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The paper challenges the traditional Christian interpretation of Peter’s vision in Acts 10:9–16. The text, in its biblical context, and together with related developments in early church history, point conclusively to a single... more
A textual analysis of the word diakrinō in Acts 11:12 was undertaken to establish whether the verse contradicts the theory that Jewish and Gentile believers in Jesus remain distinct in a theologically significant manner, as some English... more
Two contradictory views of the ‘one new man’ metaphor in Ephesians 2:15 are presented, one arguing that it denies any distinction between Jewish and Gentile Jesus-believers, and the other insisting that it confirms the theory of... more
Elements of the Jewish faith tradition, including Torah observance and other Jewish practice, appear to be increasingly common among believers in Jesus. This development is troubling many Christians who, for doctrinal and practical... more
This study examines Peter’s comment in Acts 15:9, that God made ‘no distinction’ between Gentile and Jewish Jesus-believers in purifying their hearts by faith, to determine whether the text teaches that the ecclesia is composed of an... more
Acts 15:30–28:31 is examined for evidence that either supports or invalidates the theory of intra-ecclesial Jew-Gentile distinction. Particular attention is given to Acts 21:17–26 which reflects the stance of Paul, James, and all the... more
In The Way of Life, Toby Janicki has authored a unique commentary on the Didache. Like the Didache itself, The Way of Life is written primarily for Messianic Gentiles and focuses on the practical application of Torah in their everyday... more
On présente ici deux perceptions contradictoires de la métaphore «un seul homme nouveau», en Ephésiens 2, 15, l'une soutenant qu'elle écarte toute distinction entre les croyants juifs et païens, et l'autre insistant sur le fait qu'elle... more