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Friday, 28 October 2022

Holy Fawn

Holy Fawn are a four-piece post-rock/shoegaze band from Phoenix, Arizona that began in 2015. Since then, they've released two full-lengths and a few EP's/singles. Sonically, they play a dark and expansive take on post-rock that's simultaneously foreboding and ethereal, with shimmering tremolos and hard-hitting riffs. They reach immaculately heavy crescendos with walls of distortion and reverb, while the driving rhythm section give them a real energy and urgency, with soft vocals splashed against the background of the noise. Fans of bands including Slow Crush, Greet Death, Nothing, Deafheaven or Cloakroom should absolutely give this a listen if you haven't already. Enjoy.

1. Can We Lie Here?
2. Colossus
3. Amulet
4. Foal
5. Glóandi
6. Lo

1. Dark Stone
2. Arrows
3. Drag Me Into The Woods
4. Yawning
5. Seer
6. Two Waves
7. Take Me With You
8. Vespertine
9. Same Blood
10. Sleep Tongue

1. The Maze (Manchester Orchestra cover)

1. hf:LHPN/seer/REF2.alt

1. Candy
2. Tethered
3. Blood Pact

1. Hexsewn
2. Death Is A Relief
3. Lift Your Head
4. Empty Vials
5. Amaranthine
6. Dimensional Bleed
7. Sightless
8. Void Of Light
9. True Loss
10. Blood Memory

Ed Gein

Ed Gein was an American interior designer were a three-piece grindcore/hardcore band from Syracuse, New York that formed in 2001 before amicably breaking up in 2018. Its members reconvened shortly thereafter to form Shadow Snakes, a new project that veered away from the legacy of their former band. Sonically, Ed Gein were chaotic and discordant while remaining distincly rhythmic, with throat-shredding vocals and heavy, trebly riffs. Fans of bands such as The Number Twelve Looks Like You. Heavy Heavy Low Low, or As The Sun Sets will definitely find something to love here, even if those aren't exact comparisons. Despite their lengthy tenure, their release schedule was pretty sporadic. With only three-full lengths, two EP's and a demo, it doesn't take long to get through their entire discography. If you're looking for somewhere to start out, It's A Shame... is probably their most mathy/grindy, while Bad Luck is the closest they get to straight-up hardcore, so depending on your tastes either of those might interest you most, though Judas Goats & Dieseleaters is also a good option with less polarity. Enjoy.

1. Bathed In Orange
2. Score One For Team Bitch
3. Willie Loman

1. You Suck At Life... And I'm Not Talking About The Board Game
2. The Marlboro Man Is A Douche Bag
3. A Way To Kill Old People
4. Nice Shoes... Wanna Fuck?
5. I Wish You The Best
6. And By Best I Mean Worst
7. Beating A Dead Horse
8. What Is This Monstrosity?!

1. Robert Flaig
2. Small Towns, Small Minds
3. Killing A Co-Worker
4. Pee Wee Herman/Paul Reubens
5. We're Drowning In It
6. Amen
7. Christianity As Foreign Policy
8. United Ninety Three
9. Bastard
10. A Conflict Of Interest
11. The Wool Is Pulled
12. Guilty As Charged
13. This Ends Now
14. Breed (Nirvana cover)

1. Intro
2. Wage Slave
3. The Wraith
4. Bullet Dodger
5. Captain Shit
6. Into The Fire
7. She Creeps
8. Moth Collection (Into The Freezer)
9. The Spectacle
10. VIP's
11. Wasted Life

1. The Legion
2. Build A Wall Around D.C.
3. Tarrare
4. Dragged
5. Like Rain

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

The Locust

The Locust are a four-piece hardcore?/grindcore?/powerviolence?/noise rock? band from San Diego California, that began in 1994. Since then, they've become one of extreme music's most unique and reputable sources for off-the-wall, outside-the-box sonic bizareness, with theatric live performances and insane recordings. Following a few line-up changes in their earliest incarnation, the band's roster settled with some very familiar figures in the world of hardcore. This includes vocalist/bassist Justin Pearson (Swing Kids, Struggle, Some Girls, Holy Molar, Head Wound City, Retox, Dead Cross) and guitarist-turned-drummer Gabe Serbian (Cattle Decapitation, Holy Molar, Head Wound City), who unfortunately died earlier this year. The band was rounded out by guitarist/vocalist and founding member Bobby Bray, alongside keyboardist/vocalist Joey Karam.

To try and even describe The Locust is an insurmountable task, and one not even worth really attempting. Think minute-long bursts of unhinged chaos at breakneck speeds with disconerting rhythms, and even that doesn't do it justice. They evolved and changed quickly as a unit, pumping out three full-lengths and a whole wack of other material in just a few short years. For a quick guide, the majority of their discography can be found on the 2012 compilation Molecular Genetics From The Gold Standard Labs. Between that, Plague Soundscapes, New Erections, and their splits with Jenny Piccolo and Man Is The Bastard, you've covered most of your bases. If you're new to them, I'd suggest starting with Plague Soundscapes, and diving further into the rabbit hole from there. Enjoy.

