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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Potty Training

The biggest new and events around the Ko house these days is potty training. I have to say, it has taken me completely off guard, totally motivated by Cameron wanting to wear underwear and Timo wanting a new train...and reinforced by stickers! (since it was totally unplanned, I had to use random stickers around the house and throw together a sticker chart for them)
It's been 5 days now and the kids are doing amazing! I'm so proud of them!! Cameron kept bugging me about wearing underwear so I told her she needed to peepee/poopoo in the potty she did. That was the last time she wore a diaper. I gave her a sticker and told her after 5 stickers she could wear underwear. Timo got so upset when she got a sticker...I told him that he had to pee pee in the potty to get a sticker too, so he sat on the potty and that was the last time he wore diapers. They both racked up 5 stickers by the afternoon and I pulled out the underwear. We had a few accidents the first two days but have been accident free for three days now. We're in only underwear during the day and pull ups (or under diapers as Cameron calls them) at night. I know, it's really early to think it's done, but I think we're off to a good start!

We stayed cooped up for two whole days...we drank a lot of liquids (to keep them peeing) and watched a lot of TV (to keep them in one room). Reading and eating were other potty time activities because it kept them on the potty for an extended period of time. It also helps to have potties all over the house...bathroom, living room, kitchen and bedroom. We try to never be more than a few steps away from a potty!

After two whole days of being inside, I took them outside to get a little fresh air and help me wash the car...potty in tow! I kept asking them every 5 min "anyone need to potty?" It was so warm out, we just stayed out there a while playing in the yard and enjoying the freedom on no pants! (notice Cameron is wearing a few different underwear....she had one accident and got water all over another pair but Timo did great in one pair the whole time!)

We made it to church and home on Sunday and even made it though our first park outing, all accident free...potty in tow, of course....
I'm so proud of the kids, they are even pooping in the potty like pros...but I'll spare you the pics of that! Way to go Timo and Cameron! I guess Mommy has to follow through with the new train like I promised...

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