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After getting a new laptop, of all the distro's I've tried, Q4OS is the only distro that works out of the box without too many hick-ups. It's a relatively fast distro, easy install, based on the stabel Debian bookworm repo's . 2 flavours (plasma & trinity) but how easy they make it to install another desktop! I've installed XFCE fast and without any problems. And of course, the S4 Snapshot software.... How easy to make a live usb of your personal install and transfer it to other computer or let others explore this great distro. Now, if only it was rolling.... Then I would put an extra star here. ;-)
I have tried all Linux distributions. "Q4OS 5.5 Aquarius" is by far the best (for me).
It's clearly the first Linux distribution who decided me to switch from windows to linux for all my computers. I don't know why q4os is so much underrated given the quality of the product, as it's clearly on the top of the offer now at my opinion. I tried a LOT of distributions because I'm curious, but there was always something that was a no-no for me. Yeah, there's a lot of distributions with bells and whistles, which I really dislike, too much apps pre installed, too much things decided for you... On the other hand, there are a lot of "light" distributions, but in this case there was always too much work for me to have a decent desktop ready for work. Q4OS has the right balance.It just works, with all the tools needed, it's not bloated, it's stable and it is easily customizable. It's perfect for old computers, but perfect too for modern computers.
I have to admit I’m not a typical Linux fan. I’m only into Linux because Microsoft is annoying me. I like stuff to just work and do what I used to do on Microsoft software. For this purpose Q4OS is perfect. I could switch over without any problem. MS Windows and MS Office have become a memory. All my software is free now, but I like Q4OS so much that I pay them a monthly donation.
Perfect OS for my 4g Toshiba laptop.
AMAZING!!!! i have a GMA (Graphics Media Accelerator) and tbh plasma worked better than trinity with this GMA (im not saying trinity is bad but the GMA is the problem here) if you have a GMA you HAVE to install this OS, you will never regret it!!! especially the plasma version.
Pretty much great for a low end device. Recommend trinity for the best experience if you do not have resources enough to run plasma desktop as it's very very lightweight and uses very few of cpu and ram than plasma. Works pretty great on my 2010 laptop that had windows 7 and would recommend it for old hardware. Again, there're more other lightweight distro but this worth trying considering it's underrated.
Does not work on btrfs. Thanks Jim
One of the most underrated Linux distros! Solid and stable as a rock, fast like a bullet train! Its a must try!
5 Star All Stars! I will stick my neck out here and say that this is he best Linux distro I have *ever* tried! And since 1995... I have tried *a lot*!!! It's really quick and solid. Everything just works. And the support forums are great for getting answers to anything that is not out of the box. Just can't fault it. I made another donation today as I want this one to stick around a *long time!* Kudos to Q4OS Team - you guys Rock!!!
With a computer which have PS/2 connectors, don't recognize USB keyboard and ISO is not a live CD. What a pity !
Just install it today. 17/07/2022 - will see how I go with it.
I have tried several different linux projects. This one is perfect and I will use it and support it in the future. I use windowsfx on old macs and they work like new.
I am a new user. I looked for the Linux distro running on the old laptop. I have used other linux distributions. Since they could not open the programs quickly, I looked for a new one. I think I found it. I installed and tried it three times. SUMMARY: Q4OS is absolutely fast. Thanks.
I've been using Q4OS for a few months now, the KDE version and it works great! I think this is the best Debian-based distro I've ever used! Highly recommended for new and experienced users as well.
Compact and fast, pleasant GUI, simple installation. This is a dream
I have played with this os for years. I tend to use the best tool for what project I am working on. Q4OS is the best 32 bit / 64 bit integration environment for me. I use peppermint 9 64 primarily but I am seeking a smaller 32 bit footprint. Until I find it, I am sticking with Q4OS.
Bom o projeto funcionar bem na minha raspberry 3b+plus
very usable project
Nice spartan GUI, modern technologies, and sure no viruses for this OS.
I am loving this distribution with the Trinity Desktop Environment as it feature. I also like I can install other DE as well if I like to. I know that it not very well popular to know Trinity is lighter than XFCE. I am so excited with the XPQ4 theme for Q4OS, and the Bourbon menu that gives XPQ4 theme an XP feel to the theme. Having Dolphin as your main file browser is a plus, I learned to create short cuts for the Applications and Setting as booked marked in konqueror. I just installed LibreOffice 6 to my Q4OS Scorpion, and it took really well, no problems. So, yah, deb packages for Debian Stretch install nice and easly. Other Debian package I have installed are Skype, Etcher, Google Chrome, Master PDF Editor, MoneyDance, OnlyOffice, Opera, Projectlibre, and Mobile Media Converter 1.8.5 with the static ffmpeg. With a full install, I believe this is a great Linux for a beginner because of the XPQ4 theme of look and feel. The Bourbon menu helps too. Everything works out of the box, even with a 64 bit install of Firefox playing Netflix is a big plus! With Q4OS being in the top 50 to date, it is there, a new user of Linux could learn to install Debian package easly from the Q4OS forums, so there is much support over their. A new user can learn to customize the panel to launch applications, to understand the notifications, and multi-task open windows just as if in an MS Window environment. My only thing with Q4OS, is theming isn't easy as I expected liked I learned in LXDE or XFCE type DE. Other than that I am liking Q4OS a lot. Keep up the good work Q4OS team.
As close to looking like XP as you can get as well as a nice search feature. All the nostalgia AND all the security. Simple easy and fun to use. I have installed it on my work machine. I like Zorin, but this is a slimline OS without sacrificing the features. Great for people who are used to XP or have trouble with using computers. 5 STARS!
This really is an excellent distro for low-spec 32bit machines! I used the XPQ4 plug-in on a friend's PC to ease his transission to linux ("I'm used to XP, I like it, and I don't want to change!"). Highly recommended!
My favorite distro, Excellent work!