” |
Marina “I wish humans were real.” |
Notes: Marina's quote is a reference to a Miiverse post saying "I wish squids were real". | ||
Pearl “How cool would it be to have all these fossils dancing in our next video?” |
Marina “That would be amazing!” |
Pearl “Man, these monster bones blow me away no matter how many times I see them.” |
Marina “Um, these are dinosaurs, not monsters.” |
Pearl “OK, Marina. Tell the fine people at home all about the Temnodontasaurus![sic]” |
Marina “Wait. What?!” |
Pearl “Expect sun all day today with heavy clouds...and some rain. Maybe snow too.” |
Marina “Very helpful, Pearl.” |
Pearl “The glass floor here is crazy! It's like I'm walking on air!” |
Marina “It's kinda creepy being able to see everyone walking below you...” |
Pearl “We need to start writing a theme song for this museum!” |
Marina “Good call! Kids love songs about fossils!” |
Pearl “I went digging in my backyard earlier today, and I found some old bones!” |
Marina “Human bones, huh? Yeah, those things are everywhere.” |
Pearl “Can you believe all the bones here came from real ancient creatures?!” |
Marina “Yes, which is why I'm surprised they're letting us battle in here.” |
Japanese quotes
ヒメ's dialogue | イイダ's dialogue | Region |
ヒメ 「夜の博物館ってフンイキあるなー!」 (The museum at night has such a cool atmosphere!) |
イイダ 「フェスのために特別開館だそうです~」 (I heard the museum is open specially for the Splatfest~) |
NOJ[note 1] |
ヒメ 「ここで発声練習すると、 よくひびくんだろなー… マー!!」 (If you do vocal exercises here, it'll really reverberate...LAAA!!) |
イイダ 「センパイの声量だと、ひびくどころか 全壊しますよっ!」 (Pearl, your voice won't just reverberate, it'll destroy everything!) |
ヒメ 「うおっ! あの標本、スゲーホネホネしてるぞ!」 (Woah! That specimen, it's super bony!) |
イイダ 「センパイ、ステージの解説をお願いします…」 (Pearl, please explain the stage...) |
ヒメ 「イイダ! ここの化石をバックに MV作るぞー!」 (Marina! We should use the fossils here as a backdrop for a music video!) |
イイダ 「なるほど! 神秘的に見せる作戦ですね!」 (I see! It's a tactic to make it look mysterious!) |
ヒメ 「怪獣の骨、いつ見ても すげーなー!」 (I'm always looking at the kaiju bones here, they're sooo awesome!) |
イイダ 「怪獣じゃなくて、恐竜ですね…」 (They're dinosaurs, not kaiju...) |
ヒメ 「今からこの博物館の歴史を説明するぞー イイダ、よろしく!」 (And here to explain the history of the museum today... take it away, Marina!) |
イイダ 「えっ! ワタシが?!」 (Huh? Me?!) |
ヒメ 「今日の天気は 晴れ時々くもり ところにより 一時 雨か雪!!」 (Today's weather is sunny and partly cloudy, with some rain and snow!!) |
イイダ 「絶対 当たりますね…」 (I'm sure you're right...) |
ヒメ 「うししっ… 上が ガラス張りだから 下にいるヤツら丸見えだかんなー!」 (The top is made of glass, so you can see everyone down there!) |
イイダ 「それって下からも丸見えってことですよ~」 (That means they can see you from below too!) |
ヒメ 「いずれこの博物館のテーマソング 考えないとなー」 (I'll have to come up with a theme song for this museum soon.) |
イイダ 「そして、今度のEPに入れちゃいましょう!」 (And then put it in your upcoming EP!) |
ヒメ 「家の庭 ほってたら、ここにある骨みたいな石 いっぱい出てきたよ」 (When I was digging in my yard, I found a lot of rocks that looked like the bones you see here.) |
イイダ 「それ、調べてもらったほうがよいかと思います!」 (I think you should get that checked out!) |
Dutch quotes
Lorelei's dialogue | Mariana's dialogue | Region |
Lorelei “Ik ben nog nooit 's nachts in een museum geweest. Best sfeervol!” (I have never been to a museum at night. Quite atmospheric!) |
Mariana “Gelukkig hebben ze speciale openingstijden voor het Splatfest!” (Fortunately they have special opening hours for the Splatfest!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Lorelei “Moet je horen hoe mijn stem hier klinkt! JOEHOEEEEEEEE!” (You must hear how my voice sounds here! YOOHOOOOOOOOO!) |
Mariana “Die fossielen hier zijn onvervangbaar! Doe eens een beetje stiller!” (Those fossils here are irreplaceable! Keep it a bit quieter!) |
Lorelei “Ongelofelijk hè, dat dat allemaal echte botten van uitgestorven dieren zijn!” (Unbelievable huh, that those are all real bones of extinct animals!) |
Mariana “Ja, daarom verbaast het me ook een beetje dat ze ons hier laten vechten.” (Yes, that is why it surprises me a bit that they let us battle here.) |
Lorelei “Hoe cool zou het zijn om al die fossielen te laten dansen in onze volgende clip?” (How cool would it be to make all those fossils dance in our next clip?) |
