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Make a donation

We are the charity that saves lives at sea. Will you help us today, to save someone’s tomorrow?

If you get in trouble at sea, the RNLI will be there to save you. But they can’t do it without your help. Every day, thousands of volunteer lifesavers are ready to answer the call to rescue.

They are willing to risk their lives to save the lives of a total stranger. To do this, they need fuel for their lifeboat. Equipment to keep them warm and focused. And training to ensure they have the lifesaving skills they need to be ready.

people helped
in 2019
lifeboat launches
in 2019
lives saved
since 1824

By making a donation, you will be powering our lifesavers in everything they do. When they are battling the roughest of seas, launching in the dead of night, or simply racing against time to save someone, you will be there right beside them.

Every donation you make will help us save lives at sea. Thank you.

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Size Guide

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