(Dis)abling practices and theories?: exploring chronic illness in disability studiesHanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, Hisayo Katsui, Janice McLaughlinDec 1, 201719(1): 1-6DownloadPDF (US English)XML (US English)Dec 1, 201719(1): 1-6
Towards a tinkering participatory research method in mental healthOlav Tangvald-Pedersen, Rob BongaardtAug 1, 201719(1): 7-17DownloadPDF (US English)XML (US English)Aug 1, 201719(1): 7-17
The inclusion of people with hepatitis C within disability studiesHeather Mack, Ian PaylorSep 1, 201719(1): 18-33DownloadPDF (US English)XML (US English)Sep 1, 201719(1): 18-33
The negative effects of oppression in the recovery processAnn-Charlott Timander, Anders Möller, Larry DavidsonJul 1, 201719(1): 34-44DownloadPDF (US English)XML (US English)Jul 1, 201719(1): 34-44
The clinical gaze – ascribed gender(ed) identities in a mental health service contextElisabeth OlinAug 1, 201719(1): 45-55DownloadPDF (US English)XML (US English)Aug 1, 201719(1): 45-55
Norwegian rehabilitation policies and the coordination reform’s effect: a critical discourse analysisAnne-Stine B. Røberg, Marte Feiring, Grace I. RomslandJun 1, 201719(1): 56-68DownloadPDF (US English)XML (US English)Jun 1, 201719(1): 56-68
Identity and social challenges for persons with bleeding disorders: a gender and sex comparative approachPlata S. Diesen, Lisbet GrutOct 1, 201719(1): 65-77DownloadPDF (US English)XML (US English)Oct 1, 201719(1): 65-77