Mariana “Zolang ze maar niet breekdansen...” (As long as they do not breakdance...) |
Notes: Breekdansen is a pun and comes from breakdansen ("to breakdance") and breken ("to break"). | ||
Lorelei “Sjonge, die monsterbotten jagen me elke keer weer de stuipen op het lijf!” (Boy, these monster bones scare me every time!) |
Mariana “Het zijn geen monsters, Lore, het zijn dinosauriërs.” (They are not monsters, Pearlie, they are dinosaurs.) |
Notes: Iemand de stuipen op het lijf jage" (literally: "To hunt the convulsions onto the body of someone") means "to scare someone a lot". | ||
Lorelei “Oké, Mariana. Vertel jij de mensen thuis maar 's alles over Inkthyosauriërs!” (Okay, Marina. You tell the people at home everything about Inkhyosaurs!) |
Mariana “Hè, wat? Ik ben toch geen museumgids?” (Huh, what? I am not a museum guide, am I?) |
Lorelei “Morgen de hele dag zon, zwaarbewolkt, met soms een bui. Mogelijk ook sneeuw.” (Sun all day tomorrow, heavy clouds, with sometimes a shower. Possibly snow too.) |
Mariana “Tja, Lorelei... Iets van die verwachting zal wel uitkomen.” (Well, Pearl... Something of that forecast will come true.) |
Lorelei “Die glazen vloer is zo maf! Het is alsof ik op lucht loop!” (That glass floor is so odd! It is as if I am walking on air.) |
Mariana “Normaal ben je toch niet zo'n zweverig type.” (Normally you are not such a spiritual type.) |
Notes: Zweverig is a pun on its meaning "floating" and "to not wish to accept that image as a possibility of being real", or in other words, "to no longer stand with both feet in reality", thus "floating". | ||
Lorelei “Ik denk dat het museum een eigen lied verdient, wat denk jij?” (I think the museum deserves its own song, what do you think?) |
Mariana “Goed idee! Maar in wat voor genre? Botta nova? Knook-'n-roll?” (Good idea! But in what genre? Bone-a nova? Knuckle 'n' roll?) |
Notes: Botta nova comes from bossa nova and is a pun on bot ("bone"), and knook-'n-roll comes from rock-'n-roll (rock 'n' roll) and is a pun on "knook" ("bone"). | ||
Lorelei “Ik deed een opgraving in mijn tuin en ik ontdekte allemaal oude botten!” (I did an excavation in my garden and I discovered all kinds of old bones!) |
Mariana “Die stapel visgraatjes, bedoel je?” (That stack of fish bones, you mean?) |
Notes: Visgraatjes is the plural diminutive form of visgraat ("fish bone"). |
French quotes
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « Aujourd'hui, c'est visite nocturne du musée ! » (Tonight, it's night visit of the museum!) |
Coralie « Y a pas d'heure pour la culture ! Encrage à volonté ! » (No time restriction for the culture! Ink at will!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perle « L'acoustique de ce stage est extra ! Ça donne envie de chanter à tue-tête ! » (The acoustics in this stage are awesome! It makes me want to sing like crazy!) |
Coralie « Euh... T'emballe pas trop ou tu vas briser les vitrines... » (Uh... Keep calm or you will destroy the windows...) |
Perle « C'est dingue de penser que ces squelettes sont si anciens... » (It's crazy to think those skeletons are so ancient...) |
Coralie « Ce qui est dingue, c'est surtout qu'on nous laisse nous battre ici... » (What is crazy is that they let us fight here...) |
Perle « T'imagines si on avait des squelettes qui dansaient dans notre prochain clip ? » (Can you imagine if we had dancing skeletons in our next music video?) |
Coralie « Appelle-moi quand t'as trouvé un squelette qui a le rythme dans la peau ! » (Call me when you find a skeleton with the beat!) |
Perle « Ces squelettes de monstres me fichent la chair de poule à chaque fois... » (Those monster bones give me goosebumps every time...) |
Coralie « C'est des dinosaures, pas des monstres. Et on dit « chair de poulpe », d'abord. » (Those are dinosaurs, not monsters. Also we say "octopusbumps".) |
Notes: It is a pun with poule ("chicken") and poulpe ("octopus"), that sound very close in French. | ||
