Stolen fursuit.
Posted 8 months agoSometime within the last 3 weeks, though probably in the last week or so, my storage unit was broke into and nearly everything stolen from it, including my fursuit Woodwind amongst other things.
Never really posted any pics of him on my FA page, but this is a good photo of what he looks like:
I know I don't have many followers, but if anyone happens to see this suit for sale or otherwise out and about, I'd appreciate a note here, or I can be contacted on Telegram at:
I'm quite heartbroken at this, I had nearly everything I owned in there, including all of my slides/negatives and other photographs I have taken over the years as well as hard drives that had all my digital photos on them.
While I have insurance, it's not going to cover the cost of replacing everything. I had quite a few retired Lego sets, other collectables and retro videos games and systems that at this point are prohibitively expensive to replace, including the same ones I used to play with as a kid. Also all my watchmaking/repair tools along with quite a few pocket watches in various stages of repair.
Thanks, everyone.
Never really posted any pics of him on my FA page, but this is a good photo of what he looks like:
I know I don't have many followers, but if anyone happens to see this suit for sale or otherwise out and about, I'd appreciate a note here, or I can be contacted on Telegram at:
I'm quite heartbroken at this, I had nearly everything I owned in there, including all of my slides/negatives and other photographs I have taken over the years as well as hard drives that had all my digital photos on them.
While I have insurance, it's not going to cover the cost of replacing everything. I had quite a few retired Lego sets, other collectables and retro videos games and systems that at this point are prohibitively expensive to replace, including the same ones I used to play with as a kid. Also all my watchmaking/repair tools along with quite a few pocket watches in various stages of repair.
Thanks, everyone.
Artist and dear friend in need of help
Posted 12 years agoOne of my oldest friends
atsumori999 has fallen on hard times and is asking for some help paying bills and such. He's a great friend who has been with me through thick and thin, and is not one to ask for handouts, though he will be posting some arts from a portfolio if he meets his goal as well as opening up some comission slots.
Details can be read here:
So go check it out and throw your monies at the screen!
Details can be read here:
So go check it out and throw your monies at the screen!
Rainfurrest meme
Posted 13 years ago1. Will you be attending?
Nah, I'm just doing this meme to fuck with people....OF COURSE I will be going! :)
2. Staying at:
The Calrion
3. Arrival and Departure:
Will definately be there Saturday and Sunday, not sure about Thursday and Friday yet.
4. Mode of transportation
By car
5. Rooming with:
Pinkberry and his mate
6. Con Plans:
Nothing specific, wandering around mostly, checking out the dealer's den, ect. Also showing off my new fursuit :)
7: How can I find you?
Either wandering around, will have a camera with me. Or in my pterosaur fursuit
8. Do you do free art?
Sure....if you don't mind stick figure art :p Will otherwise be more than happy to take photos :)
9. Do you have prints/Cds?
Nope, see above
10. Will you be fursuiting? if so: What suit(s)?
Hells yeah I will. Will be in my new pterosaur fursuit
11. Will you be going to parties?
Nothing planned and not invited to any, but we'll see
12. Will you be performing?
Yes! Will be doing the Timewarp from RHPS at the Furry Variety show with
razzylee and others
13. Smoke?
Smoking hot maybe! But no
14. Drink
Do not drink alcohol
15. Gender
16. Can I hug you?
Sure, espicially if I'm in suit!
17. Can I talk to you?
18. Will you be at any panels?
Probabily, not sure which ones
19. Can I touch you?
Hugging is considered a form of touching, so yes
20. Can I buy you drinks?
Don't drink anything alcoholic, but things like soda and coffee(espicially coffee!) are fine :)
21. How old are you?
22. Can I snuggle with you?
Probabily wouldn't mind it :)
23. If you're pissed off, should I approach you?
I don't get angry easily, and if I was, a friend or some random fur who wanted to approach and be nice would probabily cheer me up :)
24. Are you nice?
I think I least that what others have told me...
