Views: 156051
Submissions: 432
Favs: 28981
Long ago, I was a DeviantArt contributor of tickle fetish stuff of Sonic, Disney, Video Game, Mario, Zelda and other nostalgia properties. Then all that changed when the anti-tickle fetish admins attacked.
Now I'm here to rebuild and do the art I can do here and my other art sites without fear of restrictions.
Additional Links:
Discord: alexiaNBC2323
Now I'm here to rebuild and do the art I can do here and my other art sites without fear of restrictions.
Additional Links:
Discord: alexiaNBC2323
Comments Earned: 2612
Comments Made: 1524
Journals: 10
Comments Made: 1524
Journals: 10
Recent Journal
Sonic 3 trailer 🤩
5 months ago
The trailer finally arrives and it's epic as Hell!!!
The animation is flawless. The voice acting for Shadow. The many callbacks to SA 2, Shadow the Hedgehog game, and other moments of the franchise!
This is going to be GREAT!!!!
The animation is flawless. The voice acting for Shadow. The many callbacks to SA 2, Shadow the Hedgehog game, and other moments of the franchise!
This is going to be GREAT!!!!
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Favorite Music
Anything but Rap and Hip Hop; Daft Punk favorite band
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
The Shape of Water, Secret of NIMH, and The Big Lebowski
Favorite Games
Sonic the Hedgehog series, Chrono Trigger, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Favorite Animals
all animals but humans