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In this study, it was aimed to investigate the attitude of students on web based and mobile learning systems. Independent two groups were formed among the chosen 89 students using simple random method. The students were to use the... more
Modern technological developments lead a change not only ın the social and economic lives of the countries but also in the education policies along with the techniques using in the teaching-learning environments. Distance education, which... more
Along with the improvement of the technology, computers have been integrated into educational settings to engage learners in meaningful learning. The use of computers in education has generated a new approach in language teaching;... more
U-Learning (ubiquitous learning) is the ultimate step of e-learning and mobile learning situations in the current technology based teaching-learning environments. It was first introduced by Weiser (1980) and then it has appeared as a tool... more
This study aimed to investigate the effect of portfolios on developing writing skills among 52 Turkish undergraduate learners in ESP classes. This study was carried out on two groups – experimental and control groups-each of which... more
(ÖZ) Corporations have many diverse forms of communications with other companies and within the corporation. One of these forms is e-mail and writing an e-mail has some criteria in formal formats. The e-mail should be clear, specific for... more
(ÖZ) There are numerous ways of teaching grammar implicitly. Implicit learning and teaching processes are one of the preferred ways to enable an effective teaching learning environment. In this study, the chosen method is " pictogram ". A... more
Öz Eğitim pek çok farklı katılımcısı olan çok yüzlü bir sistemdir. Bu sistemin katılımcıları sadece insanlar değil, aynı zamanda politik ve ekonomik elemanlardır. Bilgi kaynağı olarak artık öğretmenler değil akıllı teknolojiye sahip... more
Öz Günlük hayatımızı çevreleyen pek çok basılı grafik tasarım ürünü bulunmaktadır. Bu ürünlerin üretimi ve tasarımı ağırlıklı olarak bilgisayar ortamlarında ve dijital platformlarda yapılmaktadır. Bu bilgisayar programlarının en... more
Bilgi; öğrenme, araştırma ve gözlem yoluyla edilen düşünce ürünüdür. Tarih boyunca insanlar edindikleri bilgiyi aktarma ihtiyacı duymuşlardır. Özellikle 18. yüzyılda sanayi
After two devastating world wars, humanity witnessed the collapse of all of their facts, values and judgments one by one that had been accepted as absolute truth. However, this destruction did not mean the disappearance of everything that... more
The term death is one of the most crucial terms for the entire world from the beginning of the history; while in the previous centuries it had been discussed through a religious perspective, as time progresses and civilisations develop;... more
The aim of this dissertation is to present the expression of truth throughout history with the help of Julian Barnes’s works which include personal, biographical and official histories by blurring the lines between fact and fiction.... more
Imperialism, a political system in which colonies are ruled from an empire center primarily for economic reasons, dates back to the fifteenth century. In the eighteenth century, the need for raw materials that emerged with the industrial... more
In the twentieth century, traditional stabilities of society, religion and culture seemed to have weakened. While modernity challenged conventional ways of human experience, a change of pace had been accelerating in many aspects of the... more
The literary genre detective fiction has been famous among readers throughout the centuries. In the nineteenth century, it gained a reputation with Edgar Allan Poe and after him, the characteristics of the classic detective fiction were... more
The twentieth century was a period of change, with two world wars and ongoing developments in technology and industry that started in the previous century. Various effects of those developments were witnessed in different societies,... more