Perle « Allez, Coralie. Dis-nous ce que tu sais au sujet du Blablatosaure Rex. » (Please, Marina. Tell us what you know about Blahblahsaurus Rex.) |
Coralie « Ce dino qui dévore les petites futées qui inventent des mots ? Il existe encore. » (That dinosaur that eats the funny girls who create new words? It still exists.) |
Perle « Les cumulogugus volent bas, et des précidigitations sont à prévoir... » (Cumulogugus are low, and precidigations are on the way...) |
Coralie « Non, sérieux, Perle... Laisse tomber la météo... » (For real, Pearl... Forget about weather news...) |
Perle « Un sol en verre... Pratique pour espionner l'adversaire en dessous ! » (A ground made of glass... Useful to discretely watch the opponents just below!) |
Coralie « C'est surtout pratique pour se faire repérer en plein espionnage... » (It's mostly useful for getting seen while you're watching...) |
Perle « On devrait écrire une chanson sur ce musée ! » (We should write a song about this museum!) |
Coralie « Pas bête ! Tout le monde adore les chansons sur les dinos ! » (Not bad! Everyone love songs about dinosaurs!) |
Perle « J'ai creusé un trou dans mon jardin tout à l'heure, et j'ai trouvé des vieux os ! » (I dug a hole in my yard just before, and I found ancient bones!) |
Coralie « Tomber sur un os, c'est une chose qui arrive quand on joue les archéologues... » (Finding bones is something that happens when you play archaeologist...) |
German quotes
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „Ich war noch nie bei Nacht in einem Museum! Tolle Atmosphäre!“ (I've never been to a museum at night! Great atmosphere!) |
Marina „Nachts haben sie sonst nicht offen, das ist jetzt nur fürs Splatfest!“ (They don't usually open at night, this is just for the Splatfest!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perla „Die Akustik hier ist fantastisch! Man ist überall zu hören!“ (The sound here is fantastic! You're heard everywhere!) |
Marina „Die Fossilien hier sind unbezahlbar, sei bitte vorsichtig mit deiner Stimme!“ (The fossils here are invaluable, please be careful with your voice!) |
Perla „Unglaublich, dass das echte Knochen von ausgestorbenen Tieren sind!“ (Unbelievable that they have real bones of extinct animals!) |
Marina „Unglaublich ist eher, dass man dort wirklich kämpfen darf.“ (Unbelievable they let people battle there.) |
Perla „Die Fossilien wären ein echter Hingucker in einem Musikvideo, oder?“ (These fossils would be a hit in a music video, right?) |
Marina „Am besten wäre es natürlich, wenn es Musikantenknochen wären, hihi.“ (It would be perfect if they were musician's bones, hihi.) |
Notes: Marina's line is a pun on the literal meaning of Musikantenknochen ("funny bone"). | ||
Perla „Diese Monsterknochen hauen mich immer wieder um!“ (These monster bones amaze me every time!) |
Marina „Das sind Dinosaurier und keine Monster. Aber ja, die hauen einen um!“ (That's dinosaurs, not monsters. But yes, they are amazing!) |
Perla „Hier ein Überblick über die Geschichte dieser Einrichtung! Marina?“ (Now an overview of this institute's history! Marina?) |
Marina „Was, wie? Ich?“ (What, huh? Me?) |
Perla „Heute wird es sonnig, leicht bewölkt, mit Schauern. Und Schnee.“ (Today it will be sunny, slightly cloudy, with rain. And snow.) |
Marina „Eins davon wird wohl am Ende stimmen.“ (One of these has to be right.) |
Perla „Auf der Glasdecke läuft man wie auf Luft!“ (Walking on the glass roof is like walking on air!) |
Marina „Ganz schön unheimlich, wenn man die Leute unter einem sieht...“ (It's so creepy seeing the people below you...) |
Perla „Wir müssen uns einen Song für das Museum einfallen lassen.“ (We gotta think of a song for the museum.) |
Marina „Gute Idee! Die Leute lieben Songs über Fossilien!“ (Good idea! People love songs about fossils!) |
Perla „Ich habe ja neulich in meinem Garten auch ein paar alte Knochen gefunden!“ (The other day, I found some old bones in my garden too!) |
Marina „Bist du sicher, dass das nicht nur ein paar Fischgräten sind?“ (Are you sure that's not just some fish bones?) |
Italian quotes
Alga's dialogue | Nori's dialogue | Region |
