- height
- I(New American Roget's College Thesaurus)Vertical sizeNouns1. height, altitude, elevation; eminence, pitch; loftiness, tallness, stature, prominence (see convexity); orogeny, orogenesis, orogenics, orography.2. (high place) mount[ain], cordillera, divide, range, saddle, steptoe, massif, nunatak, alp, palisade, pinnacle, piton, seamount; headland, foreland; promontory, ridge, hogback; dune; vantage ground; down; moor[land]; uplands, highlands; watershed, foothills; heights; knoll, hummock, hill[ock], cuesta, kopje, barrow, mound, knoll, bunker, mole, butte; steeps, bluff, cliff, krantz, crag, crest, tor, pike, esker, escarpment, edge, ledge, brae.3. (highest point) summit, top, vertex, apex, zenith, pinnacle, acme, peak, culmination; meridian; utmost height; capital; crown, point, crest, cap; hilltop, knap, mountain top; housetop, rooftop; head.4. (high building or space) tower, pillar, column, obelisk, monument, steeple, spire, minaret, campanile, turret, dome, cupola, pole, pikestaff, maypole, flagstaff; aerial, mast; topmast, topgallantmast, moonraker; skyscraper, high-rise; ceiling (see covering); derrick; attic, garret; balcony. Slang, Ethiopian paradise.5. colossus, giant (see size); mountain climber, mountaineer. Informal, beanpole, long drink of water, stringbean.Verbs — be high, tower, soar, command; hover, cap, culminate; mount, perch, surmount; cover, crown; overtop, top off (see superiority); stand on tiptoe; grow, upgrow, rise (see ascent); heighten, elevate (see elevation).Adjectives — high, elevated, eminent, exalted, lofty; tall; gigantic, towering, soaring, elevated, upper; highest, top[most], uppermost; capital, paramount; upland, hilly, mountainous, alpine, aerial; sky-high, tall as a steeple; long-legged or -limbed, rangy. Informal, high as a kite.Adverbs — on high, high up, aloft, up, above, aloof, overhead; in the clouds; on tiptoe, on stilts.Quotations — Happiness makes up in height what it lacks in length (Robert Frost).II(Roget's IV) n.1. [Altitude]Syn. altitude, elevation, extent upward, pitch, prominence, loftiness, highness, perpendicular distance, angular measurement, upright distance, tallness, stature; see also expanse , extent , length 2 .Ant. depth, breadth*, width.2. [Climax]3. [An eminence]Syn.- height refers to distance from bottom to top [ a figurine four inches in height] or to distance above a given level [ he dropped it from a height of ten feet ] ; altitude and elevation refer especially to distance above a given level (usually the surface of the earth) and generally connote Great distance [ the altitude of an airplane, the elevation of a mountain ] ; stature refers especially to the height of a human being standing erect [ he was short in stature]III(Roget's 3 Superthesaurus) n.1. altitude elevation, tallness, highness, loftiness.2. top, climax crest, crowning point, acme, zenith, high point, limit, peak, summit, pinnacle, apex, culmination.IV(Roget's Thesaurus II) noun 1. The distance of something from a given level: altitude, elevation. See HIGH. 2. The highest point: apex, cap, crest, crown, peak, roof, summit, top, vertex. See HIGH. 3. The highest point or state: acme, apex, apogee, climax, crest, crown, culmination, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, top, zenith. Informal: payoff. Medicine: fastigium. See HIGH.
English dictionary for students. 2013.