Why Do People LieDont Lie QuotesLie To Me QuotesLie QuotesLies RelationshipLiar QuotesLies QuotesDont Lie To MePeople LieRelationship LiesRelationship Lies. Sometimes it's to protect the liar from being punished, or to protect someone else from punishment.2.2k
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Pathological LiarsCheater QuotesLiar QuotesLies QuotesBetrayal QuotesEmotional StabilityTaking Care Of YourselfBe AuthenticGreat PowerPathological LiarsSome people are liars. Yes, people will lie to you. People will lie on you. Lying is a maladaptive fear based response to perceived consequences. Children lie to avoid punishment or disappointing someone. Adults lie for the same reasons...and to manipulate situations so they can control them. Orloff said, "The great power of relationships is when you can tell the truth to one another, and trust each other, and be authentic — and with pathological liars you can't trust them.4.2k
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Issues QuotesLies QuotesTrust PeopleTrust QuotesTrust IssuesRelationship MemesPeople QuotesJust SayingTrue WordsQuotes about Trusting People (63 quotes)I have blind trust in people. Even if that ends up hurting me, I won't change. I will go on trusting people because that's the only way I know to love someone.830
Quotes About Lies PeoplePeople That Lie QuotesTruth And Lies QuotesAdulthood QuotesLazy People QuotesWhy People LiePeople Who LieAbout You QuotesDifferent Not LessBarb Schmidt - People lie to have control over you. People...People lie to have control over you. People lie to manipulate you. People lie because they are afraid they’re desires will not be met. If we’re being...10
Truth And Lies QuotesLiar QuotesLies QuotesTelling LiesQuotes StrengthTruth And LiesTruth QuotesWe The PeopleQuotes ThoughtsQuick, American ”news channels” are asleep. Upvote Politically ”neutral” wews stations in your country… - Funny2,980 points • 155 comments14
Friends That Lie To YouIf You Lie About Small ThingsIf You Can Lie About Small ThingsFriend Lies QuotesLies About Your CharacterLying To Your WifeOne Lie QuoteWhen You Lie To Someone You LoveDon't Lie Quotes RelationshipsFriends That Lie To YouIf someone is comfortable lying, they can lie about anything. #pyar #heartbreak #relationships2.2k
Integrity QuotesHonesty QuotesLies QuotesRespect QuotesQuotes SuccessTruth QuotesLesson QuotesLife Lesson QuotesTell The TruthRespect those who never hide the truth behind the lies | QuotesIntegrity Quotes, Honest People Quotes, Respect those who never hide the truth behind the lies.9.1k