- Ascent
- (Roget's Thesaurus)
-->Motion upwards.<- NPARAG:Ascent->NGRP: \\ N \\ 1Sgm: \\ N \\ 1 \\ ascentascentascensionSgm: \\ N \\ 1 \\ risingrising&c. 309Sgm: \\ N \\ 1 \\ acclivityacclivityhill&c. 217Sgm: \\ N \\ 1 \\ flight of stepsflight of stepsflight of stairsSgm: \\ N \\ 1 \\ ladder rocketladder rocketlarkSgm: \\ N \\ 1 \\ sky rocketsky rocketsky larkSgm: \\ N \\ 1 \\ Alpine ClubAlpine ClubPARAG:Ascent->VGRP: \\ V \\ 1Sgm: \\ V \\ 1 \\ ascendascendrisemountariseupriseSgm: \\ V \\ 1 \\ go upgo upget upwork one's way upstart upSgm: \\ V \\ 1 \\ shoot upshoot upgo into orbitSgm: \\ V \\ 1 \\ aspireaspireGRP: \\ V \\ 2Sgm: \\ V \\ 2 \\ climbclimbclamberrampscrambleescaladesurmountSgm: \\ V \\ 2 \\ scalescalescale the heightsGRP: \\ V \\ 3Sgm: \\ V \\ 3 \\ go aloftgo aloftfly aloftSgm: \\ V \\ 3 \\ towertowersoartake offspring upSgm: \\ V \\ 3 \\ hoverhoverspireplaneswimfloatsurgeSgm: \\ V \\ 3 \\ leapleap&c. 309PARAG:Ascent->AdjGRP: \\ Adj \\ 1Sgm: \\ Adj \\ 1 \\ risingrising&c.->V.scandent|buoyantSgm: \\ Adj \\ 1 \\ supernatantsupernatantsuperfluitant|Sgm: \\ Adj \\ 1 \\ excelsiorexcelsiorPARAG:Ascent->AdvGRP: \\ Adv \\ 1Sgm: \\ Adv \\ 1 \\ uphilluphill
English dictionary for students. 2013.