25. Cliquey?
26. How tall?
27. Can I Take pictures of you?
Not really all that photogenic in person, but feel free to take some of me in suit! :)
28. Will you get anything commissioned?
Not sure yet
29. How can I get your attention?
Dolph, birdie, feathers...or just flailing franticly
30. Can I ask you to dance at the raves?
I don't dance very good, but sure!
Nah, I'm just doing this meme to fuck with people....OF COURSE I will be going! :)
2. Staying at:
The Calrion
3. Arrival and Departure:
Will definately be there Saturday and Sunday, not sure about Thursday and Friday yet.
4. Mode of transportation
By car
5. Rooming with:
Pinkberry and his mate
6. Con Plans:
Nothing specific, wandering around mostly, checking out the dealer's den, ect. Also showing off my new fursuit :)
7: How can I find you?
Either wandering around, will have a camera with me. Or in my pterosaur fursuit
8. Do you do free art?
Sure....if you don't mind stick figure art :p Will otherwise be more than happy to take photos :)
9. Do you have prints/Cds?
Nope, see above
10. Will you be fursuiting? if so: What suit(s)?
Hells yeah I will. Will be in my new pterosaur fursuit
11. Will you be going to parties?
Nothing planned and not invited to any, but we'll see
12. Will you be performing?
Yes! Will be doing the Timewarp from RHPS at the Furry Variety show with
13. Smoke?
Smoking hot maybe! But no
14. Drink
Do not drink alcohol
15. Gender
16. Can I hug you?
Sure, espicially if I'm in suit!
17. Can I talk to you?
18. Will you be at any panels?
Probabily, not sure which ones
19. Can I touch you?
Hugging is considered a form of touching, so yes
20. Can I buy you drinks?
Don't drink anything alcoholic, but things like soda and coffee(espicially coffee!) are fine :)
21. How old are you?
22. Can I snuggle with you?
Probabily wouldn't mind it :)
23. If you're pissed off, should I approach you?
I don't get angry easily, and if I was, a friend or some random fur who wanted to approach and be nice would probabily cheer me up :)
24. Are you nice?
I think I least that what others have told me...
25. Cliquey?
26. How tall?
27. Can I Take pictures of you?
Not really all that photogenic in person, but feel free to take some of me in suit! :)
28. Will you get anything commissioned?
Not sure yet
29. How can I get your attention?
Dolph, birdie, feathers...or just flailing franticly
30. Can I ask you to dance at the raves?
I don't dance very good, but sure!
First 10 to reply get featured-
Posted 13 years agoThe first 10 artists who comment on this journal will be featured here, along with three submissions chosen from their gallery by myself.
If you answer, you'll have to do the same in your journal, putting me on the first place, completing the list with 10 other people. The idea of this is not to get a free feature, it is to spread art around for everyone.
Annubrius gets first dibs for featuring me.
If you answer, you'll have to do the same in your journal, putting me on the first place, completing the list with 10 other people. The idea of this is not to get a free feature, it is to spread art around for everyone.
Photos for sale to help with bills.
Posted 14 years agoNothing like being in a desperate situation to one to do something they have always talked about.
So on that note, I will now be offering my photos for sale. I lost my job 6 months ago, and only had enough money to suport myself for two months at most. Luckily my parrents have been kind enouigh to loan me money for bills, but they are starting to get fed up with it, and I honestly don't like asking for money from people. I have car payments, insurance, cellphone and credit card bills I need to keep up on and would very much like to be able to pay them myself.
I have set up a simple gallery which showcases the photos I have decided to sell at:
(note: I just quickly went through my photos to pick out the ones I thought were best, but haven't been able to do any corrections to them, so some may seem dark or bright, but will be corrected before being printed. If you have any questions about the quality of the image please note me and I will adjust it and email it to you for your approval)
Prints can either be made in a glossy or matt finish in either color or black & white and pricing will be as follows:
4x6 print: $5.00
5x7 print: $10.00
8x10 print: $20.00
If there are any other sizes(larger or smaller) that you would like, please cotact me for a quote.
