धर्म एव हतो हन्ति धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः ।
तस्माद् धर्मो न हन्तव्यो मा नो धर्मो हतोऽवधीत् ॥ १५ ॥
dharma eva hato hanti dharmo raksati raksitah |
dharmo na hantavyo ma no dharmo hato vadhit || 15 ||
Justice, blighted, blights; and justice, preserved, preserves; hence justice should not be blighted, lest blighted justice blight us.
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Dharma destroys the destroyed;
Dharma protects the protected.
Therefore, Dharma does not destroy, nor Dharma can be destroyed.
Dharma - Dharm
Eva - used to emphasis
Dharm Eva - Dharma alone/Dharma indeed
Hato - Being killed/destroyed
Hanti - Kills/destroys
Dharmo - From Dharma
Raksati - To protect
Raksitah - The protected one
Tasmad - Hence/Therefore
Dharmo - From Dharma
Na - Not
Hantavyo - To kill/destroy
Ma - Do not
No - Nor
Dharmo - From Dharma
Hato - Being killed/destroyed
Vadhit - Killed