
How to Do Squats Correctly: Form Tips & Common Mistakes

Introduction Squats are a useful exercise that, when done properly, may increase your calorie burn, strengthen your core, help you avoid injuries, and enhance your posture and balance. One of the most basic and efficient workouts for developing lower body strength is the squat. They involve stabilizing muscles throughout the body, mainly targeting the quadriceps,…

How To Do Crunches The Right Way For Killer Abs

How To Do Crunches The Right Way For Killer Abs?

Crunches are a classic core exercise that targets the abdominal muscles. They involve lying on your back with knees bent and lifting your upper torso towards your knees using your abs, helping to strengthen and tone the core. What are the Crunches? The crunch is a traditional core workout. It focuses on strengthening your core,…

How to Do the Bird Dog Exercise for a Stronger Core

How To Do The Bird Dog Exercise For A Stronger Core?

Introduction While the bird dog is categorized as a core exercise, it stimulates a wide range of muscles (more on that later) and can support endurance and stability in many different body components. Bird Dog (Parsva Balasana) is also a yoga position. Bird dog is a bodyweight exercise that is done on all fours and…

How to Do Lunges for Stronger Legs and Core

How to Do Lunges for Stronger Legs & Core?

Introduction Lunges are a compound lower-body exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, while also engaging the core for stability. They can be performed in various forms, such as forward, reverse, walking, or lateral lunges, to improve strength, balance, and coordination. Lunges are commonly used in strength training, rehabilitation, and functional fitness routines….