These prices include shipping within the US, if you are outside of the US they may be higher.
Payments can be made either though paypal, money order or mailed check
To order, please view the gallery linked then either note me here or email me at with the filename of the image you want and your preferred method of payment. After payment has been received I will have the image printed and mailed out either the same day or next day. I check my email several times a day, so if I do not respond within 24 hours, I might not have received the email, so please send me a note here on FA.
I apolgize if the pricing seems a bit high to some, but I need to cover cost of printing and shipping while still making a profit.
If there are any more questions, please feel to note or email me.
Edit: changed my email address as my one does not seem to be working properly, so if anyony has emailed me previously, please send it to the new address listed, or note me here
So on that note, I will now be offering my photos for sale. I lost my job 6 months ago, and only had enough money to suport myself for two months at most. Luckily my parrents have been kind enouigh to loan me money for bills, but they are starting to get fed up with it, and I honestly don't like asking for money from people. I have car payments, insurance, cellphone and credit card bills I need to keep up on and would very much like to be able to pay them myself.
I have set up a simple gallery which showcases the photos I have decided to sell at:
(note: I just quickly went through my photos to pick out the ones I thought were best, but haven't been able to do any corrections to them, so some may seem dark or bright, but will be corrected before being printed. If you have any questions about the quality of the image please note me and I will adjust it and email it to you for your approval)
Prints can either be made in a glossy or matt finish in either color or black & white and pricing will be as follows:
4x6 print: $5.00
5x7 print: $10.00
8x10 print: $20.00
If there are any other sizes(larger or smaller) that you would like, please cotact me for a quote.
These prices include shipping within the US, if you are outside of the US they may be higher.
Payments can be made either though paypal, money order or mailed check
To order, please view the gallery linked then either note me here or email me at with the filename of the image you want and your preferred method of payment. After payment has been received I will have the image printed and mailed out either the same day or next day. I check my email several times a day, so if I do not respond within 24 hours, I might not have received the email, so please send me a note here on FA.
I apolgize if the pricing seems a bit high to some, but I need to cover cost of printing and shipping while still making a profit.
If there are any more questions, please feel to note or email me.
Edit: changed my email address as my one does not seem to be working properly, so if anyony has emailed me previously, please send it to the new address listed, or note me here
Yes/no meme
Posted 14 years agoEh, why not?
1. You can ONLY answer Yes or No .
2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages/comments you and asks.
3. It is harder than it looks, but NO explanations !!! You will want to... but don't!!!
Kissed any one of your Facebook friends? ---No
Been arrested? ---No
Kissed someone you didn't like? ---No
Slept in until 5 PM? ---Yes
Fallen asleep at work/school? ---Yes
Ran a red light? ---Yes
Been suspended from school? ---No
Experienced love at first sight? ---No
Totaled your car in an accident? ---No
Been fired from a job? ---No
Fired somebody? ---No
Sang karaoke? ---Yes
Pointed a gun at someone? ---Yes
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? ---Yes
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? ---No
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? ---Yes
Kissed in the rain? ---No
Had a close brush with death (your own)? ---No
Seen someone die? ---Yes
Played spin-the-bottle? ---No
Sang in the shower? ---Yes
Smoked a cigar? ---No
Sat on a rooftop? ---Yes
Taken pictures of yourself naked? ---Yes
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? ---No
Skipped school? ---Yes
Eaten a bug? ---Yes
Sleepwalked? ---No
Walked a moonlit beach? ---Yes
Ridden a motorcycle? ---No
Dumped someone? ---No
Forgotten your anniversary? ---No
Lied to avoid a ticket? ---No
Ridden on a helicopter? ---No
Shaved your head? ---Yes
Blacked out from drinking? ---No
Played a prank on someone? ---Yes
Hit a home run? ---No
Felt like killing someone? ---Yes
Cross-dressed? ---No
Been falling-down drunk? ---No
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? ---No
Eaten snake? ---Yes