Alga «Non ero mai stata prima a un'apertura notturna di un museo. Che meraviglia!» (I've never been at a museum night opening before. Wonderful!) |
Nori «Di solito di sera è chiuso, ma stavolta hanno fatto un'eccezione per il festival!» (Generally it's closed at night, but this time they made an exception for the Splatfest!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Alga «L'acustica qui è spettacolare! Senti come risuona la mia voce. LA-LA-LAAA!» (The acoustics here are spectacular! Listen how my voice echoes. LA-LA-LAAA!) |
Nori «Eh, già. La tua voce romperebbe anche fossili di milioni di anni...» (Yeah, right. Your voice would even break million-year old fossils…) |
Alga «Tutte queste ossa appartenevano ad animali di milioni di anni fa. Pazzesco!» (All those bones belonged to animals from millions of years ago. That's crazy!) |
Nori «Eh, già. Ancora non mi spiego come ci permettano di combattere qui dentro.» (Yeah, right. I still don't understand how can they allow us to battle in here.) |
Alga «Non sarebbe mitilico girare un video qua dentro per il nostro prossimo singolo?» (Wouldn't it be fantastic to shoot a video in here for our next single?) |
Nori «Perché no?! Dedicato ai... dinosauri del rock!» (Why not?! Dedicated to… the dinosaurs of rock!) |
Alga «I fossili di questi mostri mi mettono i brividi ogni volta che li vedo.» (The fossils of these monsters make me quake every time I see them.) |
Nori «Ma quali mostri? Sono dinosauri!» (What monsters? They're dinosaurs!) |
Alga «Cari aspolpatori, ora Nori ci parlerà un po' del famoso Splattosaurus Rex.» (Dear octo-listeners, now Marina will talk a bit about the famous Splattosaurus Rex.) |
Nori «Come? Cosa? Ehm... Vediamo... lo splattosauro era... ehm... preistorico!» (How? What? Erm… Let's see… the Splattosaur was… um… prehistoric!) |
Alga «Si prevede una giornata soleggiata, con sporadiche ondate di... colore!» (Today will be a sunny day, with sporadic… color waves!) |
Nori «Adesso fa anche le previsioni del tempo...» (Now she also does the forecast…) |
Alga «Il pavimento di vetro è una genialata! È come camminare nel cielo!» (The glass floor is genius! It's like walking in the sky!) |
Nori «A me fa un po' paura invece...» (It scares me a bit instead…) |
Alga «Dobbiamo scrivere una canzone su questo museo. Viva i dinosauri!» (We should write a song about this museum. Long live dinosaurs!) |
Nori «Ottima idea! I nostri piccoli aspolpatori adorano quei lucertoloni!» (Great idea! Our little octo-listeners love those big lizards!) |
Alga «Oggi ho scavato un po' nel mio giardino e ci ho trovato dei fossili!» (Today I dug a bit in my garden and found some fossils!) |
Nori «Alga, te l'ho già detto, le lische di pesce non sono fossili!» (Pearl, I've already told you fish bones are not fossils!) |
Russian quotes
Жемчик's dialogue | Мариша's dialogue | Region |
Жемчик «Я первый раз ночью в музее! Атмосфера просто потрясная!» (It's my first time at the museum at night! The atmosphere is just amazing!) |
Мариша «Обычно ночью музей закрыт, но они сделали исключение для Сплатфеста!» (Usually the museum is closed at night, but they made an exception for Splatfest!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Жемчик «Акустика здесь сногсшибательная! Так и тянет заорать! Ы-Ы-Ы!!!» (The acoustics here is amazing! I'm just tempted to scream! YE-E-E!!!) |
Мариша «Не перестарайся, Жемчик, а то будет как на «Калюрмале»...» (Don't overdo it, Pearl, otherwise it'll be like at «Squijurmala»...) |
Notes: "Калюрмала" "Kalyurmala" comes from кальмар kal'mar ("squid") and Юрмала Yurmala (Jurmala, a short name for "Jurmala Young Pop Singer Competition" that was hosted in Jūrmala, a city in Latvia, every year during 1986-1993). | ||
Жемчик «Эх! Прямо не верится, что эти чудища существовали!» (Ah! I can't believe these monsters even existed!) |
Мариша «Ага... тут даже биться как-то жутковато...» (Yeah... it's even kinda scary to battle here...) |
Жемчик «Мариша, а может, снять всех этих страхолюдин в новом клипе?» (Marina, maybe we should use all these scary monsters in a new music video?) |
