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Pokemon Prism (MeBoy)

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Emulator Game / 2010 Summer Beta
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Pokemon Prism (MeBoy) Java-игра

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Who does not know pokemon prism? Since the release in, game creation koolboyman directly and do not have a lot of fans also wonder if this game creations awarded HACK OF THE YEAR 2007: Pokemon prism - First place winner hack of the year . koolboyman, who also had a successful Pokemon brown with his creation

Hope you enjoy this hack


Game starts

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- after coming out of the cave, continue the journey to the city capers. And proceed to Route 70 Route 70 - at the border gates you will be given a map - go to the house on the hill and you will be in order to beat your rival - back to the city capers caper city - go to the lab prof.ilk and you will be given Pokdex - go to the mart and buy some pokeball, potions and antidote - continue the journey north to the city Oxalis Oxalis city - go to the trainer rocky hall and defeat all the trainers, you will be given a Cyndaquil - go to the gym and beat josiah, you will get 1500, TM11-sunny day and Pyre badge - continue on to the north until you find the second cave. Go to the cave south. Before entering the cave make sure you bring a fire and electric type pokemon in party - browse through the cave until you find the first ladder. Climb down the ladder and look for 5 dynamite. Do not forget to beat 5 power ranger. - after getting 5 dynamite, back to the beginning and continue on up the stairs to the second. - browse through the cave until you find someone who will ask for 5 dynamite to blow up the rock blocking the way. note: if you speak on that person before seeking 5 dynamite, you will be given the item Ore. - items that can be in the cave include moon stone, escape rope, cigarette, super potions, TM17-protect and mining pic. - out of the cave and you will up in the city spurge Walkthrough by spurge city - here you can donate in exchange for a pokemon with another pokemon - get in the game corner coin case with purchase for 1000. - continue on to the north. The gym will be closed while then continue on to Heath village. Heath village - go into the woods and explore the forest until you find Rinji. Defeat Rinji and you will get 2,100, HM1-CUT and Nature badge. Teach a cut on one pokemonmu. - out of the woods and go to the health house and restore pokemonmu to pay 100 - went into a house where you will get TM37-Hiden POWER. - continue the journey south to capers city and move again towards Route 74 Route 74 - cut one tree and go east towards the city Laurel Laurel city - go to the gym then you will be required to find the missing Totodile. - continue the journey south to the forest on route 76 Forest - please butterfree to find his son. - go to a place where there Staryu and wartortle. Press the button near the tree berry then you can take a Giant rock. wartortle beat and you will get the soft sand. - cut trees on the east and explore the maze and you will find another Giant rock. - TM02-HEADBUT can be found here - go to the east side and the open road with 2 Giant rock throwing (talk to charmender). - go into the cave and talk Dapa one pokemon, he will destroy the rocks blocking the way. Search goanya by pressing the yellow button. You will get a coupon lab. - get into a house that is in front of him there charizard. Defeat 2 scientis then you will find the missing Totodile. - out of the woods and go to the gym. Defeat Brooklyn, you will get 2400, TM18-RainDance, Gulf badges and Totodile. - enter the cavern magicarp goanya and browse until you find grandfather on the edge of the lake. Talk to him and you will be changed into a Magikarp. Here you have to find the correct route to get to a room where there are grandparents who will open the forest road leading to the city torenia. And after that you will automatically exit the cave. - go to the forest and continue on to teronia city, but before I recommend to catch exeggcute. Torenia city - please go to the route 83 used to take poison barb. - back to the city and into the torenia a house to swap exeggcute to drifloon. - dibelakan magnet train you can find rare candy and pp up on the southwest side. - you can buy in pokemart TM8-ROCK SMASH. Teach rock smash on Pokemon in party. - pergy to psychic hall. Pay 5,000 to play, and you can get a variety of items and pokemon like Absol, Lombre, Luxio, Dratini, etc. - go to the magnet train and go to Rijon, you will arrive at the city botan Walkthrough by http:sambidoplang.heck. in Botan city - go to the pokemart and buy Super Repel 10 pieces or more. - go to the north and from here you can go to the grave. - browse goanya and you can get TM5-ROAR and Stardust. -to get the mansion key, you have to press A tombstone sequentially colored red, gray, blue, yellow, brown and purple. - if you've got the key, enter the mansion. Search the room and you will find a rare candy, 2 badrom key, spell tag and TM42. - find Gengar and he'll make a dream into a forest. Browse the forest until you find the door to new bark town. Talk to power ranger in the bottom corner so awakened from a dream. - out of the grave and went to the city torenia Torenia city - go to the gym and beat the gym leader and you will get a badge and TM35 Electron-SLEEP TALK. - continue the journey to the south until you find a home maker stone. Here you will get the sack sool. - continue to the south until you find someone who will tell you that the game will stop here until the final release versionnya. >>> Continued on the final version. Walkthrough by - -Tutorials finish -- Tutorials Indonesian pokemon prism V1.0 Author: Poketrainer ifin Copyright 2013 Sambidoplang Blog . All rights reserved. strictly forbidden to copy some or all of the contents of this tutorial without including the source link. Note: we pray just can namatin ya kang koolboyman game as soon as possible. And if you have questions about this tutorial please ask.

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