Marched/Protested? ---No
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? ---Yes
Puked on amusement ride? ---No
Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? ---Yes
Been in a band? ---No
Knitted? ---No
Been on TV? ---Yes
Shot a gun? ---Yes
Skinny-dipped? ---No
Caused someone to need stitches? ---No
Ridden a surfboard? ---No
Drank straight from a liquor bottle? ---No
Had surgery? ---No
Streaked? ---No
Taken by ambulance to hospital? ---No
Passed out when not drinking? ---Yes
Peed on a bush? --- Yes
Donated Blood? ---No
Grabbed electric fence? ---No
Eaten alligator meat? ---Yes
Eaten cheesecake? ---Yes
Eaten kids' Halloween candy? ---Yes
Killed an animal when not hunting? ---Yes
Peed your pants in public? ---No
Written graffiti? ---No
Still love someone you shouldn't? ---No
Think about the future? ---Yes
Been in handcuffs? ---No
Believe in love? ---Yes
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? ---Yes
Feel free to ask about any of them
1. You can ONLY answer Yes or No .
2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages/comments you and asks.
3. It is harder than it looks, but NO explanations !!! You will want to... but don't!!!
Kissed any one of your Facebook friends? ---No
Been arrested? ---No
Kissed someone you didn't like? ---No
Slept in until 5 PM? ---Yes
Fallen asleep at work/school? ---Yes
Ran a red light? ---Yes
Been suspended from school? ---No
Experienced love at first sight? ---No
Totaled your car in an accident? ---No
Been fired from a job? ---No
Fired somebody? ---No
Sang karaoke? ---Yes
Pointed a gun at someone? ---Yes
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? ---Yes
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? ---No
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? ---Yes
Kissed in the rain? ---No
Had a close brush with death (your own)? ---No
Seen someone die? ---Yes
Played spin-the-bottle? ---No
Sang in the shower? ---Yes
Smoked a cigar? ---No
Sat on a rooftop? ---Yes
Taken pictures of yourself naked? ---Yes
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? ---No
Skipped school? ---Yes
Eaten a bug? ---Yes
Sleepwalked? ---No
Walked a moonlit beach? ---Yes
Ridden a motorcycle? ---No
Dumped someone? ---No
Forgotten your anniversary? ---No
Lied to avoid a ticket? ---No
Ridden on a helicopter? ---No
Shaved your head? ---Yes
Blacked out from drinking? ---No
Played a prank on someone? ---Yes
Hit a home run? ---No
Felt like killing someone? ---Yes
Cross-dressed? ---No
Been falling-down drunk? ---No
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? ---No
Eaten snake? ---Yes
Marched/Protested? ---No
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? ---Yes
Puked on amusement ride? ---No
Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? ---Yes
Been in a band? ---No
Knitted? ---No
Been on TV? ---Yes
Shot a gun? ---Yes
Skinny-dipped? ---No
Caused someone to need stitches? ---No
Ridden a surfboard? ---No
Drank straight from a liquor bottle? ---No
Had surgery? ---No
Streaked? ---No
Taken by ambulance to hospital? ---No
Passed out when not drinking? ---Yes
Peed on a bush? --- Yes
Donated Blood? ---No
Grabbed electric fence? ---No
Eaten alligator meat? ---Yes
Eaten cheesecake? ---Yes
Eaten kids' Halloween candy? ---Yes
Killed an animal when not hunting? ---Yes
Peed your pants in public? ---No
Written graffiti? ---No
Still love someone you shouldn't? ---No
Think about the future? ---Yes
Been in handcuffs? ---No
Believe in love? ---Yes
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? ---Yes
Feel free to ask about any of them
More pics, reduex
Posted 15 years agoWell, so much for the whole 'upload at least 1 pic a week' thing :p Imma lazy birdy
Kinda made up for it by uploading a bunch at once, and will try to work at uploading more often
Kinda made up for it by uploading a bunch at once, and will try to work at uploading more often
More pics
Posted 16 years agoSo yeah, decided I'm going to try to upload at least one new pic per week, having taken over 4000 photos over the last 3 years since I got my D-SLR I should have no shortage of things to upload, even though only a small fraction of those are any good :)
Sarvey Wildlife Care Center
Posted 16 years agoSo I guess I haven't said much about the 'center' itself, so here it is. As the subject implies, it's called the Sarvey Wildlife Care Center, and was founded in 1984 by Kaye Baxter and is located in Arlington, Washington State. We take in injured and orphaned wildlife and do our best to heal/raise them and of course our ultimate goal is to release them back into the wild. We are a 501c3 certified non-profit orginization, and run entirely off of donations and volunteers. We receive no state, local or federal funding aside from what the public donates to us.
