Oceanus Systems – So Fresh, So Clean Water Since 2023

Welcome Water Enthusiasts,

We are Oceanus Systems, creators of the Trident water quality testing device. We serve a diverse customer base, ranging from health-conscious families and professionals to environmental scientists and businesses. This multifunctional device tests the 8 most important measures of water quality: pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, turbidity, hardness, alkalinity, and chloride levels. With a focus on simplicity we aim to deliver information to you, the valued customer, by developing a downloadable application that translates complex statistical data into something that anyone can appreciate!

We also aspire to build a community that values high quality H2O, and we believe we can do that by providing education on water quality. Also, through our network of partners we’d like to be able to serve those whose water isn’t living up to their standards. We appreciate your ongoing support and we can ensure you we will be bringing in tons of professionals from areas like water & computer science to build the duo of our physical device and application to be stronger than Oceanus himself.