1. Man Is The Bastard - Margin For Disintegration
2. Man Is The Bastard - War
3. Man Is The Bastard - Prayer From Another Land
4. Man Is The Bastard - Robotic Anenomi
5. Man Is The Bastard - Cave Water Rings
6. Man Is The Bastard - A Periscope's Demise By Torpedo
7. Man Is The Bastard - Rocket Brain Failure
8. Man Is The Bastard - Ward Of Knives
9. Man Is The Bastard - Lunatic Hunting People
10. Man Is The Bastard - Pluto's Winter
11. Man Is The Bastard - Jupiter's Autumn
12. Man Is The Bastard - Katlehong Journal (An Update)
13. The Locust - Ass Gravity
14. The Locust - Futile Agreement
15. The Locust - Sever The Toe
16. The Locust - Emaciation Fuckers
17. The Locust - Red
18. The Locust - Inbred America
19. The Locust - Hellos
20. The Locust - Personal History
21. The Locust - Keep Off The Tracks

1. The Locust - Follow The Flock, Step In Shit
2. The Locust - Coffin Nails
3. Jenny Piccolo - Labor Day '92
4. Jenny Piccolo - Six
5. Jenny Piccolo - Hand That Feeds
6. Jenny Piccolo - One Year

1. Halfway To A Worthless Ideal Arrangement (An Interlude To A Discontinued Sarcastic Harmony... Yea Whatever)
2. Prepare To Qualify
3. Kill Rodger Hedgecock
4. Pain Reliever
5. Off By A Long Shot
6. Cattle Mutilation
7. #99
8. Head Hits Concrete
9. Hairspray Supository

1. Moth-Eaten Deer Head
2. Brand New Set Of Teeth
3. How To Build A Pessimistic Lie Detector
4. Nice Tranquil Thumb In Mouth
5. Dog Without A Collar (Run Over Red Rover)
6. The Perils Of Believing In Round Squares
7. Normal Run Of The Muck (Compensation For Conversation)
8. Stucco Obelisks Labeled As Trees
9. Straight From The Horses Mouth
10. An Extra Piece Of Dead Meat
11. Twenty-Three Full -Time Cowboys
12. Backbones Of Jack Asses
13. Fixed Companionship, Ghost Town Irrationality
14. Skin Graft At Seventy-Five Miles Per Hour
15. High-Maintenance Libido, Bring The Whole Family
16. Well I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle
17. Halfway To A Worthless Ideal Arrangement (An Interlude To A Discontinued Sarcastic Harmony Yea Whatever)
18. Kill Roger Hedgecock

1. The Locust - Get Off The Cross, The Wood Is Needed
2. The Locust - Wet Nurse Syndrome Hand-Me-Down Display Case
3. The Locust - This Is Radio Surgery
4. The Locust - Spitting In The Faces Of Fools As A Source Of Nutrition
5. The Locust - Sever The Toes
6. Arab On Radar - Three Meals Away From A Crack Whore
7. Arab On Radar - Piggin In The Pumpkin Patch

1. Well I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle
2. Well I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle (Bastard Noise Remix)
3. Well I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle (Wizards of War Remix)
4. Well I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle (Christoph De Babalon Remix)
5. Well I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle (Sinking Body Remix)
6. Well I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle (Kid606 Remix)
7. Well I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle (I Am Spoonbender Remix)

1. Gluing Carpet To Your Genitals Does Not Make You A Cantaloupe
2. Turning Your Merchandise Into A Ripped Wall Of Mini-Abs
3. Bring Your 65 Italian Carbine
4. Alas Here Come The Hypochondriacs To Wait With You In The Lobby
5. Siphoning Projectiles During Selective Amnesia
6. Get Off The Cross, The Wood Is Needed
7. Wet Nurse Syndrome Hand-Me-Down Display Case
8. This Is Radio Surgery
9. Spitting In The Faces Of Fools As A Source Of Nutrition
10. Sever The Toes
11. Flight Of The Wounded Locust

1. The Locust - How to Become a Virgin
2. The Locust - Who Wants a Dose of the Clap?
3. The Locust - Twenty‐Three Lubed‐Up Schizophrenics With Delusions of Grandeur
4. The Locust - Priest With the Sexually‐Transmitted Diseases Get Out of My Bed
5. The Locust - The Half‐Eaten Sausage Would Like to See You in His Office
6. Melt-Banana - Too Rough to Scoop (Find a Grain of Greed)
7. Melt-Banana - Creeps in a White Cake

