My bloodhunter cruor just be a little figure. They’re just a scrunkly fella 27 notes dnddigital artdungeons and dragonsartfantasydnd charactermedievaldnd artchangelingwerewolfbloodhuntershapeshiftersafirasartcruor
My Changeling Bloodhunter is getting a little design update because they’re figuring out their own identity a bit more and therefore deserve to slay harder than ever. I love them they are very baby core and I smooch them 22 notes dnddigital artdungeons and dragonsartfantasydnd charactermedievaldnd artchangelingshapeshifterwerewolfbloodhunteroccharacter designsafirasArtidk tagging art is difficult mancruor
My changeling is very normal core 20 notes dnddigital artdungeons and dragonsartfantasydnd charactermedievaldnd artchangelingwerewolfttrpganimation
Gave my changeling bloodhunter order of the lycan a little winter fit :> 32 notes dnddigital artdungeons and dragonsartfantasydnd charactermedievaldnd artchangelingwerewolfbloodhuntersafiras art
Still trying to get out of my artblock. So here’s the first fully rendered piece I’ve done in months.I am pretty happy with how it turned out. I wished I had taken a little more time for shading but my patience was starting to run low haha. 59 notes dnddigital artdungeons and dragonsartfantasydnd charactermedievaldnd artttrpgoriginal charactersnakebloodhunterwerewolfchangelingbuff ladybuff womanmuscle
New bloodhunter just dropped Have a sketch 29 notes dnddigital artdungeons and dragonsartfantasydnd charactermedievaldnd artwerewolf
Some “animated” dumbasses 18 notes gifanimationdnddnd charactershighelftrashwizardelfaasimarwerewolftieflingdrowdragonbornkoboldfigtherwizarddruidbardbarbarianDungeons and Dragonsdungeons and dragons artdnd animationoc rprp characterrp oc