- Elena of Avalor which recently premiered on Disney Channel (ASTRO Ch 615), introduces Disney’s latest Princess named Elena, a strong-willed and courageous teenager.
She fought an evil sorceress who attacked her family and was trapped inside an enchanted jewel for decades before she was freed. Now, after saving her kingdom at the tender age of 16, she is the Crown Princess of Avalor and rules with guidance from the Grand Council.
Despite going through many challenges in learning how to be a good ruler, Elena is decisive and fearless in standing up for herself and what she believes in. In addition to guidance from the Grand Council on ruling, Elena also has some special help in the form of Zuzo, her spirit guide; three flying jaquins (magical creatures that are part jaguar and part macaw; and a Sceptre of Light which has many powers that help Elena overcome magical and non-magical challenges.
Well…I have a princess at home too. Her name is Afriena. Beside eyeing my clothes and makeup, she shares similar values like Elena such as thoughtfulness, resilience, compassion and leadership.
thoughtfulness – she always offer herself to help me to do the simple house chores like washing dishes or set table for dinner. And .. it is so thoughtful of her whenever she say thank you to me for a delicious meal.
resilience – Even though she is so quite , but she is very protective towards her baby brother. And sometimes, she can be as fierce as tigress when she is in the sparring ring during Taekwondo Tournament. She also not afraid of trying new thing like hiking, rock climbing or diving.And she has a dream to be a National Taekwondo Fighter.
compassion – She loves animal so much especially cat. Feeding cats is her best practice :)
leadership – Not much in her…maybe one day. But she love kids so much. I mean her little cousin. She is so like kakak kakak playing tea time with them. Yeah sometimes Rayyan has to be her partner during tea time session. heheheh