1. Recyclable Body Fluids In Human Form
2. Identity Exchange Program Rectum Return Policy
3. Solar Panel Asses
4. Live From The Russian Compound
5. Earwax Halo Manufactured For The Champion In All Of us
6. Wet Dream War Machine
7. Listen, The Mighty Ear Is Here
8. Who Wants A Dose Of The Clap?
9. Teenage Mustache
10. How To Become A Virgin
11. Anything Jesus Does I Can Do Better
12. Late For A Double Date With A Pile Of Atoms In The Water Closet
13. File Under 'Soft Core Seizures'
14. Practiced Hatred (Crossed Out cover)
15. Psst! Is That A Halfie In Your Pants?
16. The Half-Eaten Sausage Would Like To See You In His Office
17. Pulling The Christmas Pig By The Wrong Pairs Of Ears
18. Can We Please Get Another Nail in The Coffin Of Culture Theft?
19. Your Mantel Disguised As A Psychic Sasquatch
20. Twenty-Three Lubed Up Schizophrenics With Delusions Of Grandeur
21. Captain Gaydar It's Time To Wind Your Clock Again
22. Priest With The Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Get Out Of My Bed
23. Pickup Truck Full Of Forty Minutes

1. Follow The Flock, Step In Shit
2. Coffin Nails
3. Red

1. Armless And Overactive / Invented Organs
2. One Decent Leg / Immune System Overtime

2. We Have Reached An Official Verdict: Nobody Gives A Shit
3. The Unwilling... Led By The Unqualified... Doing The Unnecessary... For The Ungrateful...
4. One Manometer Away From Mutually Assured Relocation
5. Full Frontal Obscurity
6. Scavenger, Invader
7. Hot Tubs Full Of Brand New Fuel
8. God Wants Us All To Work In Factories
9. Book Of Bot
10. Slum Service (Slyed On The Sly)
11. Tower Of Mammal

1. How To Become A Virgin
2. The Half-Eaten Sausage Would Like To See You In His Office
3. Kill Roger Hedgecock
4. Straight From The Horse's Mouth
5. Moth-Eater Deer Head
6. Priests With The Sexually-Transmitted Diseases, Get Out Of My Bed
7. Cattle Mutilation
8. Perils Of Believing In Round Squares
9. Twenty-Three Lubed-Up Schizophrenics With Delusions Of Grandeur
10. Stucco Obelisks Labeled As Trees
11. Skin Graft At Seventy-Five Miles An Hour
12. Get Off The Cross, The Wood Is Needed
13. Who Wants A Donse Of The Clap
14. Wet Nurse Syndrome (Hand Me Down Display Case)
15. Gluing Carpet To Your Genitals Does Not Make You Cantaloupe
16. Twenty-Three Full-Time Cowboys

1. How To Become A Virgin
2. Who Wants A Dose Of The Clap?
3. Twenty-Three Lubed Up Schizophrenics With Delusions Of Granduer
4. Priests With The Sexually Transmitted Diseases Get Out Of My Bed
5. The Half-Eaten Sausage Would Like To See You In His Office
6. Perils Of Believing In Round Squares
7. Flash's Theme
8. Gluing Carpet To Your Genitals Does Not Make You Cantaloupe
9. Turning Your Merchandise Into A Ripped Wall Of Mini-Abs
10. Bring Your 6.5 Italian Carbine
11. Alas, Here Come The Hypochondriacs To Wait With You In The Lobby
12. Siphoning Projectiles During Selective Amnesia
13. Flight Of The Wounded Locust
14. Get Off The Cross, The Wood Is Needed
15. Wet Nurse Syndrome Hand-Me-Down Display Case
16. This Is Radio Surgery
17. Spitting In The Faces Of Fools As A Source Of Nutrition
18. Sever The Toes
19. Well I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle
20. Moth-Eaten Deer Head
21. Brand New Set Of Teeth
22. How To Build A Pessimistic Lie Detector
23. Nice Tranquil Thumb in Mouth
24. Dog Without A Collar (Run Over Red Rover)
25. Normal Run Of The Muck (Compensation For Conversation)
26. Stucco Obelisks Labeled As Trees
27. Straight From The Horse's Mouth
28. An Extra Piece Of Dead Meat
29. Twenty-Three Full-Time Cowboys
30. Backbones Of Jack Asses
31. Fixed Companionship, Ghost Town Irrationality
32. Skin Graft At Seventy-Five Miles Per Hour
33. High-Maintenance Libido, Bring The Whole Family
34. Halfway To A Worthless Ideal Arrangement (An Interlude To A Discontinued Sarcastic Harmony... Yea Whatever)
35. Kill Rodger Hedgecock
36. Hairspray Suppository
37. Cattle Mutilation
38. Prepare To Qualify
39. Pain Reliever
40. Off By A Long Shot
41. Head Hits Concrete
42. Ass Gravity
43. Keep Off The Tracks
44. #99