Мариша «Раз плюхнуть! Наши фанаты просто окаменеют!» (Easy splat! Our fans will totally get petrified!) |
Жемчик «Эти монстры сносят мне крышу. Каждый раз выпадаю в осадок.» (These monsters are blowing my mind. I just get petrified every time.) |
Мариша «Э, это не монстры, а динозавры... И это скорее они в осадок выпали.» (Hey, those aren't monsters, they're dinosaurs... And it's rather they who got petrified.) |
Жемчик «Блиц-опрос! Мариша, а ну-ка назови 50 видов динозавров!» (Blitz poll! Сome on, Marina, name 50 types of dinosaurs!) |
Мариша «Подожди, почему я?!» (Wait, why me?!) |
Жемчик «Сегодня будет солнечно, облачно, будет лить дождь и сыпать снег!» (Today it'll be sunny, cloudy, it'll rain and snow!) |
Мариша «Да тебе в Гидрометцентре работать надо. Точь-в-точь.» (You just have to work at the Hydrometeorological Center. Exactly the same.) |
Жемчик «Через прозрачный купол можно видеть все, что творится внизу.» (You can see everything that's happening below through the transparent dome.) |
Мариша «Да, но не забывай, что и тебя все отлично видят.» (Yes, but don't forget that everyone can see you perfectly as well.) |
Жемчик «Надо придумать какую-нибудь песню про этот музей!» (We need to come up with some song about this museum!) |
Мариша «Точно! Мальки любят динозавров!» (Right! Small fries love dinosaurs!) |
Жемчик «Кстати, я снова нашла у себя во дворе какие-то странные кости!» (By the way, I found some strange bones in my yard again!) |
Мариша «Покажи их Пушкину. Он же старый динозавр, может, что знает.» (Show them to Sheldon. He's an old dinosaur after all, maybe he knows something.) |
Spanish quotes
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla «¡Los museos y galerías molan mucho más con ambientación nocturna!» |
Marina «Menos mal que han ampliado su horario especialmente para el festival.» |
NOE[note 1] |
Perla «¡La acústica de este sitio es increíble! ¡Eco! ¡ECOOO!» (The acoustics in this place are amazing! Echo! ECHOOO!) |
Marina «¡Baja la voz, Perla! Vas a... romper los fósiles... o algo.» (Lower your voice, Pearl! You're gonna... break the fossils... or something.) |
Perla «Cuando combato aquí, me encanta gritar con todas mis fuerzas. ¡Eco, ecooo!» (When I battle here, I love shouting with all my might. Echo, echooo!) |
Marina «¡Pero Perla! A ver si vas a hacer estallar esos fósiles con tus berridos...» (Pearl! You might shatter those fossils with your howls!) |
Perla «¡Parece mentira que todos esos huesos provengan de seres históricos!» (That all of these bones come from ancient beings feels like a lie!) |
Marina «Por eso me extraña que nos dejen combatir aquí.» (That's why it surprised me that they let us battle here.) |
Perla «Qué fijación tienen en este sitio con los huesos, ¿no?» (There's quite the fixation with bones in this place, huh?) |
Marina «Podríamos decir que este escenario es... un hueso duro de roer.» (We could say this stage is... a tough bone to crack.) |
Notes: In the European quote, the phrase un hueso duro de roer is similar to the idiom "a tough nut to crack." | ||
Perla «¡Tengo una idea! Deberíamos grabar un video con los fósiles bailando de fondo.» (I have an idea! We should record a video with the fossils dancing in the background.) |
Marina «¡SÍ! ¡Sí, sí, sí!» (YES! Yes, yes, yes!) |
Perla «¡Tengo una idea! Deberíamos grabar un vídeo con los fósiles bailando de fondo.» (I have an idea! We should record a video with the fossils dancing in the background.) |
Marina «¡Ya te digo! Estarían moviendo el esqueleto... literalmente.» (I'm telling you! They'd be moving their skeletons... literally.) |
Notes: In the European quote, the phrase mover el esqueleto is an idiom that means "to dance." | ||
Perla «Cada vez que vengo aquí me impresiona el tamaño de los monstruos.» (Every time I come here, the size of the monsters blow me away.) |
Marina «Son dinosaurios, no monsturos... Lo sabes, ¿verdad?» (They're dinosaurs, not monsters... You know that, right?) |
