A mass attack for Artfight 2024 of which I’m hella proud.
My One Piece Got Skunked-AU OC May (she’s the adoptive daughter of Kid and Law~) with some skunk friends. <3
From left to right:
Meadow by @toko-in-the-90s
Wesley by Lyearch on Artfight
Ash by @flakops
Easley also by Lyearch
and May by me. :3
Aaaand… of course I would give those two skunk idiots a daughter. She’s so precious! <3
For everyone on artfight I’ll add her profile here:
This is the last entry for my Snailtober this year. ^^ I had a lot of fun doing this and was amazed at how many different designs I could come up with. (But I want to be honest: I’m a bit glad that it is over. x,D)
So - Happy Halloween everyone!
Snailtober 2017 30/31 - Sky Wings
Snailtober 2017 29/31 - Fiery Ink
Snailtober 2017 28/31 - Cyber Lights
I once was
I once was this little girl never interested in dolls.
I once was this little girl who would always be the father in role plays.
I once was this little girl secretly favouring it to be called “just like your dad” over “just like your mum.”
once was this little girl trying to talk to the boys. Never had I
figured it would matter so much to them that I am “only a girl who
doesn’t understand what we’re talking about.”
I once was this little girl having her first secret crushes on boys her age.
I once was this little girl never raised as a “typical girly” girl.
I once was this little girl whose favourite colour was blue instead of red. Because all the girls liked red.
I once was this little girl who knew exactly that she wasn’t like the other girls.
I once was this little girl who was the shy one.
I once was this little girl in her dinosaur phase.
I once was this little girl who was just a little wild, adventurous girl. Not your average girl, but certainly a girl.
Snailtober 2017 27/31 - Green Ink
Snailtober 2017 26/31 - Blue Ink
Snailtober 2017 25/31 - Red Ink
Snailtober 2017 24/31 - Embroidered Colors
Snailtober 2017 23/31 - Blue Crosses
Snailtober 2017 22/31 - Savannah Stripes