Posture Collar CorsetsMetal Collar NecklaceNeck ArmorCosplay CorsetCollar AestheticScale MaillePosture CollarMetal CollarNeck CorsetScales Classic neck corsetInterested in a custom piece?874
Posture CollarDaughter Of HadesNeck CorsetDc FashionGothic ChokersShoulder ArmorCollar BoneNeck ChokerNeck PieceInvertable High Posture Collar Boned Neck Corset Necklace | EtsyThis collar can be worn two ways .Zipper in the back or front.this collar is boned on the inside(structured) This gives a totally different and versatile look. Chrome cyber choker neck corset or necklace .Posture collar for steampunk fetish bdsm ,what ever purpose you feel happy with! Completely flexible and perfectly adapts to your neck and schoulders This is a completely handmade item, hand cut piece by piece and sewn one by one. This collar has a black zipper in the back for comfort.Its a…27
Posture TrainingCorset TattooPosture CollarNeck CorsetEdgy AccessoriesFairy ClothesLace TightsLeather CorsetCorset LingeriePosture TrainingGreen Silk and French Lace Posture Collar, Neck Corset55
Gothic Corset Belt With Boned Bodice For LarpOverbust Fitted Bodice For LarpPosture Collar CorsetsFitted Sleeveless Corset For LarpVintage Corset For LarpPosture CollarOdd FashionCorset PatternSteampunk CosplayMedical Halter Posture Collar by ElectraDesigns on DeviantArtMedical inspired halter posture collar in white coutil with mint green grosgrain ribbon contrast and fan lacing. Electra Designs July 2010 Medical Halter Posture Collar2
Neck Corset PatternCorset PatternsCheap CorsetMeme CostumePosture CollarCollar For WomenPurple CorsetCorset TrainingBias Tape MakerNeck Corset Pattern345
Posture CollarNeck CorsetLeather BraGothic ChokersCorset FashionGothic CorsetLeather CorsetLeather LingerieLeather HarnessPosture Collar158
Black Leather FashionPosture CollarCorset UnderbustHelmet HoodNeck CorsetOc ClothesLeather InspirationLeather MaskCostume FashionBlack Leather Fashionneck corset with buckles106
Posture Collar CorsetsPosture CollarFeminine InspirationFem FashionHobble SkirtLeather Dress WomenPose ArtCorset DressesStanding PosePosture Collar Corsets25
Goth Punk OutfitsWitch DemonDemon VampireMouth Mask DesignVisual Kei FashionWomens Thigh High BootsPosture CollarVampire FashionNeck CorsetSteampunk BrainstormsSince it is July, after all, my brain has now entered warp speed when it comes to Halloween-thinking. My yearly marker, when Michael's Craft Stores puts out their Halloween whatnots happened last week so now I can begin to indulge nearly 24/7 in Halloween. With that being said, my husband Jim and I have decided on our Halloween costumes since this year we are planning on going out on the Saturday before Halloween, Grown-Up Halloween (I already have a sitter lined up.) It will be the first…54
Catsuit OutfitPosture CollarWomen TiesCollars For WomenChoker CollarDark FashionCatsuitCorsetsE MailCatsuit Outfit68