I have been volunteering up there for a little over 5 years now, though with it being about 30 miles north of me, I can really only afford to go up once a week, though sometimes go up twice a week for programs and such. As well as rescuing and tending to injured/orphaned wildlife, we also do educational programs at schools, company picnics, festivals and so on. We have several non-releasable birds of prey we bring along, including eagles, hawks, falcons and owls. We try to educate the public about these birds, as well as encourage others take a more active role in conservation with the enviroment. We also have an educational building, which is were we house most of our educational birds, which is open to the public and offers a self guided tour where you can view the birds and take pictures.
We also run the only wildlife 'ambulance' in the state, and while we don't have the funding or manpower to go out and get every injured animal, as much as we would like to, we do use the ambulance to pick up animals from various dropoff points.
On July 4th, 2008, Kay Baxter, the founder of the center, lost her battle with cancer. During the many years she ran the center, she had to take out a mortage on the property to help pay the bills, and with her passing that mortage came due and for a while it seemed like we might loose the land the center is on. However, due to a large donation from a trust, who wishes to remain anonymus, we were able to pay off the mortage and buy the land the center is on so we can continue our work.
The website for the center is and includes links to pictures others have taken there, strories written by volunteers and recent news about the center, as well as a link to donate to the center.
I end in saying that I hope you will live with all of your relations, that includes the two legged, the four legged, the ones that fly, the ones that swim. The creepy crawlies and the tall ones, the trees.
I have been volunteering up there for a little over 5 years now, though with it being about 30 miles north of me, I can really only afford to go up once a week, though sometimes go up twice a week for programs and such. As well as rescuing and tending to injured/orphaned wildlife, we also do educational programs at schools, company picnics, festivals and so on. We have several non-releasable birds of prey we bring along, including eagles, hawks, falcons and owls. We try to educate the public about these birds, as well as encourage others take a more active role in conservation with the enviroment. We also have an educational building, which is were we house most of our educational birds, which is open to the public and offers a self guided tour where you can view the birds and take pictures.
We also run the only wildlife 'ambulance' in the state, and while we don't have the funding or manpower to go out and get every injured animal, as much as we would like to, we do use the ambulance to pick up animals from various dropoff points.
On July 4th, 2008, Kay Baxter, the founder of the center, lost her battle with cancer. During the many years she ran the center, she had to take out a mortage on the property to help pay the bills, and with her passing that mortage came due and for a while it seemed like we might loose the land the center is on. However, due to a large donation from a trust, who wishes to remain anonymus, we were able to pay off the mortage and buy the land the center is on so we can continue our work.
The website for the center is and includes links to pictures others have taken there, strories written by volunteers and recent news about the center, as well as a link to donate to the center.
I end in saying that I hope you will live with all of your relations, that includes the two legged, the four legged, the ones that fly, the ones that swim. The creepy crawlies and the tall ones, the trees.