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Terms & Conditions has listed its terms and conditions of use below. Please have a look at them with increased caution and attention. We also strongly recommend you to read the conditions listed in our Confidentiality Guidelines before utilizing our website for personal purposes.

  • If we say ‘website’, ‘site’, we presuppose
  • If we say ‘We’, ‘Us’, ‘Our’, we are talking about
  • The word ‘You’ applies to those of our clients who access the respective services and to those of our users who add new content to the site.
  • When we are saying ‘Agreement’, we presuppose the entire range of business conditions listed in these guidelines.
  • When you are surfing through our website or utilize any of the services provided at, you unconditionally agree to all listed Conditions of Business.

If you feel like something is wrong with any of the business conditions provided further, we strongly recommend you to refrain from further use of immediately. Our site has an indisputable right to add any amendments and changes to the following conditions whenever we feel appropriate.

Any modifications to the Conditions of Business can be implemented without making our clients aware of it. If you continue using our website, you will have to automatically agree upon all amendments made to the list of terms and conditions of use.

The following are the Conditions of Business that you accept when visiting

  1. Please perceive the entire scope of data availed on as that of an informative nature only. We refuse from taking responsibility for your behavior or actions that could have been affected by the data presented at This also refers to the kind of data you get via e-mail messages or newsletters from us. We recommend you never to perceive any data discovered on our website as lawful advice.
  2. does not belong to the group of mobile or web-based gambling-related websites. Therefore, we never transfer any monetary funds that are related to placing bets or wagers online.
  3. You agree to refrain from using any part of our site for illegal purposes. You also agree to adhere to the respective legal demands in place. You agree that we refrain from holding any responsibility for any damage caused by intermediary losses, statements, expenses, fees, damages or other liabilities that could be filed due to violation of our business conditions on your behalf.
  4. does not admit that the entire scope of information presented on our website is 100% true-to-life. And recommends its clients not to hurry but attentively read and confirm the portions of data they have read before referring to any particular choice. The reason behind the inability of the website to validate the accuracy of data to the fullest is because web-based casino spots regularly add new details and change their policies, bonuses, and promotions to stay competitive in the respective industry. This, together with the human error factor, obliges to give a warning regarding the truthfulness of the details available. We have full rights to add changes to the data on the website based exclusively on our discretion. And we hold no responsibility for making the website visitors aware of any changes in place. If you suffer any damage or are not satisfied with the policy of service provision at, we strongly recommend you to refrain from further use of our website. We do not agree to hold any personal obligations and responsibilities for direct or indirect fees, costs, financial punishments, or loss of their own funds.
  5. gives links to other online resources with an aim to provide our customers with extra portions of data. You agree to the fact that does not ensure the full accuracy of data discovered on any of these resources and our website will not hold any direct or indirect responsibility for the truthfulness of data availed on these sites. This indicates that any harm caused by your cooperation with these sites cannot be utilized in any way against our website.
  6. You also accept that does not hold any obligations for any potentially untruthful data that may be found on our site, whether directly or not. We are trying to guarantee that the entire scope of data presented on our site is fully accurate and trustworthy. Nevertheless, we cannot be 100% sure that all data is reliable and true-to-life because there exist plenty of intermediary websites related to And we cannot guarantee that these websites publish only authentic content.
  7. You are aware that any portion of data you submit via e-mail, forum activities, commenting, gambling-related reviewing, online slot reviewing, pictures or video resources will automatically turn into the rightful property of our site. It indicates that has all rights to duplicate, interpret, proofread, publish, and share all such portions of data without being obliged to pay any credits. also holds the right to publish the name that you have used while submitting the data. We hold rights to determine whether to use the name you submitted or not when publishing the provided data.
  8. You agree to any risk of using the data or external links presented at Please be reminded that gambling-driven activities are associated with diverse risks, and it is therefore important to be aware of the desirable limits and engage in such activities with full responsibility at any given time.
  9. refrains from recommending any real cash web-based gambling spots to American residents, and we do not avail any of such opportunities to the citizens of the US. Nevertheless, we recommend certain free-to-play web-based gambling sites that permit American citizens to go through registration and play with no extra charges. also recommends diverse web-based casino slots as well as holds partnership with free-to-play web-based casinos.
  10. You must identify whether web-based casino activities are legal in your country of residence and you are acquainted with the minimal age restrictions listed on You are fully responsible for making certain that you adhere to all web-based gaming legislations accepted in your country of residence, state or city where you live at the present time.