Perla «Buf, cada vez que lucho aquí me quedo flipada con el tamaño de los monstruos.» (Every time I fight here, I get amazed by the monsters' size.) |
Marina «Sabes que son dinosaurios, no monstruos... ¿verdad?» (You know these are dinosaurs, not monsters... right?) |
Perla «¡Marina! ¿Qué nos cuentas del temnodontosaurio?» (Marina! What will you tell us about the Temnodontosaurus?) |
Marina «¿Eh? ¿Cómo? ¿El qué?» (Huh? Excuse me? The what?) |
Perla «¡Marina! Háblanos un poco sobre el tiranosaurio rex, anda.» (Marina! Tell us something about the Tyrannosaurus Rex, please.) |
Marina «No sabía que me tocase dar clases de paleontología...» (I didn't know I had to give paleontology lessons...) |
Notes: In the American quote, the term temnodontosaurio fixes the spelling error that the English quote made, but also incorrectly uses the -saurio suffix that is rarely used for this species. | ||
Perla «Hoy tendremos un día soleado con riesgo de nubes y... nieve.» (Today we will have a sunny day with a chance of clouds and...snow.) |
Marina «Muy útiles tus pronósticos, Perla.» (Your forecasts are very helpful, Pearl.) |
Perla «Hoy tendremos un día soleado con riesgo de nubes y... nieve.» (Today we will have a sunny day with a chance of clouds and...snow.) |
Marina «¿En qué quedamos?» (Which is it?) |
Perla «El suelo de cristal me facina... ¡es como caminar sobre el aire!» (The glass floor fascinates me... it's like walking on air!) |
Marina «Es menos divertido cuando estás debajo y te entintan desde arriba» (It's less fun when you're below and they ink you from above.) |
Perla «El suelo de cristal me fascina... ¡es como caminar sobre el aire!» (The glass floor fascinates me... it's like walking on air!) |
Marina «No mola tanto cuando estás debajo y ves a los demás flotar sobre ti.» (It's not as cool when you're below and you see everyone else floating on top of you.) |
Perla «Creo que este sitio necesita su propia cancioncita. ¿Componemos una?» (I think that this place needs its own jingle. Shall we compose one?) |
Marina «¡Buena idea! Voy a ponerle rugidos de dinosaurios de fondo...» (Great idea! I'm gonna put dinosaur roars in the background...) |
Perla «Creo que este sitio necesita su propia sintonía. ¿Y si la componemos?» (I think this place needs its own theme song. How about we compose it?) |
Marina «¡Qué buena idea! Siempre es bueno reivindicar los fósiles un poco más.» (Great idea! It's always good to reinvigorate the fossils a bit more.) |
Perla «Hace poco me encontré unos huesos cuando excavaba en el jardín.» (Just recently, I found some bones when I was digging in my garden.) |
Marina «Serían huesos humanos. Los hay por todas partes.» (Those would be human bones. They are everywhere.) |
Perla «Hace poco me encontré unos huesos cuando excavaba en el jardín.» (I found some bones while I was digging in the my garden recently.) |
Marina «¿Seguro que no eran raspas de pescado?» (Are you sure those weren't fish backbones?) |
“ | The Shellendorf Institute is a prestigious museum that's been educating young Inklings for over 120 years. And it's now also a battle stage! While you're playing, please be careful to treat the exhibits with respect–especially the giant ancient fossil suspended from the ceiling.
We're a bit surprised that the museum agreed to host ink battles here, but maybe attendance has been down lately. I know you're excited, but hold your sea horses–they won't be opening their doors until January. |
” |
“ | This institute has valuable marine organisms and specimens on display, letting people learn about ancient times. One item on display is a "human" fossil discovered in a stratum from twelve thousand years ago, which is still shrouded in mystery. | ” |
“ | This institute was established 120 years ago, so even the building has historical value. The institute often holds large-scale rotating exhibitions. Its permanent exhibitions boast the largest collection of jewelry in the country, as well as the full-body "human" skeleton fossil. It draws in a large number of Inklings and is very popular. | ” |